. . . . "Service de S\u00E9curit\u00E9 Incendie Sainte-Foy"@en . "The Service Pr\u00E9vention des incendies de la Ville de Sainte-Foy ceased to exist as of January 1st 2002 with the amalgamation of the city of Sainte-Foy with the City of Qu\u00E9bec. Created in 1992, this department was a combination full-time / part-time department with 2 stations. Each station operated with full-time firefighters and part-time firefighters were called back in the event of larger fire or emergency situations. Before that time, the City of Sainte-Foy operated with policemen-firemen (policiers-pompiers)."@en . . "The Service Pr\u00E9vention des incendies de la Ville de Sainte-Foy ceased to exist as of January 1st 2002 with the amalgamation of the city of Sainte-Foy with the City of Qu\u00E9bec. Created in 1992, this department was a combination full-time / part-time department with 2 stations. Each station operated with full-time firefighters and part-time firefighters were called back in the event of larger fire or emergency situations. Before that time, the City of Sainte-Foy operated with policemen-firemen (policiers-pompiers)."@en . . . .