"Cindy McCain's Original Cooking Kitchen"@en . "America's next First Lady, Cindy McCain is a world-renown chef and wine connoisseur. Everyone knows this. In fact, all her family recipes are online, some of which the Food Network has appropriated and are now going to get sued for. Nevertheless, Cindy wants to share all her knowledge about cooking and food and girlie kitchen stuff. Wikiality.com wants to help Cindy and every American woman improve her woman skills with this page, that will include every single family recipe from Cindy's family!"@en . . "America's next First Lady, Cindy McCain is a world-renown chef and wine connoisseur. Everyone knows this. In fact, all her family recipes are online, some of which the Food Network has appropriated and are now going to get sued for. Nevertheless, Cindy wants to share all her knowledge about cooking and food and girlie kitchen stuff. Wikiality.com wants to help Cindy and every American woman improve her woman skills with this page, that will include every single family recipe from Cindy's family! If you know of any recipe that you are certain Cindy McCain (or her family) had a hand in creating (or perfecting), please post them below."@en .