. . . . . "Darth Tenebrous.jpg"@cs . . . . "Rugess Nome"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . . . "Assenti"@it . "*Nero\n*Giallo"@it . . "Eventually Darth Ramage with apprentice"@en . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . . . . . . "Sith"@en . "Prior to 167 BBY"@en . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "250"^^ . "—67 BBY"@en . "Darth Tenebrous, noto a tutti come Rugess Nome, era un maschio Bith e un Signore Oscuro dei Sith della stirpe di Darth Bane. Nel suo personaggio pubblico come Nome, era un leggendario progettista di astronavi con una reputazione che attraversava tutta la galassia; come Signore dei Sith Darth Tenebrous era un geniale scienziato in possesso di un intelletto calcolatore ossessionato dal plasmare il futuro, ed era il maestro di Darth Plagueis e Darth Venamis."@it . "Dark Lord of the Sith with his Master"@en . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . "Name: Darth Tenebrous/Rugess Nome Gender: Male Age: Over 100 years old at time of death Classification: Dark Lord of the Sith/Bith Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Precognition/prescience, Force enhanced reflexes/reactions, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Illusion Creation, telekinetic blasts and shields, aura sensing, enhanced senses and perceptions, Mind/Memory Manipulation, various lightsaber combat skills, skilled swordsman, skilled unarmed combatant, Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), able to mask his presence in the Force from others, Force Lightning Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Comparable to his former Sith Master who had been powerful enough to create a wound in the force and let the Jedi Order feel the dark side of the Force for the first time in 800 years. Per tenants of the Rule of Two, he should at least be comparable to Darth Bane) Speed: Relativistic; Lightspeed reactions augmented by precognition Lifting Strength: Peak human+; can be augmented to Superhuman levels thanks to Force amplification Striking Strength: Large Building Class+ with Force amplification Durability: Street level naturally; Multi-Continent level with Force amplification Stamina: Superhuman+ Range: Extended melee range with lightsaber, multiple kilometers with ranged powers, galactic with telepathy via powerscaling Standard Equipment: Lightsaber Intelligence: Skilled and experienced combatant. Was a brilliant scientist and starship designer. Weakness: Nothing notable \n* Force Lightning: An offensive Force technique that uses Force energy to produce electricity with one or two hands that stream outwards from the fingertips, its speed is usually great enough to catch an opponent off-guard even when prepared, and can be used either in bursts, or simply torrent out in an a gush of agony on its victim. \n* Telekinesis: Tenebrous can use this through the Force to put his mind literally over matter, capable of blasting opponents, shielding himself or disarming people, its limits are only those of the creativity that Force User has. \n* Telepathy: Can easily manipulate others mentally with the Force to trick, deceive, maim or even kill outright. Can also use this power externally or internally when it comes to illusion creation, manifestation and manipulation. \n* Tutaminis: Can use this ability to protect himself from direct harm or disperse energy and attacks. Tenebrous used this technique to shield both himself and Darth Plagueis from the explosion of a large bomb."@en . . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "*Black\n*Yellow light"@en . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . . . "Respiration system"@en . