. "Masaya Sugimoto"@pt . "8"^^ . "Image:Stub Logo.png This article is a . You can help improve Mystic Wikia by expanding it. The word Guru is Sanskrit for \"Teacher,\" and comes from two words meaning \"light\" and \"dark.\" Thus the literal meaning of \"Guru\" is \"One Who Leads From Darkness Into Light.\" It is important to understand that in Indian Culture a Guru is given tremendously high respect, much higher than is normally connoted by the word \"teacher.\" So much so that the word Guru is often used as a metaphor for a supernatural entity such as one's Genius, Spiritual Guide, Holy Guardian Angel, Augoeides, etc."@en . "Guru"@pt . "170"^^ . . "Guru is the teacher who teaches fighting to the students of the Linphea College."@en . . . "Guru"@nl . . "Saichoro"@en . . . . "Y'Berion \u2013 najwy\u017Cszy z Guru"@pl . "The Guru was an associate of Scarecrow."@en . . "#CFC9CF"@en . . . "12000"^^ . . . . "2009-06-07"^^ . . . "Hello! interestingly you: Italian designers Dolce Hello! interestingly you: Italian designers Dolce"@en . . . "Gelb"@de . . "by Roy Posner"@en . . . . . . . "During his screen time he is presented as a wise and beloved leader. He seemed compassionate towards not just his people but most almost anyone with the exception of those who harmed other forms of life. He wasn't egotistical as he never summoned the dragon for selfish reasons like immortality despite the fact it would of been very easy for him to make said wishes."@en . . "Brown"@en . . "A guru (Sanskrit: \u0917\u0941\u0930\u0941) is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others (teacher). As a principle for the development of consciousness it leads the creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. In its purest form this principle manifests on earth as a divine incarnation (saint), a person with supreme knowledge about God and all creation. Other forms of manifestation of this principle also include parents, school teachers , non-human objects (books) and even one's own intellectual discipline. Some Gurus ask for unquestioning obedience, but full trust of the disciple is only justified, when the Guru is Brahmanishta Shrotriya , Brahma Gyani, the knower of God, a saint which can see God at any time he so desires. In the religious sense the term is commonly used in Hinduism and Sikhism, as well as in Buddhism and new religious movements. Finding a true guru is often held to be a prerequisite for attaining self-realization. Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion said: \"Even if a thousand suns and moons rose, they would be unable to remove the darkness of ignorance within the heart. This can only be removed through the grace of the Guru.\" \"Guru\" also refers in Sanskrit to Brihaspati, a divine figure in Hinduism. In Vedic astrology, guru or Brihaspati is believed to exert teaching influences. Indeed, in many Indian languages such as Hindi, the occidental Thursday is called either Brihaspativaar or Guruvaar (vaar meaning day of the week). In contemporary India, Indonesia and the Philippines, the word \"guru\" is widely used with the general meaning of \"teacher\". In Western usage, the meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy or religion. In a further Western extension, guru is used to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived secular knowledge or skills, such as in business."