. "Oracles are a type of lesser demon left over when the Prim receded, adapting to the new worlds created by Gan. These spirits are always trapped inside stone circles and in ancient times were fed human sacrifices. They can be of either gender and can give prophecies if you offer them sex. However this is extremely dangerous if the person wishing to hear prophecy is not well versed in the ways of demons; they will most likely have their soul devoured. They feed off khef although their favourite food is human desire. It is noted in the on-line game Discordia that a spirit of the departed can be summoned using Prophetic Jawbones and forced to act as an Oracle."@en . . "3"^^ . . . "Les Oracles (ou l\u2019Oracle) est dans la mythologie Grecque le rapport direct des membres de cette culture antique d\u2019avec leurs divinit\u00E9s. On appelait \u00AB Oracle \u00BB la r\u00E9ponse donn\u00E9e \u00E0 une question (portant souvent sur le Destin) d\u2019un Dieu \u00E0 celui la mandant et qui devait alors suivre les recommandations de l\u2019entit\u00E9. Cette pratique culturelle et cultuelle se pratiquait dans un lieu consacr\u00E9 et sacr\u00E9 \u00E0 cette m\u00EAme divinit\u00E9."@fr . . . . "7"^^ . "1"^^ . "The Minish Cap"@en . . "Oracles"@no . . . . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "The Oracles Din, Farore, and Nayru, from Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons"@en . . . "Oracles"@en . . "Demonoid"@en . "Les aventuriers qui les aident et deviennent r\u00E9v\u00E9r\u00E9 peuvent acheter un de leurs \u0153ufs."@fr . . . "The Oracles are a faction of several friendly gorloc tribes that inhabit Sholazar Basin. They see themselves as guardians of the titan technology that remains in the area (though they understand little of it). They find themselves in an escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe of wolvar. Many of the Oracles' leaders have the word \"Soo\" in their name. This may be a title, especially since Jaloot says that someday the adventurer can become \"Soo-Dryskin\" (dryskin is what the Oracles call most other races).[citation needed]"@en . . . . . "blue"@no . . . "Oracles are a type of lesser demon left over when the Prim receded, adapting to the new worlds created by Gan. These spirits are always trapped inside stone circles and in ancient times were fed human sacrifices. They can be of either gender and can give prophecies if you offer them sex. However this is extremely dangerous if the person wishing to hear prophecy is not well versed in the ways of demons; they will most likely have their soul devoured. They feed off khef although their favourite food is human desire."@en . "normal"@en . "Les aventuriers qui les aident et deviennent r\u00E9v\u00E9r\u00E9 peuvent acheter un de leurs \u0153ufs."@fr . . . . . . "5"^^ . . "B"@en . "Oracle of Ages"@en . "7"^^ . . . "Named after the oracles, people who were considered to have a connection with the gods and that could foresee events in the future."@en . . . "The Oracles are beings and places that can give prophecies in Greek mythology. Four of them are associated with the god Apollo. There are five of them."@en . . "The Oracles are a faction of several friendly gorloc tribes that inhabit Sholazar Basin. They see themselves as guardians of the titan technology that remains in the area (though they understand little of it). They find themselves in an escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe of wolvar. Many of the Oracles' leaders have the word \"Soo\" in their name. This may be a title, especially since Jaloot says that someday the adventurer can become \"Soo-Dryskin\" (dryskin is what the Oracles call most other races).[citation needed] Some of the Oracles refer to themselves individually as \"us\" or \"we\". This is likely a reference to Gollum from the Lord of the Rings trilogy who spoke of himself in the same manner. The character is introduced to the Oracles faction through the quest chain started by File:Neutral 15.png [76] The Part-time Hunter. (The character is first introduced to the Frenzyheart Tribe, then switched over to the Oracles.) The player may choose whether to align with the Oracles or the Frenzyheart Tribe through the quest File:Neutral 15.png [77G3] A Hero's Burden."