. . "Boss Man"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . . . . . . "Brown"@en . . "Emo boy"@en . "Jesse Stefanovic (born 1984) was a Canadian college student and was the editor of The Core at Toronto University. After he graduated in 2007, he gave the position to his ex-girlfriend Ellie Nash. He is portrayed by Steve Belford."@en . . "The Core"@en . . . "Jesse Stupid-face"@en . . "Jesse Stefanovic"@en . . "c. 1984"@en . "13"^^ . . . "Jesse Stefanovic (born 1984) was a Canadian college student and was the editor of The Core at Toronto University. After he graduated in 2007, he gave the position to his ex-girlfriend Ellie Nash. He is portrayed by Steve Belford."@en . . . "Intern at The Star Ledger"@en . "Jesse Stefanovic"@en . "Editor of The Core"@en . "He and Ellie broke up and he left The Core."@en . . . "Male"@en . . .