@en . "Guru"@it . . "H"@en . "\"Die Existenz ist eine L\u00FCge, Gef\u00FChle sind Illusionen, Besitz ist nur eine Gabe der T\u00E4uschung\" Der Guru zu Ratchet. Der Guru war ein einsamer Au\u00DFenweltler, welcher oft im Einklang mit dem Universum meditierte. Er meinte zwar, ihm liege nichts an Besitzt\u00FCmern, lie\u00DF Ratchet und Clank allerdings Mondsteine und W\u00FCstenkristalle sammeln, und gab ihnen als Gegenleistung entweder ben\u00F6tigte Ger\u00E4te oder Bolts. Als Nebenjob arbeitete er im Halsabschneidergef\u00E4ngnis auf Aranos als pers\u00F6nlicher Lebensberater. Als einer der wenigen in der Bogon Galaxie beherschte er Telekinese, somit konnte er Ratchet's Star Explorer reparieren und auf Grelbin einen gigantischen Felsen bewegen. Au\u00DFerdem geh\u00F6rte er der selben Spezies an wie Skid - McMarx und Skid's Agent. Ratchet und Clank trafen den Guru zum ersten mal auf Tabora, wo er die \u00DCberreste des Star Explorers aufgeh\u00E4uft hatte. Er meinte, die Macht der W\u00FCstenkristalle k\u00F6nne den Energiefluss des Schiffes beeinflussen und es reparieren. Nach 9 Kristallen war die Wirkung stark genug, um aus dem Schrotthaufen einen der besten Sternenj\u00E4ger der Galaxie zu machen. Sp\u00E4ter auf Grelbin blockierte ein gigantischer Felsblock den Eingang zu thumb|Der Guru bei der Lebenstherapie.einer unterirdischen Miene der MegaCorp. Der Guru, der auf Grelbin fischte und meditierte, meinte, der Fels w\u00FCrde sich erst bewegen, wenn die Kr\u00E4fte des Universum's im Einklang sind. Nachdem der kleine Roboter und der Lombax ihm 16 Mondsteine gebracht hatten, bewegte sich der Fels. F\u00FCr weitere 16 w\u00FCrde er ihnen einen Teil von einem Ger\u00E4t namens Hypnomatik geben. Ratchet erinnerte ihn daran, dass der Guru meinte, der h\u00E4tte kein Verlangen nach Besitzt\u00FCmern. Doch der Guru wollte seinen Geist jetzt nicht mit dem B\u00FCrden anderer belasten. Er w\u00E4re M\u00FCde von Heben des Felsens und musste ruhen."@de . . "Saichoro"@en . . . . "Guru ist der Titel f\u00FCr einen spirituellen Lehrer, der sich mit spirituellen Einzelheiten sein ganzes Leben besch\u00E4ftigt.[[Datei:Ein_Guru_namens_Pathik.jpg|thumb|255x255px|Guru Pathik]] Guru Pathik war als ein spiritueller Gelehrter der Luftnomaden bekannt und ebenso ein enger Freund von M\u00F6nch Gyatso. Weitere Gurus sind bisher nicht bekannt."@de . . . "Rozdro\u017Ca przeznaczenia"@pl . . "Guru are characters that appear in Chrono Trigger They lived during the Antiquity, served as wise men and advisers to Queen Zeal, and were among the few Enlightened Ones who did not look down on the Earthbound Ones. They are: \n* Belthasar, the Guru of Reason. \n* Gaspar, the Guru of Time. \n* Melchior, the Guru of Life."@en . . "Guru were men equal part mystic and teacher, similar to the Rokugani sensei. They practiced the arts of focusing and channeling spiritual power through their bodies, which were the base of the Sainika martial art, which allowed startling feats of physical prowess or even crude healing rituals. They were chased by the Cult of Ruhmal and nearly wiped out to a man. A few gurus survived, and stepped forward to confront the ruhmalist each time they became a threat. They also passed their fighting arts on to the Kshatriya, an order of warriors sworn to protect the Kingdoms, but their spiritual powers remained secret. After the Destroyer War several of the surviving guru traveled back into the jungle and sought out one of the temples of Vishnu, to live there and save as much knowledge as possible"@en . . . "61"^^ . . . . "Guru"@en . "Species: kolala Age: Unknown Likes: Rap Hip-Hop Feeding Kolala Food Yoga Dislikes: Spiders Dingos Angry People Chicken Leg Voiced By: Mike Myers Shamanism"@en . "Guru is the oldest and wisest remaining Namekian in existence and is one of three of the only survivors of a cataclysmic climate shift several hundred years prior to the events in the series, (the other two being Kami and King Piccolo, who were one being prior to Kami's separation with his inner evil, which resulted in the self-proclaimed Demon King). As the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls, Guru's death could cause them to become inert. This happened once during the Frieza Saga, but he was later resurrected using the Earth's Dragon Balls. Soon thereafter, (when his death due to old age was imminent), Guru passed on the Dragon Balls, as well as his position as the Namekian elder, to Moori."