. . . . "The Barnum"@en . . . . . . "A trickster-philosopher who lives by pandering to people's greed and gullibility. Not only does he never feel guilty about it, he will be offended by suggestions that he stop. If people want to be tricked, who is he to say no? The true mark of The Barnum is how serene and happy he usually is, despite what he does every day. He's reached a cynic's nirvana. Compare the (usually adolescent) High School Hustler. Examples of The Barnum include:"@en . . . . . "A trickster-philosopher who lives by pandering to people's greed and gullibility. Not only does he never feel guilty about it, he will be offended by suggestions that he stop. If people want to be tricked, who is he to say no? The true mark of The Barnum is how serene and happy he usually is, despite what he does every day. He's reached a cynic's nirvana. Compare the (usually adolescent) High School Hustler. Examples of The Barnum include:"@en . . . .