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0422\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0443\u0441"@en . . "Darth Tenebrous bith fajb\u00F3l val\u00F3 sith nagy\u00FAr volt YE 167 \u00E9s YE 67 k\u00F6z\u00F6tt. A civil neve Rugess Nome volt \u00E9s hihetetlen nagy inteligenci\u00E1val \u00E9s kombinat\u00EDv gondolkod\u00E1ssal b\u00EDrt. T\u00F6k\u00E9letes volt a t\u00E9rl\u00E1t\u00E1sa \u00E9s a sz\u00E1mmisztik\u00E1ban is az \u00E9len j\u00E1rt faj- \u00E9s k\u00F3rt\u00E1rsai el\u0151tt. \u0150 volt az els\u0151 sith mester, aki megszegte a kett\u0151 szab\u00E1ly\u00E1t. De tov\u00E1bb vitte el\u0151dei tan\u00EDt\u00E1sait. Szem\u00E9lye m\u00E1r-m\u00E1r legend\u00E1s volt arr\u00F3l, hogy \u0151 tervezte a galaxis legjobb csillaghaj\u00F3it. Mint minden sith \u0151 is megsz\u00E1llottan kereste a halhatatlans\u00E1ghoz vezet\u0151 \u00FAt titk\u00E1t. Az utols\u00F3 sith h\u00E1bor\u00FAk ut\u00E1n \u0151 volt az els\u0151, aki m\u00E9g gyermekk\u00E9nt vett mag\u00E1hoz tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nyt. K\u00E9t tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nyt ok\u00EDtott ki a sith-ek tud\u00E1s\u00E1ra. Az egyik egy Hego Damask nev\u00FC muun volt \u00E9s Darth Plaguies -nak nevezte el, m\u00EDg a m\u00E1sik, akit titokban tan\u00EDtott a bith fajhoz tartozott. A Venamis nevet adta neki, de a Darth titulust nem kapta meg. YE. 67 -ben a Bal'demnic plan\u00E9t\u00E1n, Plaguies -nak sier\u00FClt meglepnie mester\u00E9t annak ellen\u00E9re, hogy az el\u0151re l\u00E1tta, hogy tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nya megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lja meg\u00F6lni. Ez az \u00E9let\u00E9be ker\u00FClt. Darth Ramage -nek, mint minden sith mesternek csak a legjobb min\u0151s\u00E9g\u0171 \u00E1ru volt a legmegfelel\u0151bb. \u00CDgy volt a csillaghaj\u00F3kkal is. Ez\u00E9rt elutazott a Coruscant -ra hogy terveztesen egy gyors, j\u00F3l man\u0151verezhet\u0151 \u00E9s p\u00FAszt\u00EDt\u00F3 erej\u0171 fegyverzettel ell\u00E1tott haj\u00F3t. Mivel neki csak a legjobb felelt meg, ez\u00E9rt az akkorta ott tev\u00E9kenyked\u0151 h\u00EDres tervez\u0151t, Rugess Nome -t k\u00E9rte fel erre a feladatra, bus\u00E1s fizets\u00E9g ellen\u00E9ben. Els\u0151 tal\u00E1lkoz\u00E1suk sor\u00E1n fedezt\u00E9k fel, hogy mind a ketten azonos er\u0151t haszn\u00E1lnak c\u00E9ljaik el\u00E9r\u00E9s\u00E9hez. Mikor Ramage \u00FAgy \u00E9rezte, hogy itt az id\u0151, felk\u00E9rte Nome -t legyen a tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nya. Mivel a m\u00E1sik lehet\u0151s\u00E9g a hal\u00E1la lett volna, nem volt k\u00E9rd\u00E9ses, hogy ink\u00E1bb tan\u00EDtv\u00E1ny utat v\u00E1lasztotta. Elhat\u00E1rozt\u00E1k, hogy egy\u00FCtt v\u00E9gleg sz\u00E9tz\u00FAzz\u00E1k a jedi rendet \u00E9s a k\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1got. Ennek v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1sa \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben mester\u00E9vel kis\u00E9rleteket v\u00E9geztek azzal a c\u00E9llal, hogy l\u00E9tre hozzanak egy v\u00EDrust, aminek az lett volna a feladata, hogy megfert\u0151zve a jediket, \u00E9s hat\u00E1sa miatt elvesz\u00EDts\u00E9g a kapcsolatott az er\u0151vel. V\u00E9g\u00FCl t\u00F6bb \u00E9ves kis\u00E9rletez\u00E9s ut\u00E1n \u00FAgy l\u00E1tt\u00E1k, hogy nem \u00E9rnek el pozit\u00EDv v\u00E1ltoz\u00E1sokat, vagyis nem \u00E9rt\u00E9k el a c\u00E9ljukat, ez\u00E9rt befejezt\u00E9k a kis\u00E9rleteket. Tenebrousnak a mester\u00E9vel ellent\u00E9tben volt egy elm\u00E9lete, mi szerinta midichlorianok nem holmi galaxist