@en . . . "Aang spotyka Guru Pathika, kt\u00F3ry b\u0119dzie go szkoli\u0142 jak opanowa\u0107 \"Stan Awatara\" poprzez otworzenie wszystkich czakr. Sokka po dw\u00F3ch latach ponownie spotyka si\u0119 z ojcem. Katara zosta\u0142a w Ba Sing Se, aby chroni\u0107 i pomaga\u0107 kr\u00F3lowi. Toph zostaje schwytana przez Xin Fu i Mistrza Yu, kt\u00F3rzy chc\u0105 j\u0105 z powrotem odda\u0107 w r\u0119ce rodzic\u00F3w, lecz ona ucieka poprzez wykorzystanie Magii metalu. Azula namawia si\u0119 razem z Long Fengiem, by obali\u0107 Kr\u00F3la Ziemi. Podczas otwierania ostatniej czakry Aang ma wizje w kt\u00F3rej widzi Katare w niebezpiecze\u0144stwie i opuszcza szkolenie, wbrew woli Guru."@pl . "The Three Gurus"@en . "Yes"@en . . . . "thumbGuru is geleerd, vredelievend en goedhartig. Hij is de oudste van alle namekians en de oervader van zijn soort: namekianen zijn tweeslachtig en worden geboren uit eieren. Guru is ook de maker van de namekiaanse dragonballs. Als hij overlijdt zal ook de kracht van de dragonballs verdwijnen en daarmee de mogeijkheid om de draak Porunga op te roepen en wensen te doen. Omdat Guru een oude en zieke man is, is dit een groot probleem op zijn planeet."@nl . "Indeterminate"@en . "Grand Theft Auto III y Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories"@es . . "Male"@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . "A Silver Age supervillain."@en . "Human"@en . "Guru"@pl . . . . . "Y'Berion.png"@pl . "Guru"@es . . . . "Image:Stub Logo.png This article is a . You can help improve Mystic Wikia by expanding it. The word Guru is Sanskrit for \"Teacher,\" and comes from two words meaning \"light\" and \"dark.\" Thus the literal meaning of \"Guru\" is \"One Who Leads From Darkness Into Light.\" It is important to understand that in Indian Culture a Guru is given tremendously high respect, much higher than is normally connoted by the word \"teacher.\" So much so that the word Guru is often used as a metaphor for a supernatural entity such as one's Genius, Spiritual Guide, Holy Guardian Angel, Augoeides, etc. On a more mundane level, Gurus are often the chief teacher or originator of a particular tradition."@en . "The Three Gurus: Belthasar , Melchior , and Gaspar ."@en . "by Roy Posner"@en . . . "100px|thumbnail|Un guru. I Guru o Baal sono i capi spirituali della Setta di Campo Palude, capaci di usare le magie: \n* Y\u2019Berion il Guru pi\u00F9 importante, fondatore della Fratellanza. In origine era un minatore di Campo Vecchio, di nome Berion, ma 5 anni prima che l'Eroe venisse gettato nella Colonia, fu folgorato da una visione del Dormiente, la quale ispirer\u00E0 tutta la struttura del campo costruito in mezzo alla palude, incluse abitazioni, palafitte, e la cultura stessa. Vive isolato nel Tempio costruito a ridosso della scogliera; \n* Cor Kalom: il secondo guru per importanza, infaticabile alchimista, arrogante, superbo ed avido. Abita al secondo livello sopra il chiosco di Fortuno; \n* Baal Namib: il primo guru che si incontra entrando a Campo Palude, abita in un albero cavo. Se gli si rivolge la parola Lester ci dir\u00E0 che abbiamo fatto sacrilegio. \n* Baal Orun: il guru supervisore dei novizi che lavorano l'erba di palude. Abita in un albero cavo; \n* Baal Cadar: Il guru commerciante di manufatti, rune e pergamene magiche, insegna ai novizi sotto il campo di addestramento dei templari, abita in una capanna poco distante; \n* Baal Tondral: il guru che insegna ai novizi poco distante dalla fucina di Darrion, abita in una capanna costruita a ridosso di un albero, ed \u00E8 l'unico guru a rivolgere spontaneamente la parola all'Eroe; \n* Baal Tyon: Il guru che insegna ai novizi nel piazzale del Tempio. Baal Kagan, a Campo Nuovo, nel caso scegliessimo come ricompensa l'evocasogni trattato per averlo aiutato a smerciare l'erba, ci riveler\u00E0 che \u00E8 diventato