"Season 2 (Homeworld)"@en . . "through a wormhole into another dimension. Black Hole-esque, very 70s, and Interstellar. Could be fun. Fuel is Infinity Drive. Anywhere and everywhere. Tech style-original. Like C-57D in Forbidden Planet to Altair IV. (see Space Voyages doc) In a region of space where there are no space stations or empire. Small ship, minimally armed, armory, security android, CO, XO/Helmsman-access to weapons/comms/navigation, CHENG, CMO-also psychiatrist, medic, Science Officer- botanist, general sciences, A.I., technician & pilot, marines/troopers-security detail, fighter pilots-drones, frontier colonies. No kids/chef. Ambassador. Red giant with a neutron star within it being drained by a black hole, \"positive shield.\" Capt. Wilson is headhunted (executive search) by the space agency funding the expedit"@en . . "through a wormhole into another dimension. Black Hole-esque, very 70s, and Interstellar. Could be fun. Fuel is Infinity Drive. Anywhere and everywhere. Tech style-original. Like C-57D in Forbidden Planet to Altair IV. (see Space Voyages doc) In a region of space where there are no space stations or empire. Small ship, minimally armed, armory, security android, CO, XO/Helmsman-access to weapons/comms/navigation, CHENG, CMO-also psychiatrist, medic, Science Officer- botanist, general sciences, A.I., technician & pilot, marines/troopers-security detail, fighter pilots-drones, frontier colonies. No kids/chef. Ambassador. Red giant with a neutron star within it being drained by a black hole, \"positive shield.\" Capt. Wilson is headhunted (executive search) by the space agency funding the expedition. CCR-135 Ambitious. UNSC INFINITY VIDEO, YEARS AFTER WAR, BUILD SHIP FOR EXPLORATION. REDSHIFT: EXPLORERS. \n* Deep star exploration: Capt. Willard Madison. Cmdr. Charles Patrick. Lt. Kathryn James. Dr. Linda Patrick. ENS. Adam L. Wilson. Amb. Thomas L. Wilson. 1. Ambassador Thomas Lorne Wilson, III. (James E. Stewart) Si Cwan/Lwaxana Troi-like. Father of Adam Wilson, descendent of the first people to design Slipstream Jump drive. War hero, survived the destruction of the first Ambitious. \u2022 Crose\u2019s time, Grandfather helped design the engine that took humanity to the stars, from Texas or switch it up to something more Midwestern or Interior Mountain West oriented. 2. Cmdr. Demetrius \u201CDemmy\u201D Farren. (Phillip A. Leavenworth) From Ohio. Very similar to Kirk, but is Calhoun. (Possibly alien) 3. Maj. Kenneth Maddox. (Tyler Maddex) From Texas. Very similar to \u201CTrip\u201D Tucker. Executive officer. 4. (Capt.) Dr. Karla Maldonado. (Brenda Hernandez) Dating Maddox secretly. Latina. Chief Medical officer. From New Mexico. 5. Capt. David K. Thurman/Xa Zork. (Jordan Williams) From Georgia. Chief Engineer. 6. Lt. Adam Wilson (Kyle Leavenworth) From Texas, son of Tom Wilson. Chief Pilot, Lead Gunner. 7. Lt. Alonzo Ramirez. (Alfonso/Robert Robles) From Maryland. Shuttle pilot, 1st AID. 8. Swn 1st class Michelle Quintanilla. (Angelica Nunez) Medic. 9. Swn 1st class \u201CIvy\u201D Margaret Weaver. (Kylie Ochoa) Friend of Adam. Bisexual. Quartermaster. Love triangle with Adam, Ivy and Isis. 10. Swn 1st class \u201CIsis\u201D Andra Fragoso. (Aimee Anselmo) Yeoman, secretary, operations manager. Nihilistic. 11. Nicholas H. Farren (Adrian Avalos) From Ohio. Space frigate commander. 12. Patricia Farren. (Natziri Torres) Visitor, Cmdr. Farren\u2019s ex-wife. \u2022 Ambitious, CCR-135. ~100-150 people. Based NTE-3120 NSEA Protector/NX-01 Enterprise. United States Space Command. Heavy cruiser. \u2022 Courageous, CCR-565. United States Space Command. \u2022 Patriot, \u2022 Defender, \u2022 Defiance, \u2022 Guardian, \u2022 Judgment, \u2022 Nemesis, \u2022 Renegade, \u2022 Retribution, \u2022 Ascendant, \u2022 Phobos, \u2022 Ranger, \u2022 Alien spacecraft discovered, reconstituted, launched as Earth ship for exploration. A few colonies near Earth, push forward, after a war, Peace Accord. ARMY (Enlisted- Private/Corporal/Sergeant. WO. Officer- Lt./Capt./Maj./Col. GENERAL.) Army is primarily a ground/land based military branch, no space assets other than GPS. Army aviators are usually helicopter pilots. NAVY (Enlisted- Seaman/PO/CPO. WO. Officer- Ens./Lt./Cmdr./Capt. ADMIRAL.) The U.S. Navy is primarily an ocean-going military branch, no space assets other than GPS, missile tracking. Naval aviators are fighter/interceptor pilots. Railguns on carriers. MARINE CORPS (Enlisted- Private/Corporal/Sergeant. WO. Officer- Lt./Capt./Maj./Col. GEN.) Marines are primarily naval infantry but the marines are a multi-purpose branch, all riflemen. Space assets regarding Project Hot Eagle. Marine aviators are fighter/interceptor pilots. COAST GUARD (Enlisted- Seaman/PO/CPO. WO. Officer- Ens./Lt./Cmdr/Capt. ADM.) The Coast Guard is an ocean-going military branch that protects the U.S. coastlines. No space assets other than GPS. Coast Guard aviators usually fly helicopters. The CG is a law enforcement branch not so much military. AIR FORCE (Enlisted- Airman/TSgt./Msgt. Officer- Lt./Capt./Maj/Col. GENERAL/MARSHAL) The Air Force is primarily an aerospace and technological oriented branch protecting the Air. Those who control the air, control the battle. Heavily space dependent. 