beh\u00E1l\u00F3z\u00F3 mikroszk\u00F3pikus \u00E9l\u0151l\u00E9nyek t\u00F6mege, akik seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel haszn\u00E1lhatjuk vagy ir\u00E1ny\u00EDthatjuk az er\u0151t, hanem sz\u00EDntiszta energia, amit mint minden energi\u00E1t manipul\u00E1lni lehet. YE 167 -ben, mikor \u00FAgy l\u00E1tta, hogy Darth Ramage m\u00E1r nem hoz neki hasznot sem tud\u00E1sban, sem m\u00E1sban, akkor elp\u00FAszt\u00EDtotta \u0151t. Rugess Nome mestere hal\u00E1la ut\u00E1n tov\u00E1bbra is jobbn\u00E1l jobb haj\u00F3k tervez\u00E9s\u00E9b\u0151l \u00E9lt. Ugyan \u00FAgy tervezett haj\u00F3kat a k\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g szen\u00E1tus\u00E1nak, mint a perem vid\u00E9k hirhedet hutt -jainak. Mivel sok befoly\u00E1sos l\u00E9nynek tervezett (rodiai, hutt, muun.), \u00E1tfog\u00F3 \u00E9s szoros kapcsolath\u00E1l\u00F3zattal rendelkezett. M\u00EDg a hutt -ok r\u00E9sz\u00E9r\u0151l alvil\u00E1gi, \u00FAgy a muun -ok r\u00E9sz\u00E9r\u0151l anyagi. Mivel realista volt, \u00FAgy gondolta, hogy egy tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nyt a legjobb, ha sz\u00FClet\u00E9s\u00E9t\u0151l v\u00E9gig k\u00F6vetve a fejl\u0151d\u00E9s\u00E9t, neveli sith -nek. Ennek \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben megismerkedett egy Caar Damask nev\u00FC muun -nal, aki a Mygeeto bolyg\u00F3 korm\u00E1nyz\u00F3ja \u00E9s nem k\u00FCl\u00F6nben er\u0151 \u00E9rz\u00E9keny volt. Tal\u00E1lt egy hasonl\u00F3an er\u0151t haszn\u00E1lni tud\u00F3 munn n\u0151t, akit r\u00E1 vett, hogy cs\u00E1b\u00EDtsa el Caar -t. Ez a terve sikerrel j\u00E1rt, mivel a n\u0151 el\u0151sz\u00F6r Caar asszisztense, majd p\u00F3tfeles\u00E9ge lett. Nemsok\u00E1ra a n\u0151 sz\u00FClt egy fi\u00FAt, akit Hego -nak neveztek el. A bith tudom\u00E1nyos sz\u00E1m\u00EDt\u00E1sai alapj\u00E1n jutott el a k\u00E9t muun -hoz \u00E9s ahoz a meg\u00E1llap\u00EDt\u00E1shoz, hogy kettej\u00FCk gyermeke rendk\u00EDv\u00FCli er\u0151-k\u00E9pess\u00E9gekkel fog rendelkezni. \u00DCzletett k\u00F6t\u00F6tt Caar -ral, hogy ha neki adja a gyermeket, \u0151 seg\u00EDt neki bejutni az Intergalaktikus Bank Kl\u00E1n bels\u0151 k\u00F6reibe. K\u00E9s\u0151bb elh\u00E1rult m\u00E9g egy akad\u00E1ly, mivel a gyermek anyja \u00F6r\u00F6kre elt\u0171nt. \u00D6t \u00E9vvel k\u00E9s\u0151bb Caar Damask -ot vissza h\u00EDvt\u00E1k Muunilinst -re \u00E9s kinevezt\u00E9k az IBK. kincst\u00E1r\u00E1g\u00E1nak igazgat\u00F3j\u00E1v\u00E1. Hego pedig Darth Tenebrous sith tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nya lett. Egy \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . . . . . "p\u0159ed 167 P\u0159BY"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . "\u010Dern\u00E1"@cs . "*Darth Plagueis\n*Darth Venamis"@en . "67"^^ . "\u039D\u03C4\u03B1\u03C1\u03B8 \u03A4\u03AD\u03BD\u03B5\u03BC\u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2"@cs . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@fi . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . . . . . . "Rugess Nome"@cs . . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . "Darth Tenebrous#legends"@en . . . "Rugess Nome"@hu . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "Dark Lord of the Sith with Darth Plagueis"@en . "Sistema di respirazione"@it . "Darth Tenebrous, noto a tutti come Rugess Nome, era un maschio Bith e un Signore Oscuro dei Sith della stirpe di Darth Bane. Nel suo personaggio pubblico come Nome, era un leggendario progettista di astronavi con una reputazione che attraversava tutta la galassia; come Signore dei Sith Darth Tenebrous era un geniale scienziato in possesso di un intelletto calcolatore ossessionato dal plasmare il futuro, ed era il maestro di Darth Plagueis e Darth Venamis."