il consigliere di Y'Berion. Non sembra avere una capanna in quanto gli sviluppatori non hanno predisposto n\u00E8 per lui, n\u00E8 per i novizi e n\u00E8 per i templari nel piazzale, delle vere e proprie abitazioni, infatti sono presenti sempre l\u00EC. \n* Baal NetBek (ma esso sembra essere pi\u00F9 un deviato che un vero e proprio guru, infatti \u00E8 solo in mezzo alla palude e straparla di alberi parlanti) \n* Baal Lukor (Che \u00E8 presente solo nel Cimitero degli Orchi, \u00E8 impossibile trovarlo a Campo Palude prima di allora) Non si pu\u00F2 parlare direttamente con loro ma bisogna attirare la loro attenzione svolgendo certi compiti e aspettare che siano loro a parlare per primi. Anche se membri della Setta, non si pu\u00F2 diventare Guru e quindi accedere ai Cerchi Magici pi\u00F9 elevati. Ci sono altri personaggi il cui nome comprende il 'titolo' Baal, ma non sono Guru e infatti indossano l'Armatura leggera da novizio al posto della Veste da guru: \n* a Campo Nuovo Baal Isidro e Baal Kagan \n* a Campo Vecchio Baal Parvez e Baal Taran Si suppone tuttavia che essi, in quanto missionari sia a Campo Vecchio che Campo Nuovo al momento dell'inizio della trama dell'Eroe senza nome, siano dei novizi abbastanza influenti e preparati, tanto che il titolo onorifico di Baal potrebbe esser stato dato loro in caso di una eventuale promozione a guru. Lester stesso dice che alcuni novizi possono divenire guru (come il caso di Joru), ma devono studiare per moltissimi anni. In ogni caso nessuno di essi far\u00E0 in tempo a divenirlo, poich\u00E8 la caduta della Barriera e l'arrivo dei Draghi far\u00E0 impazzire tutti i membri della Fratellanza(e diverranno Cercatori), eccetto Cor Angar, Lester e Fortuno, che comunque saranno perseguitati da forti mal di testa. \n*"@it . "Guru \u2013 najwy\u017Csza kasta w obozie Bractwa \u015Ani\u0105cego."@pl . "Human"@en . . . . "Species: kolala Age: Unknown Likes: Rap Hip-Hop Feeding Kolala Food Yoga Dislikes: Spiders Dingos Angry People Chicken Leg Voiced By: Mike Myers Shamanism"@en . . . . . . . . "\u30EB\u30FC"@pt . . . "Unbekannt"@de . "Guru were men equal part mystic and teacher, similar to the Rokugani sensei. They practiced the arts of focusing and channeling spiritual power through their bodies, which were the base of the Sainika martial art, which allowed startling feats of physical prowess or even crude healing rituals. They were chased by the Cult of Ruhmal and nearly wiped out to a man. A few gurus survived, and stepped forward to confront the ruhmalist each time they became a threat. They also passed their fighting arts on to the Kshatriya, an order of warriors sworn to protect the Kingdoms, but their spiritual powers remained secret. After the Destroyer War several of the surviving guru traveled back into the jungle and sought out one of the temples of Vishnu, to live there and save as much knowledge as possible."@en . . . "100"^^ . "#665145"@en . . . . . . "Roo \u00E9 um dos personagens que residem em 100 Acre Wood , e \u00E9 o filho de Kanga. Ele aparece em Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories e Kingdom Hearts II. Sempre que ele sai com sua m\u00E3e, ele vai dentro de sua bolsa. Roo nunca \u00E9 visto sozinho, ele sempre \u00E9 encontrado com Kanga ou Tigr\u00E3o. Categoria:Personagens"@pt . . . "Ziemia"@pl . . . . "Guru"@de . "Aang spotyka Guru Pathika, kt\u00F3ry b\u0119dzie go szkoli\u0142 jak opanowa\u0107 \"Stan Awatara\" poprzez otworzenie wszystkich czakr. Sokka po dw\u00F3ch latach ponownie spotyka si\u0119 z ojcem. Katara zosta\u0142a w Ba Sing Se, aby chroni\u0107 i pomaga\u0107 kr\u00F3lowi. Toph zostaje schwytana przez Xin Fu i Mistrza Yu, kt\u00F3rzy chc\u0105 j\u0105 z powrotem odda\u0107 w r\u0119ce rodzic\u00F3w, lecz ona ucieka poprzez wykorzystanie Magii metalu. Azula namawia si\u0119 razem z Long Fengiem, by obali\u0107 Kr\u00F3la Ziemi. Podczas otwierania ostatniej czakry Aang ma wizje w kt\u00F3rej widzi Katare w niebezpiecze\u0144stwie i opuszcza szkolenie, wbrew woli Guru."