"*Bio-scan tool\n*Bongo engine part \n**Grank toenail \n*Capture tool\n*Compressor\n*Dashboard\n*Electrical power planet \n*Eternal flame orb\n*Guidance system \n*Gulli-ball mallet \n*Gungan instrument \n*Holoviewer\n*Hydrator\n*Portable shield generator \n*Pulverizer\n*Rotating orb\n*Sensor\n**Sensor array\n*Sogthane gas\n*Species indicator\n*Stun tool\n*Underwater photo-imageing device \n*Vaporator\nBuildings\n*Amusement playbubble\n*Ancestral archives\n*Bongo Bay\n*Bubble wort processing plant\n*Cantina\n*Community living bubble\n*Factory\n*Gulli-ball stadium\n*Gungan High Council Chamber\n*Gungan outpost\n*Gunga park\n*Jedi monument (Ohma-D'un)\n*Kinder bubble\n*Large bubble dwelling\n*Main square\n*Mediglobe\n*Otoh Cathedral\n*Queen's Monument\n*Small bubble dwelling\n*Snack munch bubble"@en . "*Tooke-trap\n*Treeman's Herb\n*Woosha\n*Xosha Grass\n*Yumi\n*Zaela"@nl . . "*Red Glie\n*Reknew\n*Rutiger Tree\n*Saago Grass\n*Splinter Fern\n*Tassler Tree\n*Tentacle Fern\n*T'ill"@nl . . . "*Adder moss chip \n*Adder moss fuel \n*Beach ball \n*Boiled quench weed adhesive \n*Boiled t'ill root \n*Book \n**Jaboon-skin leather book cover \n*Bubble\n*Bubble wort \n**Fermented bubble wort fuel\n*Chuba chip \n*Chuba-pie \n*Cooking spice \n**Dried nola grass\n**Splinter fern splinter \n*Crop\n*Crushed suma petal dye \n*Dart \n*Dewback dew \n*Digger\n*Disease\n*Domino\n*Fermented blumfruit juice \n*Fried grank \n*Fuel source \n*Gimer bark juice \n*Graph \n*Ground ikopi antler \n*Gungan acupuncture \n*Gungan medicine \n*Harvest screen\n*Hassling-paint art \n*Hsuberry elixier \n*Hydenock dye \n*Ink\n*Kinder bubble\n*Kinglind \n*Lip\n*Living yobstrimp cocktail \n*Market food stand \n*Mintri reed\n**Dart blower\n**Drinking straw\n*Nuna meat \n*Nuna pinfeather\n*Nyork meat wrapped in nave leaves \n*Peko-peko blood \n*Plant nursery \n*Pollen\n*Pom seed flour \n*Rattle\n*Red glie dye \n*Red glie salad dressing \n*Reed\n*Release tool\n*Rope \n*Root\n*Rubber \n*Rutiger tree sap \n*Saago grass blade leather \n*Seed\n*Shaak farmer \n*Shaak fluff\n*Shaak meat \n\n*Shauput blood alkyl \n**Bleaching agent\n**Poison\n*Shiro stew\n*Spit \n*Splinter fern splinter\n*Spore\n*Stalk\n*Tassler tree dye \n*Tatooine sand farmer \n*Tentacle fern mulch \n*Tooke tail hair paint brush \n*Traditional holiday cookiee \n*Vegetable dye \n*Water\n*Water jet\n*Weaving \n*Yumi pod sap \nPlants and Fungi\n*Adder moss\n*Alga\n**Glie\n***Green glie\n***Red glie\n**Seaweed \n*Blumbush\n**Blumfruit\n*Bubble spore\n**Bubble spore seed\n*Chak-root\n*Desert weed \n*Gimer bush\n*Grahn vine\n*Hassling\n*Millaflower\n*Mintri\n*Nave\n*Nola grass\n*Pom\n*Quench weed\n*Reknew\n*Saago grass\n*Splinter fern\n*Suma\n*Tentacle fern\n*T'iil\n*Tooke-trap plant\n*Tree\n**Cambylictus tree\n***Cambylictus root\n**Hsuberry tree\n***Hsuberry\n**Hydenock\n**Rutiger tree\n**Soul Tree \n**Tassler tree\n***Tassler knee\n**Zaela tree\n*Treeman's herb\n*Woosha plant\n*Xosha grass\n*Yumi pod\nPlant-animal symbiotic pairs\n*Shiro-trap"@en . . . . "*Swamp bantha \n*Amphibian\n**Fambaa\n**Frog\n***Chuba\n**Gullipud\n*Bird \n**Bogwing\n**Geejaw\n**Kaadu\n***Kaadu egg\n**Nuna\n**Peko-peko\n**Pikobi\n**Urusai\n*Crustacean\n**Yobshrimp\n*Dog \n*Elephant \n*Eopie\n**Eopie baby\n**Eopie adult\n**Eopie elder\n*Falumpaset\n*Fanback\n*Feline\n**Narglatch\n***Narglatch male\n***Narglatch female\n***Narglatch baby\n**Tusk cat\n*Fish\n**Daggert\n**Faynaa\n**Ray\n*Galoomp\n*Hohokum\n*Hrumph\n\n*Igitz\n*Ikopi\n*Insect\n**Bumble bee \n**Clodhopper\n**Grasshopper \n**Gravel-maggot \n**Kreetle\n**Mosquito \n**Unidentified Endorian bark-dwelling insect \n*Jaboon\n*Lizard\n**Dewback\n*Mollusk\n**Bowlump\n**Dianoga\n**Kresch\n**Nyork\n*Mott\n*Pom-hopper \n*Rancor\n*Rodent\n**Ollopom \n**Scurrier \n**Tooke \n**Womp rat \n*Ronto\n*Saw-toothed grank\n*Shaak\n**Shaak baby\n*Shaupaut\n*Shiro \n*Shiro-trap\n*Sketto\n*Veermok\n*Worm\n*Zeer"@en . . "250"^^ . "*Mantaris-class Amphibious Medium Transport\n**the Mantaris\n*Podracer \n*Bongo"@en . . . . . "1999-05-24"^^ . . "*Ewok \n*Gungan\n**Ankura\n**Otolla\n*human\n*Jawa"@en . . . . . . . "*Bogwing\n*Bowlump\n*Chuba\n*Clodhopper\n*Daggert\n*Dewback\n*Dianoga\n*Eopie\n*Falumpaset\n*Fambaa\n*Fanback"@nl . "ESRB: E"@nl . "Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier"@en . "Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier"@en . "The underwater city\nof Otah Gunga has become\ndangerously overcrowded.\nColonization of the water\nmoon of Naboo is about to\nbegin.\n\nIn preparation, the Gungans\nhave collected many exotic\ncreatures from the small\nplanet of Naboo, as well\nas others throughout\nThe Galaxy, that should\nthrive on the empty moon.\n\nEstablishing an ecosystem\nin which the new plants,\nanimals, and Gungans can\nall live in balance is not\nan easy task. The Gungan\nCouncil has called upon\nObi-Wan Kenobi and Queen\nAmidala, heroes of the\nBattle of Naboo, to meet\nthe challenge…"@en . . "De Gungan-stad Otoh Gunga raakt overbevolkt. Kolonisatie van de watermaan Ohma-D'un staat op het punt te beginnen. Ter voorbereiding van de kolonisatie hebben de Gungans vele exotische planten en dieren verzameld van de planeet Naboo, maar ook soorten van andere locaties in het universum die het goed zouden doen op de kale maan. Het opzetten van een ecosysteem waarin nieuwe planten, dieren en Gungans allemaal in evenwicht kunen leven is geen gemakkelijke taak. De Gungan Rep Council heeft de hulp in geroepen van Obi-Wan Kenobi en Queen Amidala, de helden van de Battle of Naboo."@nl . . . "De Gungan-stad Otoh Gunga raakt overbevolkt. Kolonisatie van de watermaan Ohma-D'un staat op het punt te beginnen. Ter voorbereiding van de kolonisatie hebben de Gungans vele exotische planten en dieren verzameld van de planeet Naboo, maar ook soorten van andere locaties in het universum die het goed zouden doen op de kale maan. Het opzetten van een ecosysteem waarin nieuwe planten, dieren en Gungans allemaal in evenwicht kunen leven is geen gemakkelijke taak. De Gungan Rep Council heeft de hulp in geroepen van Obi-Wan Kenobi en Queen Amidala, de helden van de Battle of Naboo."@nl . . "ESRB: Everyone"@en . . . "*B1 battle droid \n*ER-1 probe droid\n*Mark II Z3-NO landscaping droid\n*R2-series astromech droid"@en . "Simulatie"@nl . "Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier"@nl . . "1999-05-24"^^ . "*Shaak\n*Shaupaut\n*Shiro Trap\n*Sketto\n*Tooke\n*Tusk Cat\n*Urusai\n*Veermok\n*Yobshrimp\n*Zeer"@nl . "*Faynaa\n*Galoomp\n*Geejaw\n*Gullipud\n*Hohokum\n*Hrumph\n*Igitz\n*Ikopi\n*Jaboon\n*Kaadu\n*Kreetle"@nl . "STAR WARS EPISODE I:\nTHE GUNGAN FRONTIER"@en . . "*Adder Moss\n*Blumbush\n*Bubble Spore\n*Cambylictus Tree\n*Chak-root\n*Gimer\n*Grahn\n*Green Glie"@nl . . "*Mott\n*Narglatch\n*Nuna\n*Nyork\n*Pom-hopper\n*Ollopom\n*Peko-peko\n*Pikobi\n*Rancor\n*Ronto\n*Saw-toothed Grank"@nl . . . "*Hassling\n*Hsuberry Tree\n*Hydenock\n*Millaflower\n*Nave\n*Nola Grass\n*Pom\n*Quench Weed"@nl . . "*Queen Amidala\n*Jar Jar Binks\n*ER-1C\n*Qui-Gon Jinn \n*Josie \n*Obi-Wan Kenobi\n*Portillo \n*the Kresch\n*Boss Nass\n*R2-D2"@en . "*Alderaan \n*Dagobah \n*Endor system \n**Endor \n***Forest moon of Endor \n*Erysthes \n*Naboo system\n**Naboo\n***Otoh Gunga\n***Planet Core \n***Theed \n**Ohma-D'un \n***New Otoh Gunga\n**Rori \n*Tatooine"@en . . "PC"@nl . . "1"^^ . .