. . . . . . . . . "Ryan: \u201CI\u2019m so pumped! This is going to be awesome!\u201D Delphox: \u201CDel!\u201D Ryan: \u201CWhile it\u2019s unclear whether we\u2019ll actually win, I know we\u2019ll try our hardest. Right you two!?\u201D Delphox/Quilladin: \u201CDelphox/Quilladin!\u201D Ryan: \u201CWhich is why we\u2019ll show our opponents we have the dedication and determination we need to put up a fight!\u201D Anthony: Totally! Ryan (To Anthony): \u201CIt\u2019s nerves. Trying to distract myself and prevent any thoughts about the league come in.\u201D Ryan: \u201CMight want to try breathing exercises. My brother said that\u2019s how he managed to stay calm.\u201D Anthony: I can stay calm, but-. Voice: I agree. Jon: Well."@en . . . . . . . . "Ryan: \u201CI\u2019m so pumped! This is going to be awesome!\u201D Delphox: \u201CDel!\u201D Ryan: \u201CWhile it\u2019s unclear whether we\u2019ll actually win, I know we\u2019ll try our hardest. Right you two!?\u201D Delphox/Quilladin: \u201CDelphox/Quilladin!\u201D Ryan: \u201CWhich is why we\u2019ll show our opponents we have the dedication and determination we need to put up a fight!\u201D Anthony: Totally! Ryan (To Anthony): \u201CIt\u2019s nerves. Trying to distract myself and prevent any thoughts about the league come in.\u201D Anthony: I\u2019m scared too. Worrying if I\u2019ll make it past the first round. Whether or not I\u2019ll be good for my Pokemon. Lot\u2019s of thoughts are going through my head. Ryan: \u201CMight want to try breathing exercises. My brother said that\u2019s how he managed to stay calm.\u201D Anthony: I can stay calm, but-. Anthony: -We all got here. All in different ways but we all got here. And now we have to beat them to win the League and get a chance to get the trophy. We can\u2019t go half hearted any more. We need to go full force! Voice: I agree. Ryan: \u201CJon! Hey, where\u2019s Maria?\u201D Kyle: She lost her chance to face Aria in the Master Class and lost in the first round. But we\u2019ll see her here sometime. Jon: So, how have you been Ryan? Ryan: \u201CPretty well. And look who evolved!\u201D Kyle: A Frogadier. Jon: Well. Jon: My Frogadier evolved too. Ryan (smiling): \u201CNice to meet you Greninja.\u201D Greninja: Gren. Ryan: \u201CYou two excited to participate in the league?\u201D Kyle: I\u2019m not competing. I only wanted to travel and going with Jon was a good call for that. But I do have a request. Can we have a battle? Anthony: That would be interesting to watch. Ryan: \u201CLet\u2019s go Vivillon, I choose you!\u201D Vivillon: \u201CViv!\u201D Kyle: Vivillon eh? Now, Ivysaur go! Kyle sends out Ivysaur. Kyle: Let\u2019s have only use two Pokemon each in a single battle format. Ryan: \u201CRight.\u201D Kyle: Leech Seed! Ryan: \u201CUse Gust to try to break free!\u201D Kyle: Growth! Anthony: He allowed Gust to hit? Jon: It\u2019s his battle style. Kyle: Now, Razor Leaf! Ryan: \u201CSupersonic Poison!\u201D Kyle: Sludge Bomb! Ryan: \u201CString Shot!\u201D Kyle: Now, Growth again! Kyle: Now, Razor Leaf! Ryan: \u201CGust!\u201D Kyle: Sneak attack. Sludge Bomb! Frogadier: \u201CFrog.\u201D Ryan: \u201CQuick Attack!\u201D Kyle: Now, Razor Leaf! Ryan: \u201CDodge, and use Lick!\u201D Kyle: Sludge Bomb! Ryan: \u201CUse Pound!\u201D Frogadier is close enough to Ivysaur that the attack his without a problem. Ivysaur goes down and Kyle returns Ivysaur. Kyle: You did well Ivysaur. Kyle: Let\u2019s see how well we can do Gourgeist! Use Shadow Ball! Pokedex: \u201CGourgeist, the Grass/Ghost Type Pumpkin Pokemon, and the evolved form of Pumpkaboo. Gourgeist wrap their hair-like arms around their prey. Gourgeist sing joyfully as they observe the suffering of their prey.\u201D Kyle: Now, use Shadow Ball again! Ryan: \u201CQuick Attack!\u201D Jon: Ryan, normal type attacks don\u2019t affect Ghost Type Pokemon. Kyle: Now, Shadow Sneak! Ryan: \u201CUgh, I\u2019m such an idiot. Now, use Lick!\u201D Kyle: Now, Synthesis! Kyle: Now Shadow Ball! Ryan (Thinking): \u201CAck! I\u2019m never going to get far in the league if I keep making mistakes like this!\u201D Ryan: \u201CUse Pound!\u201D Kyle: Shadow Ball! Kyle: Good work Gourgeist. Ryan: \u201CAUGH, I\u2019M SUCH A MORON!\u201D Quilladin: \u201CQuill!?\u201D Ryan: \u201CI want to be alone!\u201D Ryan (Voice thick): \u201CWhat?\u201D Jon: You can make mistakes you know, it\u2019s how you learn. Ryan: \u201CIt\u2019s hard to let it go when you\u2019ve made that mistake almost constantly. I mean, I\u2019ve chosen the wrong Pokemon to send out more times than I can count. Oh wait I can count the times. Almost every Gym battle, for a start.\u201D Jon: And you keep on learning. After Maria left me and Kyle, Diantha the Kalos champion challenged me to a battle. I sent out Noivern against her Gardevoir, forgetting that Gardevoir is a fairy type, which is super effective against Noivern. What I\u2019m trying to say is, no matter how many steps you take back, you will always have one foot forward when learning from your mistakes. Ryan: \u201CThanks for the wisdom.\u201D Ryan: \u201CAfter my brother made me these-.\u201D Ryan: \u201C-I decided to design my own. I call this one the \u2018Ches Ball\u2019. Designed it after Chespin. In fact, I designed one for all three Kalos starters. In addition to the \u2018Ches Ball\u2019, there\u2019s the \u2018Fro Ball\u2019 and the \u2018Fen Ball\u2019.\u201D Ryan: \u201CMaybe I should\u2019ve gone into Pokeball designing instead.\u201D Jon: I think the Pokeball is awesome. But, we are making ourselves a promise. Jon: We will battle with all we have till we meet each other, battling against each other in the Kalos League. Jon: That way, we can both make our way there with full certainty, even with mistakes, we will make it through and battle each other. Ryan: \u201CThat\u2019s certainly a promise I\u2019m gonna keep.\u201D Ryan: \u201CThanks again. You lifted a huge burden off me.\u201D Ryan: \u201CAnd tell Typhlosion that Delphox and I are gonna kick your butts.\u201D Ryan: \u201COnly joking of course. Now, let\u2019s get back to Kyle and Anthony.\u201D Ryan: \u201CThough I\u2019m sure I\u2019m not going to be the one who forgets about typing and type advantages. That\u2019s certainly gonna be you.\u201D Narrator: Ryan arrived at the Pokemon League, met up with Anthony and surprisingly, Jon and Kyle. Kyle and Ryan had a battle, but Ryan made mistakes and felt bad and ran off, with Jon following to console him. Now, with both of them promising to meet in the Pokemon League to battle each other. Now, what battles will Ryan have to face before facing Jon in the League."@en . . . "TFJ033: Prelude to The Pokemon League!"@en .