@pl . . . "Guru"@es . . "Dee Bradley Baker"@en . . "Guru is the oldest and wisest remaining Namekian in existence and is one of three of the only survivors of a cataclysmic climate shift several hundred years prior to the events in the series, (the other two being Kami and King Piccolo, who were one being prior to Kami's separation with his inner evil, which resulted in the self-proclaimed Demon King). As the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls, Guru's death could cause them to become inert. This happened once during the Frieza Saga, but he was later resurrected using the Earth's Dragon Balls. Soon thereafter, (when his death due to old age was imminent), Guru passed on the Dragon Balls, as well as his position as the Namekian elder, to Moori. Morbidly obese in his old age, Guru is always seen sitting stationary on his throne-like chair. He dies before Frieza is defeated, of a broken heart, but not before unlocking Krillin, Gohan and Dende's hidden powers, (the latter of whom seemed to gain healing abilities as opposed to increased battle strength). He is briefly brought back to life on Namek and brought to Earth for the small duration of time that was taken from his lifetime by Frieza's actions, but dies again of old age before the population can be moved again to New Namek. In the manga, it is revealed that he knew about the Super Saiyans, and regarded Kami and Piccolo's original potential to be so great that only a Super Saiyan could have a chance at defeating him. Also, Guru's chair/throne design actually first appeared well over a year prior in the King Piccolo Saga though King Piccolo's was slightly modified with skull detailing. Kami and/or his father Katas may have known Guru due to this, though it is also possible other Namekian leaders used these chairs as well prior to the climate shift on Namek which nearly killed them."@en . . . . . . "Roo \u00E9 um dos personagens que residem em 100 Acre Wood , e \u00E9 o filho de Kanga. Ele aparece em Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories e Kingdom Hearts II. Sempre que ele sai com sua m\u00E3e, ele vai dentro de sua bolsa. Roo nunca \u00E9 visto sozinho, ele sempre \u00E9 encontrado com Kanga ou Tigr\u00E3o. Categoria:Personagens"@pt . "Nowicjusze < Guru"@pl . "Guru"@de . . . . . "Keith Elam (1966 - 2010), m\u00E1s conocido como Guru, fue un rapero norteamericano conocido por formar parte del d\u00FAo Gang Starr. Es tambi\u00E9n conocido por doblar a 8-Ball en Grand Theft Auto III y Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories."@es . "The Guru was an associate of Scarecrow."@en . . . "Great Elder"@en . "\"Oh, you mustn't be sad, my children. I have lived a full and blessed life. Don't be afraid. Death is simply another stage of our life.\"\u2014 \"Mighty Blast of Rage\"Guru (\u6700\u9577\u8001, Saich\u014Dr\u014D; lit. \"Grand Elder\") is the oldest and wisest remaining Namekian in existence at the time of his appearance. As the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls, Guru's death would cause them to become inert, unless he passes down his authority to someone else.Contents [show] Biography604878The Grand Elder talking to Nail, Dende, and KrillinDelsolidAdded by DelsolidGuru is one of the two survivors of a cataclysmic climate shift on Namek several hundred years prior to the events in the series (the other ones being Kami and King Piccolo, who were once one being prior to Kami's separation with his inner evil). Guru is renow"@en . . "Guru"@en . . . . . . "\"Die Existenz ist eine L\u00FCge, Gef\u00FChle sind Illusionen, Besitz ist nur eine Gabe der T\u00E4uschung\" Der Guru zu Ratchet. Der Guru war ein einsamer Au\u00DFenweltler, welcher oft im Einklang mit dem Universum meditierte. Er meinte zwar, ihm liege nichts an Besitzt\u00FCmern, lie\u00DF Ratchet und Clank allerdings Mondsteine und W\u00FCstenkristalle sammeln, und gab ihnen als Gegenleistung entweder ben\u00F6tigte Ger\u00E4te oder Bolts. Als Nebenjob arbeitete er im Halsabschneidergef\u00E4ngnis auf Aranos als pers\u00F6nlicher Lebensberater."