@en . . "1"^^ . . . "Fire"@en . . . . . "8"^^ . . . "8"^^ . . . "Les Oracles (ou l\u2019Oracle) est dans la mythologie Grecque le rapport direct des membres de cette culture antique d\u2019avec leurs divinit\u00E9s. On appelait \u00AB Oracle \u00BB la r\u00E9ponse donn\u00E9e \u00E0 une question (portant souvent sur le Destin) d\u2019un Dieu \u00E0 celui la mandant et qui devait alors suivre les recommandations de l\u2019entit\u00E9. Cette pratique culturelle et cultuelle se pratiquait dans un lieu consacr\u00E9 et sacr\u00E9 \u00E0 cette m\u00EAme divinit\u00E9. Toutefois dans la pratique les Oracles peuvent aussi bien d\u00E9signer le Dieu lui-m\u00EAme, le lieu du culte rendu, la personne investie de la parole de cette divinit\u00E9 et enfin \u00E9galement l\u2019individu capable d\u2019interpr\u00E9ter les messages c\u00E9lestes. Ainsi nombres d\u2019Oracles ont des temples, des lieux saints, des for\u00EAts parfois, des sources aussi et autant de mani\u00E8re d\u2019interpr\u00E9ter les manifestations divines. En fait les Oracles sont l\u00E0 le moyen pour les Hommes d\u2019interroger leur Destin et d\u2019y trouver les signes pour le d\u00E9crypter. On trouve donc l\u00E0 une caract\u00E9ristique commune \u00E0 presque toutes les cultures polyth\u00E9istes, celle d\u2019interroger les puissances sup\u00E9rieures par l\u2019interm\u00E9diaire de rites pr\u00E9cis, de m\u00E9thodes de \u00AB divination \u00BB et de pratiques spirituelles. Dans la mythologie et l\u2019histoire, les cultes et oracles les plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bres sont ceux consacr\u00E9s \u00E0 Aphrodite, Apollon, Ath\u00E9na (le plus \u00AB technique \u00BB), l\u2019Oracle de Delphes (le plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bre), Dodone, Ga\u00EFa (le plus ancien) et Zeus (le plus commun). On peut \u00E9videmment y associer nombres autres divinit\u00E9s plus mineurs et entit\u00E9s incarn\u00E9es dans la foi de certains groupes les priant et mandant leurs oracles. Souvent on lisait les Oracles dans les entrailles d\u2019animaux (et parfois d\u2019\u00EAtres humains) sacrifi\u00E9s \u00E0 cet effet, mais pas seulement, d\u2019autres m\u00E9thodes plus simples ou naturelles \u00E9tant employ\u00E9es. La Pythie, une Proph\u00E9tesse lisant les Oracles, est particuli\u00E8rement mise en avant dans l\u2019Oracle de Delphes Cat\u00E9gorie:Civilisation Grecque"@fr . "Named after the oracles, people who were considered to have a connection with the gods and that could foresee events in the future."@en . "2"^^ . . "Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons"@en . "Gorloc"@en . "The Oracles are beings and places that can give prophecies in Greek mythology. Four of them are associated with the god Apollo. There are five of them."@en . "5"^^ . "4"^^ . "The Oracles"@en . . . "3"^^ . "4"^^ . . "Muscle Drink"@en . "* dette innholdet er et subjekt som kan forandres hele tiden.)"@no . "Oracle of Seasons"@en . . . "Oracles"@fr . . "The Oracles is a recurring group in the Legend of Zelda series. The Oracles are as follows; Din, Farore, and Nayru: the Oracles of Seasons, Secrets and Ages, respectively. The names of the Oracles are the same as the three Golden Goddesses who created the land of Hyrule. It is possible that all the descendants of the lines of Oracles are named in honor of the Golden Goddesses. It could also be that the Oracles are earthly embodiments of the goddesses."@en . . "Neutral"@en . "8"^^ . "Oracles"@en . . "10"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "The Oracles.jpg"@en . . "The Oracles is a recurring group in the Legend of Zelda series. The Oracles are as follows; Din, Farore, and Nayru: the Oracles of Seasons, Secrets and Ages, respectively. The names of the Oracles are the same as the three Golden Goddesses who created the land of Hyrule. It is possible that all the descendants of the lines of Oracles are named in honor of the Golden Goddesses. It could also be that the Oracles are earthly embodiments of the goddesses."@en . . "denne artikkelen om Wrath of the Lich King."@no . . . . . . "Zio\nTarunda\nRakunda\nFlee"@en . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . . .