. . "Male"@en . . . . "co-owner of Sapphire Coast Resort & Casino"@en . "Charlie Turner is the co-owner of the Sapphire Coast Resort & Casino, in partnership with the murder victim, Sam Siegel in Heartbreak Hotel. Charlie has the practised bonhomie necessary to run such an establishment, but his roots in the gutter soon come to light, and if Castle, Ryan and Esposito were in any doubts, there's the security footage from his own casino, showing him smacking Sam around for crimes, originally, unspecified. Charlie doesn't tolerate anyone trying to cheat him, but, as the story progresses, we discover that he got into bed, financially, with certain people even less liberal than himself in this area, and the missing $10 million from the casino's accounts could see all remotely connected sleeping with the fishes. As the New York detectives have no jurisdiction in Atla"@en . . . . . "Charlie Turner is the co-owner of the Sapphire Coast Resort & Casino, in partnership with the murder victim, Sam Siegel in Heartbreak Hotel. Charlie has the practised bonhomie necessary to run such an establishment, but his roots in the gutter soon come to light, and if Castle, Ryan and Esposito were in any doubts, there's the security footage from his own casino, showing him smacking Sam around for crimes, originally, unspecified. Charlie doesn't tolerate anyone trying to cheat him, but, as the story progresses, we discover that he got into bed, financially, with certain people even less liberal than himself in this area, and the missing $10 million from the casino's accounts could see all remotely connected sleeping with the fishes. As the New York detectives have no jurisdiction in Atlantic City, their interaction with Turner is, even more than usual, a cat-and-mouse game, where, occasionally at least, they're the mouse."@en . "\"Heartbreak Hotel\""@en . "Charlie Turner"@en . "Alive"@en . .