@it . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0422\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0443\u0441"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . . . . . . "\u039D\u03C4\u03B1\u03C1\u03B8 \u03A4\u03AD\u03BD\u03B5\u03BC\u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2"@en . . . . . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . . "Rugess Nome"@hu . "1"^^ . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@sv . "Darth Tenebrous"@it . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "respir\u00E1tor"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous, to lord sith\u00F3w z okresu Starej Republiki. Pierwotnie nazywa\u0142 si\u0119 Rugess Nome i w tej postaci tak\u017Ce wyst\u0119powa\u0142 publicznie po staniu si\u0119 Sithem. Wyszkolony zosta\u0142 wed\u0142ug nauk Darth Bane'a (Zasada dw\u00F3ch). Jego mistrz nie jest znany z imienia, wiadomo jedynie, \u017Ce by\u0142 Twi'lekiem. Jego uczniami byli Darth Plagueis i Darth Venamis. Zgin\u0105\u0142 z r\u0119ki Darth Plagueisa na planecie Bal'demnic w roku 67 BBY. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Sithowie Kategoria:M\u0119\u017Cczy\u017Ani"@pl . . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@it . . . . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . "thumb|153px|Darth Tenebrous\"Att vi som bor i Force, \u00E4r normalt liv lite mer \u00E4n l\u00E5tsas. V\u00E5r enda \u00E5tg\u00E4rder av betydelse \u00E4r de som vi \u00E5tar i tj\u00E4nsten till den m\u00F6rka sidan.\" -Darth tenebrous, till Darth Plagueis, om sin syn p\u00E5 Force"@sv . . . . "167"^^ . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0422\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0431\u0440\u0443\u0441"@hu . "67"^^ . . "*Darth Plagueis\n*Darth Venamis"@cs . "Nakonec byl ale sv\u00FDm u\u010Dedn\u00EDkem zabit po nehod\u011B p\u0159i hled\u00E1n\u00ED vz\u00E1cn\u00FDch surovin je\u0161t\u011B d\u0159\u00EDv, ne\u017E sv\u00E9 pl\u00E1ny na zrozen\u00ED Vyvolen\u00E9ho uskute\u010Dnil. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@cs . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . . . "\u039D\u03C4\u03B1\u03C1\u03B8 \u03A4\u03AD\u03BD\u03B5\u03BC\u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03C2"@hu . . . . . "Himself with his Master"@en . "Himself with Darth Plagueis and Darth Venamis"@en . "Darth Plagueis with Darth Sidious"@en . . "Darth Tenebrous"@cs . . "Darth Tenebrous, also known as Rugess Nome, was a male Bith Dark Lord of the Sith of the lineage of Darth Bane. In his public persona as Nome, he was a legendary artisanal starship designer with a reputation spanning the galaxy; as the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, he was a scientific mastermind possessed of a calculating intellect with an obsession on shaping the future, and the master of Darth Plagueis and Darth Venamis."@en . "67"^^ . "Darth Tenebrous"@hu . . . "Nakonec byl ale sv\u00FDm u\u010Dedn\u00EDkem zabit po nehod\u011B p\u0159i hled\u00E1n\u00ED vz\u00E1cn\u00FDch surovin je\u0161t\u011B d\u0159\u00EDv, ne\u017E sv\u00E9 pl\u00E1ny na zrozen\u00ED Vyvolen\u00E9ho uskute\u010Dnil. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@cs . "Darth Tenebrous bith fajb\u00F3l val\u00F3 sith nagy\u00FAr volt YE 167 \u00E9s YE 67 k\u00F6z\u00F6tt. A civil neve Rugess Nome volt \u00E9s hihetetlen nagy inteligenci\u00E1val \u00E9s kombinat\u00EDv gondolkod\u00E1ssal b\u00EDrt. T\u00F6k\u00E9letes volt a t\u00E9rl\u00E1t\u00E1sa \u00E9s a sz\u00E1mmisztik\u00E1ban is az \u00E9len j\u00E1rt faj- \u00E9s k\u00F3rt\u00E1rsai el\u0151tt. \u0150 volt az els\u0151 sith mester, aki megszegte a kett\u0151 szab\u00E1ly\u00E1t. De tov\u00E1bb vitte el\u0151dei tan\u00EDt\u00E1sait. Szem\u00E9lye m\u00E1r-m\u00E1r legend\u00E1s volt arr\u00F3l, hogy \u0151 tervezte a galaxis legjobb csillaghaj\u00F3it. Mint minden sith \u0151 is megsz\u00E1llottan kereste a halhatatlans\u00E1ghoz vezet\u0151 \u00FAt titk\u00E1t. Az utols\u00F3 sith h\u00E1bor\u00FAk ut\u00E1n \u0151 volt az els\u0151, aki m\u00E9g gyermekk\u00E9nt vett mag\u00E1hoz tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nyt. K\u00E9t tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nyt ok\u00EDtott ki a sith-ek tud\u00E1s\u00E1ra. Az egyik egy Hego Damask nev\u00FC muun volt \u00E9s Darth Plaguies -nak nevezte el, m\u00EDg a m\u00E1sik, akit titokban tan\u00EDtott a bith fajhoz tartozott. A"@hu . "Darth Tenebrous, to lord sith\u00F3w z okresu Starej Republiki. Pierwotnie nazywa\u0142 si\u0119 Rugess Nome i w tej postaci tak\u017Ce wyst\u0119powa\u0142 publicznie po staniu si\u0119 Sithem. Wyszkolony zosta\u0142 wed\u0142ug nauk Darth Bane'a (Zasada dw\u00F3ch). Jego mistrz nie jest znany z imienia, wiadomo jedynie, \u017Ce by\u0142 Twi'lekiem. Jego uczniami byli Darth Plagueis i Darth Venamis. Zgin\u0105\u0142 z r\u0119ki Darth Plagueisa na planecie Bal'demnic w roku 67 BBY. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Sithowie Kategoria:M\u0119\u017Cczy\u017Ani"@pl . . "Rugess Nome"@en . "Darth Tenebrous oli sithlordi, tuntemattomalla ajalla."@fi . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . "Darth Tenebrous oli sithlordi, tuntemattomalla ajalla."@fi . "thumb|153px|Darth Tenebrous\"Att vi som bor i Force, \u00E4r normalt liv lite mer \u00E4n l\u00E5tsas. V\u00E5r enda \u00E5tg\u00E4rder av betydelse \u00E4r de som vi \u00E5tar i tj\u00E4nsten till den m\u00F6rka sidan.\" -Darth tenebrous, till Darth Plagueis, om sin syn p\u00E5 Force Darth Tenebrous, \u00E4ven k\u00E4nd som Rugess Nome, var en manlig dark Lord of the Sith av linjen av Darth Bane. I hans offentliga persona som Nome, var han en legendarisk hantverksm\u00E4ssiga rymdskepp designer med ett rykte som str\u00E4cker sig \u00F6ver hela galaxen, som Sith Lord Darth tenebrous, var han en vetenskaplig mastermind besatt av en ber\u00E4kning intellekt med en besatthet om att forma framtiden, och bef\u00E4lhavare Darth Plagueis och Darth Venamis."@sv . "Darth Tenebrous, also known as Rugess Nome, was a male Bith Dark Lord of the Sith of the lineage of Darth Bane. In his public persona as Nome, he was a legendary artisanal starship designer with a reputation spanning the galaxy; as the Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, he was a scientific mastermind possessed of a calculating intellect with an obsession on shaping the future, and the master of Darth Plagueis and Darth Venamis."@en . . . . "Name: Darth Tenebrous/Rugess Nome Gender: Male Age: Over 100 years old at time of death Classification: Dark Lord of the Sith/Bith Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Precognition/prescience, Force enhanced reflexes/reactions, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Illusion Creation, telekinetic blasts and shields, aura sensing, enhanced senses and perceptions, Mind/Memory Manipulation, various lightsaber combat skills, skilled swordsman, skilled unarmed combatant, Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), able to mask his presence in the Force from others, Force Lightning"@en . . . "Rugess Nome"@en . . "Prima del 167 BBY"@it . . . . "Darth Tenebrous"@en . . "Darth Tenebrous"@pl . "*Darth Plagueis\n*Darth Venamis"@it . . . . . . . .