"700100016002000"^^ . "GridMan.EXE"@en . . ""@en . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . "GridMan.EXE, known as FootMan.EXE (\u30D5\u30C3\u30C8\u30DE\u30F3 Futtoman?) in Japan, is a football based NetNavi operated by Mr. Famous in Mega Man Battle Network 5. He wears a football uniform and his attacks are football themed. He makes several cameo appearances in the animated series, but plays only a minor role."@en . . "GridMan.EXE, known as in Japan, is Mr. Famous' NetNavi in MegaMan Battle Network 5, the fourth and final Navi he uses. His armor is like a football equipment and as an attack, he throws footballs. His armor is red, but he can make yellow clones of himself which dash into enemies. The player NetBattle him and Mr. Famous to earn the GridMan.EXE Battle Chip. He is encountered on Oran Island with Mr. Famous."@en . "H. Aoki"@en . . . "FootMan.EXE"@en . "GridMan.EXE, known as in Japan, is Mr. Famous' NetNavi in MegaMan Battle Network 5, the fourth and final Navi he uses. His armor is like a football equipment and as an attack, he throws footballs. His armor is red, but he can make yellow clones of himself which dash into enemies. The player NetBattle him and Mr. Famous to earn the GridMan.EXE Battle Chip. He is encountered on Oran Island with Mr. Famous."@en . . "Futtoman"@en . "Bound Throw, Grid Tackle, Foot Mega Ball, Death Touchdown"@en . . . "GridMan.EXE, known as FootMan.EXE (\u30D5\u30C3\u30C8\u30DE\u30F3 Futtoman?) in Japan, is a football based NetNavi operated by Mr. Famous in Mega Man Battle Network 5. He wears a football uniform and his attacks are football themed. He makes several cameo appearances in the animated series, but plays only a minor role."@en . . . "#FFF"@en . . . "\u30D5\u30C3\u30C8\u30DE\u30F3"@en . . "GridMan.EXE"@en . .