"The Imperial Enslavements refer to the Galactic Empire's enslavement of tens of thousands of alien species across the Universe. These include the Vulcans, Andorians, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Dominion Changelings, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Bajorans, Trill, Voth, Kazons, Gorns, Borg, Mon Calamari, Ewoks, Lurrians, Wookiees, Jawas, Geonosians, Gungans, Kaminoans, and Na'vi. Most of these campaigns occurred in 19 and 18 BBY, with one in 10 BBY, one in 9 BBY, and one in 3 BBY."@en . . "The Imperial Enslavements refer to the Galactic Empire's enslavement of tens of thousands of alien species across the Universe. These include the Vulcans, Andorians, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Dominion Changelings, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Bajorans, Trill, Voth, Kazons, Gorns, Borg, Mon Calamari, Ewoks, Lurrians, Wookiees, Jawas, Geonosians, Gungans, Kaminoans, and Na'vi. Most of these campaigns occurred in 19 and 18 BBY, with one in 10 BBY, one in 9 BBY, and one in 3 BBY."@en . "Imperial Enslavements (Dimensional Universe)"@en .