@de . "Jimmy Bennett"@pt . "Guru"@en . "Guru"@en . . . . . . . . "Personagens Secund\u00E1rios"@pt . "Hello! interestingly you: Italian designers Dolce Hello! interestingly you: Italian designers Dolce"@en . "Black"@en . "Y'Berion, Cor Kalom, Baal Cadar, Baal Orun, Baal Namib, Baal Tondral, Baal Tyon, Baal Lukor"@pl . "Guru"@en . . "Saichoro"@en . . "Unbekannt"@de . "Guru"@pl . "Aang_and_his_cosmic_Avatar_Spirit.png"@pl . "Keith Elam"@es . . . "\u30EB\u30FC"@pt . . . . "100px|thumbnail|Un guru. I Guru o Baal sono i capi spirituali della Setta di Campo Palude, capaci di usare le magie: \n* Y\u2019Berion il Guru pi\u00F9 importante, fondatore della Fratellanza. In origine era un minatore di Campo Vecchio, di nome Berion, ma 5 anni prima che l'Eroe venisse gettato nella Colonia, fu folgorato da una visione del Dormiente, la quale ispirer\u00E0 tutta la struttura del campo costruito in mezzo alla palude, incluse abitazioni, palafitte, e la cultura stessa. Vive isolato nel Tempio costruito a ridosso della scogliera; \n* Cor Kalom: il secondo guru per importanza, infaticabile alchimista, arrogante, superbo ed avido. Abita al secondo livello sopra il chiosco di Fortuno; \n* Baal Namib: il primo guru che si incontra entrando a Campo Palude, abita in un albero cavo. Se gli s"@it . . . . "Guru ist der Titel f\u00FCr einen spirituellen Lehrer, der sich mit spirituellen Einzelheiten sein ganzes Leben besch\u00E4ftigt.[[Datei:Ein_Guru_namens_Pathik.jpg|thumb|255x255px|Guru Pathik]] Guru Pathik war als ein spiritueller Gelehrter der Luftnomaden bekannt und ebenso ein enger Freund von M\u00F6nch Gyatso. Guru Pathik reiste zum \u00D6stlichen Lufttempel, da er eine Vision hatte, er m\u00FCsse Aang helfen. Er will ihm beibringen den Avatar-Zustand zu kontrollieren. Doch um dies zu k\u00F6nnen, muss er alle Chakren \u00F6ffnen. Beim letzten, wichtigstem und schwierigsten Chakra gab Aang allerdings auf, da er daf\u00FCr Katara, die Liebe seines Leben aufgeben m\u00FCsse. Weitere Gurus sind bisher nicht bekannt."@de . . . "Original Manga"@en . . "Guru are characters that appear in Chrono Trigger They lived during the Antiquity, served as wise men and advisers to Queen Zeal, and were among the few Enlightened Ones who did not look down on the Earthbound Ones. They are: \n* Belthasar, the Guru of Reason. \n* Gaspar, the Guru of Time. \n* Melchior, the Guru of Life."@en . "Guru \u2013 najwy\u017Csza kasta w obozie Bractwa \u015Ani\u0105cego."@pl . "Halsabschneider"@de . "\"Oh, you mustn't be sad, my children. I have lived a full and blessed life. Don't be afraid. Death is simply another stage of our life.\"\u2014 \"Mighty Blast of Rage\"Guru (\u6700\u9577\u8001, Saich\u014Dr\u014D; lit. \"Grand Elder\") is the oldest and wisest remaining Namekian in existence at the time of his appearance. As the creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls, Guru's death would cause them to become inert, unless he passes down his authority to someone else.Contents [show] Biography604878The Grand Elder talking to Nail, Dende, and KrillinDelsolidAdded by DelsolidGuru is one of the two survivors of a cataclysmic climate shift on Namek several hundred years prior to the events in the series (the other ones being Kami and King Piccolo, who were once one being prior to Kami's separation with his inner evil). Guru is renowned for saving the Namekian race after the climate shift, by laying eggs and continuing his species. In his lifetime, he birthed 109 children, including his bodyguard Nail and the young Dende.