"Dance of the Thrashing Dragon"@en . . . "Like trees, the Laughing Rainbows of the Thrashing Dragons Dharma rise out of the fertile ground and unite it with the raging sky. These Kuei-jin are as alive as the undead can be. Bursting with life-energy, the followers of the Green Way resemble the forces of nature - too powerful to be silenced, too vivid to be real. As far as they're concerned, creation is a rainbow - illusory, but too colourful to ignore. In its colours, they see the unity and symmetry of Heaven. The idea, as the Dragons see it, is to experience each of those colours as vividly as possible. As a result, Laughing Rainbows are in general messy and vulgar, indulging themselves with wild feasts and drunken orgies - celebrations that usually feature living \"entertainment,\" too. The lands of the Golden Courts hide Rainbow temples so infamous that even vampires avoid them. In their calmer moments, a Thrashing Dragon can be gentle and compassionate. Like wood, they grow tall and strong, yet bends before snapping. They nurture life, yet feed on it without remorse. Shunning society's restrictions, they explore life's lush infinities through martial arts and Tantric practices. Since life assumes ten thousand forms, most Thrashing Dragons master shapeshifting arts. The Thrashing Dragon way is highly animistic. Looking deep into nature, each Rainbow sees the spirits beneath life's skin, and they honor them with thanks, gifts and rites. Truly skilled Dragons can move beyond the Wall and speak to the spirits in their own tongue; a younger one simply recognises the kami and grants them respect. Thrashing Dragons are also known for their willingness to involve others in their lives. Life is not a solitary game - it requires lovers and rivals and romance and danger, if it is to keep the Thrashing Dragon on edge and awake. Such an exciting life requires a strong cast of supporting characters, and Thrashing Dragons as a group are perfectly willing to entangle others in their affairs. Among Kuei-jin and other shen, they typically observe decorum, since giving offence might lead to a duel or hard feelings."@en . "Like trees, the Laughing Rainbows of the Thrashing Dragons Dharma rise out of the fertile ground and unite it with the raging sky. These Kuei-jin are as alive as the undead can be. Bursting with life-energy, the followers of the Green Way resemble the forces of nature - too powerful to be silenced, too vivid to be real. As far as they're concerned, creation is a rainbow - illusory, but too colourful to ignore. In its colours, they see the unity and symmetry of Heaven. The idea, as the Dragons see it, is to experience each of those colours as vividly as possible. As a result, Laughing Rainbows are in general messy and vulgar, indulging themselves with wild feasts and drunken orgies - celebrations that usually feature living \"entertainment,\" too. The lands of the Golden Courts hide Rainbow t"@en .