75% of the officer corps is a fighter/interceptor/bomber/etc pilot. Control ICBMs in U.S. SPACE COMMAND (Enlisted- Spaceman/TSgt./MSgt. Officer- Lt./Capt./Maj/Col. GEN./MAR.) Space Command was split of the Air Force, which was spurned of the Army, it is the primary space branch of the U.S. The SC is an amalgamation of many of the branches placed in space. For example, it is like the Army in that it has a basic military structure and infantry. It is like the Navy in that spacecraft operation is handled very much like the navy handle carriers. It is like the Marine Corps in that it is a multi-purpose branch, all are technicians here however. Project Hot Eagle-like operations have been utilized. There are no space fighters, as UAVs or missiles replace them in space. A section of the Space Command guards the Homeworld. Lieutenant. Captain. Major. Commander. Colonel. (NATO RANK STRUCTURE 0F-1/OF-5) UNITED NATIONS (UN) \u2013 SECRETARY-GENERAL NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) \u2013 SECRETARY-GENERAL UNITED STATES SPACE COMMAND (USSC). \u2022 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (POTUS) \u2022 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (SECRETARY OF DEFENSE) \u2022 DEPARTMENT OF THE SPACE COMMAND (SECRETARY OF THE SPACE COMMAND) \u2022 4-STAR \u2022 3-STAR \u2022 2-STAR \u2022 1-STAR \u2022 (CREW OF THE HUMAN SPACECRAFT: see list of human ships) \u2022 SENIOR OFFICERS \u2022 JUNIOR OFFICERS \u2022 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS \u2022 ENLISTEES (SPACE MILITARY IS MOSTLY A PEACEKEEPING/LAW ENFORCEMENT ENDEAVOR) EXPANDED UNIVERSE (LOGICAL LIKE BATTLESTAR, EXPANSION LIKE STAR WARS/STAR TREK OR BOTH LIKE MASS EFFECT) DETERMINE IF THIS IS A: PURELY MOVIE FRANCHISE, PURELY TELEVISION, MOVIE TO TV, TV TO MOVIE, MMO, VG, VG TO MOVIE, VG TO TV, TV TO VG, MOVIE TO VG, OR ANYOTHER COMBINATION. COD TIMELINE: 2011- NUCLEAR DETONATION IN MIDEAST, 2016- WW3 (INTO FORMS FROM NATO AFTER RUSSIA JOINS IT), 2025- US/CHINA COLD WAR. COD SPACE WARFARE: (COD4- USMC, PROJECT HOT EAGLE, N7 TRAINING), (COD WAW \u2013 ISLAND HOPPING \u201CPLANET HOP\u201D), (CODMW2- ISS, SPACE ASTRONAUT, NASA/CORP/USAF), (COD BO-MOON MULTIPLAYER MAP), (COD MW3- ZERO G FIGHT SEQ, WW3, NATO WITH RUSSIA), (COD BO2- FUTURE SETTING, RISE OF CHINA, SATELLITE WARFARE- USAF)/ BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR INSPIRED. (US NAVY SPACECRAFT, RAILGUNS) RE-INVENT SPACE MARINE (SPACE: ABOVE & BEYOND), 1 BULLET CAN KILL, NEW KIND OF SPACE WEAPONRY. TAKES PLACE WITHIN THE NEXT 100 YEARS, DEFINITELY AFTER THE NEXT 25. MUSIC IS SYNTHPOP WITH ORCHESTRAL (TRON LEGACY, MASS EFFECT) 1967 MOON TREATY, UN DISSOLVED, TREATY INVALID, REPLACE UN WITH G8/G20 SUCCESSOR MASS EFFECT TRILOGY (1-REAPER INTRO/MERCS, 2- MSV ESTEVANICO/SHIP COLLAPSE, 3- FINAL PUSH/ERASE STARCHILD & CRUCIBLE/BUILD UPON LOST CRYPTS OF BEINGS OF LIGHT) FINAL STUFF CHECK: TSANFM and CROSE documents. Influence Star Trek (Enterprise) - Characters and ranking and races Battlestar Galactica (Reimagine) - equipment, technology, relationships, transportation. Instaneous space-folding, without any visual cues, almost as if it disappears in once location , then reappears in another, can be done with a film jump cut. Sea Quest- ideal bridge Space 1999-conflicts Stargate (SG1) - ships Halo- warfare, timeline \u2026. Video game Dune- royalty, desert, politics\u2026. Novel Wing Commander- enemy\u2026.. Film Enemy Mine Lost in Space Star Wars Miscellaneous 5 named ships Average race Adam Wilson is based on \u2018Trip\u2019 and \u2018Apollo\u2019 and \u2018Wesley Crusher\u2019 Logy, better recollection than humans Gixlan, main craft is like a basestar Crose is bigger than earth, several times bigger, artificially created Transportation called slipstream. Pyrrhic victory at the D-day like battle Adam Wilson lives fight by stealing Gixlan ship with a Logy dying onboard Commander dies, Kylie\u2019s character dies Based on Korean War Loggy mostly like kangaroo, wookie Bounty hunter General Xon \u2013 rename. (Gixlan enemy)"@en .