. . "For Bruckner such mystique as his mysterious origins and might have created serve him well, enhancing the reputation his bloody record has inspired, sowing fear and apprehension in those that would face him in combat or scheme and plot behind the Countess Emmanuelle's back. Bruckner is however no general or war-leader, and has no talent or taste for such things, even if others would follow him - which is doubtful given the hatred his name engenders amid the burghers and lordly families of Nuln. Instead he is content to fight and kill at his mistress's command, and has lasted over a decade in his highly paid office, making him the longest serving Champion of Nuln in living memory.[1a] With the threat of Tamurkhan's host ravaging its way northward, Bruckner rode out with Nuln's army, as he had before, the huge and nearly uncontrollable astride the huge and nearly uncontrollable Demigryph 'Reaper' - itself a freakishly large example of its kind taken from Nuln's war-menagerie. At the Countess' command, Bruckner had taken an oath, sworn before the great council of the city to slay Tamurkhan for his crimes and despoliation against Wissenland, and at his mistress's insistence, he had taken with him a talisman of the Wizard, Elspeth von Draken, to protect him from the malign powers of the enemy - a decision that would have fateful consequences as events unfolded.[1a]"@en . "Theodore Bruckner"@en . . . "For Bruckner such mystique as his mysterious origins and might have created serve him well, enhancing the reputation his bloody record has inspired, sowing fear and apprehension in those that would face him in combat or scheme and plot behind the Countess Emmanuelle's back. Bruckner is however no general or war-leader, and has no talent or taste for such things, even if others would follow him - which is doubtful given the hatred his name engenders amid the burghers and lordly families of Nuln. Instead he is content to fight and kill at his mistress's command, and has lasted over a decade in his highly paid office, making him the longest serving Champion of Nuln in living memory.[1a]"@en .