. "A Canoness is a veteran warrior of many hundreds of battles who has risen to her position through a combination of strong leadership, shrewd tactical genius, obedience and compliance with the Ecclesiarchy and above all, her sheer overarching faith in the God-Emperor. When the Adeptus Ministorum sounds the call to arms for a War of Faith, it is the Canoness who boldly leads her warriors into the fray, refusing to take one step backwards whilst her enemies still draw breath. Under the command of a Canoness, the Sisters of Battle have crushed the foes of the God-Emperor across the galaxy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A Canoness is a veteran warrior of many hundreds of battles who has risen to her position through a combination of strong leadership, shrewd tactical genius, obedience and compliance with the Ecclesiarchy and above all, her sheer overarching faith in the God-Emperor. When the Adeptus Ministorum sounds the call to arms for a War of Faith, it is the Canoness who boldly leads her warriors into the fray, refusing to take one step backwards whilst her enemies still draw breath. Under the command of a Canoness, the Sisters of Battle have crushed the foes of the God-Emperor across the galaxy. Though a Canoness is ostensibly answerable only to the Prioress of her Convent, her superior knowledge of warfare inevitably holds sway concerning matters military. The Canonesses are aided in their duties by their order's Palatines. Palatines are highly experienced and capable officers, from whose ranks the next Canoness will be drawn. As a guardian of her Battle-Sisters' souls, a Canoness is also responsible for the spiritual well-being of those under her command. A Canoness' non-military duties include leading the Order in its prayer services, performing rites of initiation and overseeing the running of the Order. As a result, a Canoness inspires intense devotion in her Battle-Sisters, leading them from the fore whilst reciting the great hymns of the Adeptus Ministorum. Members of the Adepta Sororitas can and do transfer from one Order to another, depending on their own unique skills and experience. In particular, a sister of an Order Militant may eventually transfer to a non-militant order in so that she can carry on the Emperor's work should age or injury render her a less effective warrior. Furthermore, it is not unheard of for a senior member of the Sisterhood to transfer to another Imperial organisation entirely; several Canonesses are known to have become Inquisitors, one become a Cardinal Palatine and one even became a Rogue Trader!"@en . . "Canoness"@en . .