. . . "Her son and getting what she wants for her son"@en . . "Mrs. Sugrue, old Sheelah, Widow Sugrue, witch"@en . . "\"Pony, me darlin'. Oh, you poor thing.\""@en . "Meddling, sneaky, stubborn, selfish, deceiving, mean, and caring"@en . "Gets admonished by her own son after being given a good beating by Michael at the pub."@en . "Sheelah Sugrue is Pony Sugrue's widowed mother and the secondary antagonist in Disney's Darby O'Gill and the Little People."@en . "Sheelah Sugrue is Pony Sugrue's widowed mother and the secondary antagonist in Disney's Darby O'Gill and the Little People."@en . "\"I knew you wouldn't refuse old Sheelah, and I knew you'd have rations and leavings, for there's little that's lacking here, unless 'twould be a man to cook for.\""@en . . "\"Your father is getting no younger, and when the time comes that he must step down... who else will there be but Pony Sugrue who can take his place?\""@en . "Old lady with white hair wearing a dress and a black veil"@en . . "Mr. Sugrue"@en . "Estelle Winwood"@en . . . "Darby O'Gill and the Little People"@en . "Sheelah Sugrue"@en . . "Darby O'Gill, Katie O'Gill, Michael MacBride, Lord Fitzpatrick, Tom Kerrigan, Molly Malloy, Father Murphy, and Paddy Scanlon"@en . "To make sure her son, Pony gets Michael's job as Lord Fitzpatrick's new caretaker and to make sure Katie marries Pony"@en . "Her son not getting Michael's job, her son drinking, Lord Fitzpatrick refusing to hire her son, Katie refusing to marry her son, her son hurt, and Darby's stories"@en . "Sheelah Sugrue"@en . "Rathcullen, Ireland"@en . "Bad"@en . .