\"Pure-hearted warriors always rise to a new level of strength when forced to defend themselves against the vile sort of darkness that you represent.\"\u2014 \"Frieza Approaches\"Morbidly obese in his old age, Guru is always seen sitting stationary on his throne-like chair during the Namek Saga. He dies before Frieza is defeated, of a combination of a broken heart and stress (both brought on from repeatedly sensing his children's deaths at the hands of Frieza's minions), but not before unlocking Krillin, Gohan and Dende's hidden powers (the latter of whom seemed to gain healing abilities as opposed to increased battle strength).Dbz060 20120224-14134384Grand Elder GuruIbbe PoseyAdded by Ibbe PoseyIt is revealed that Guru knows about the Super Saiyan legend when he asks Krillin if the Saiyan who attacked Earth (Vegeta) was a \"Super Saiyan\". Also, Guru regards Kami and Piccolo's original potential to be so great that only a Super Saiyan could have a chance at defeating him (after Piccolo's fusion with Nail and Kami, Krillin later states in the Imperfect Cell Saga that Kami and Piccolo's potential is even greater than that of a Super Saiyan).Guru out of chairGuru on Earth with his sonsPonds11Added by Ponds11His death prevents Vegeta from wishing for immortality, just before Frieza found Krillin, Vegeta, Gohan, and Dende wishing with the Dragon Balls. Soon thereafter, King Kai chooses to revive him and all the other victims of Frieza's army with the Earth's Dragon Balls so the Namekian dragon, Porunga, would be brought back. The wish revives Elder Guru because Frieza's murder of the Namekians caused Guru to die of grief. The third wish left is used to transport everyone on the planet (except Goku and Frieza) to Earth. Later on Earth, when his death due to old age is imminent, Guru passes on the Dragon Balls and his position as the Namekian Grand Elder to Moori. As Guru dies again of his old age, he goes with a smile on his face, saying it was a good day to die. Upon his death, his body fades away (implying that Guru was allowed to keep his body upon death).Powers and abilitiesGuru Telepatically Talking To King KaiGrand Elder Guru telepathically talking to King KaiVikash BishnoiAdded by Vikash BishnoiThough Guru is not shown fighting in the series, he has shown a number of abilities. As a member of the Dragon Clan, his most famous ability is the power to create Dragon Balls, to which he gave powerful abilities. He has the ability to unlock someone's hidden potential by placing his hand on their head; he did this for Krillin, Gohan and Dende. Krillin asked Guru if he was not weakened after unlocking his potential, but Guru replied that it did not matter as he only acted as a catalyst, and that his life force is not affected in the slightest. Guru can also view someone's memories by placing his hand on their head, and can perform telepathy and sense ki.In Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game, Guru's power level is stated to be 2,000. Video game appearancesGuru(LoSS)Guru in Super Saiya DensetsuJeangabin666Added by Jeangabin666Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin FreezaDragon Ball Z: Super Saiya DensetsuDragon Ball Z: Legendary Super WarriorsDragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku (as a statue)Dragon Ball Z: BudokaiDragon Ball Z: Budokai 3Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru DensetsuDragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag TeamVoice actorsJapanese Dub: Junpei Takiguchi (Originally), Masaharu Sat\u014D (Onwards)Ocean Group Dub: Robert O. SmithFUNimation Dub: Christopher R. Sabat (Dragon Ball Z), Bill Jenkins (Dragon Ball Z Kai)Latin American Dub: Armando R\u00E9ndizBrazilian Dub: C\u00E9sar Leit\u00E3oCroatian Dub: Kruno BelkoHungarian Dub: Krist\u00F3f TiborTriviaGuru's chair/throne design actually first appeared several years prior in the King Piccolo Saga, though King Piccolo's was slightly different