"Mexican Jesus served a brief stint in The Jesus Squad, however this was mostly a publicity stunt to boost his low approval rating than anything else. Original Jesus did not officially let him into the Squad (as a rule all members must genuinely want to be members) but he let Mexican Jesus tag along on their missions because He believed they could change Mexican Jesus into someone who cares about the innocent people of the world. However Mexican Jesus did what all Mexicans do; totally undermine the entire Good vs. Evil battle. Whenever the Squad stopped a villain from destroying the universe, Mexican Jesus would offer to support the villain in a court case suing the Squad for damage to, death of minions, shock and many other things. He was eventually kicked out of the Squad. Down but not ou"@en . "Mexican Jesus served a brief stint in The Jesus Squad, however this was mostly a publicity stunt to boost his low approval rating than anything else. Original Jesus did not officially let him into the Squad (as a rule all members must genuinely want to be members) but he let Mexican Jesus tag along on their missions because He believed they could change Mexican Jesus into someone who cares about the innocent people of the world. However Mexican Jesus did what all Mexicans do; totally undermine the entire Good vs. Evil battle. Whenever the Squad stopped a villain from destroying the universe, Mexican Jesus would offer to support the villain in a court case suing the Squad for damage to, death of minions, shock and many other things. He was eventually kicked out of the Squad. Down but not out Mexican Jesus returned with an idea to make Jesus Squad action figures (by out-sourcing to India) however Original Jesus refused to allow him to make them because he would never let the Squad sell-out. When RJ threatened legal action Jesus cut a deal with him. If Mexican Jesus created a logo for the Squad they would adopt it and give him all merchandising rights to. However He thought that Mexican Jesus would hire a professional artist to create the logo instead RJ made it himself. The less-than-crud logo is now the symbol for the Jesus Squad, because its legally obligated to be."@en . "Mexican Jesus"@en . . . . .