with skull detailing, while Kami's was nearly identical to Guru's, as was the chair originally within the ship the Nameless Namek came to Earth in. The Nameless Namek and/or his father Katas may have known Guru due to this, though it is also possible other Namekian leaders used these chairs as well, in the time prior to the climate shift on Namek which nearly extinguished their species.Though many characters in Dragon Ball Z die twice within the course of the storyline (like Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Master Roshi, etc.), Guru is the only character to die twice in the same saga.Although referred to as \"Guru\" in the English dub of the Dragon Ball Z anime, that name has been dropped in favor of a more literal translation of his name, \"The Grand Elder,\" for the English dub of Dragon Ball Z Kai. This makes him the only character to have his name changed for the new show like this.In the Hebrew dub, Guru is stated to be a female Namekian, probably because of him giving birth to nearly all the Namekians currently alive."@en . . "Keith Elam (1966 - 2010), m\u00E1s conocido como Guru, fue un rapero norteamericano conocido por formar parte del d\u00FAo Gang Starr. Es tambi\u00E9n conocido por doblar a 8-Ball en Grand Theft Auto III y Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories."@es . . "Father of many Namekians"@en . . . . "Kr\u00F3l Ziemi"@pl . . . . . . "thumbGuru is geleerd, vredelievend en goedhartig. Hij is de oudste van alle namekians en de oervader van zijn soort: namekianen zijn tweeslachtig en worden geboren uit eieren. Guru is ook de maker van de namekiaanse dragonballs. Als hij overlijdt zal ook de kracht van de dragonballs verdwijnen en daarmee de mogeijkheid om de draak Porunga op te roepen en wensen te doen. Omdat Guru een oude en zieke man is, is dit een groot probleem op zijn planeet. Door gebruik te maken van zijn krachten lukt het Guru in de Namek-saga om de verborgen krachten in Krillin en Gohan naar boven te brengen, en geeft hij Dend\u00E9 een krachtige geneeskracht. Guru wordt bewaakt door Nail, een sterke namekiaanse krijger die getraind is in alle oude namekiaanse vechttechnieken. Wanneer Frieza de Namekians langzaam maar zeker uitmoordt bespoedigt dit de dood van Guru, hij sterft van verdriet. Omdat hij dus indirect door Frieza is vermoord kan hij later weer teruggewenst worden met de dragonballs. Niet veel later sterft hij alsnog, maar dit keer van ouderdom. Categorie:Characters Categorie:Nameks Categorie:DBZ personages"@nl . . . . . "Keine Haare"@de . . . . "R\u016B"@pt . . . "Unbekannt"@de . "A Silver Age supervillain."@en . . "Guru is the teacher who teaches fighting to the students of the Linphea College."@en . . "Jimmy Bennett"@pt . . . "39"^^ . . "241"^^ . "During his screen time he is presented as a wise and beloved leader. He seemed compassionate towards not just his people but most almost anyone with the exception of those who harmed other forms of life. He wasn't egotistical as he never summoned the dragon for selfish reasons like immortality despite the fact it would of been very easy for him to make said wishes."@en . . . "Guru"@pt . "A guru (Sanskrit: \u0917\u0941\u0930\u0941) is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others (teacher). As a principle for the development of consciousness it leads the creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. In its purest form this principle manifests on earth as a divine incarnation (saint), a person with supreme knowledge about God and all creation. Other forms of manifestation of this principle also include parents, school teachers , non-human objects (books) and even one's own intellectual discipline. Some Gurus ask for unquestioning obedience, but full trust of the disciple is only justified, when the Guru is Brahmanishta Shrotriya , Brahma Gyani, the knower of God, a saint whic"@en . . . . . . . .