. . "Costumes: Beyond the Wall"@en . . . "The Wall is defended and held by the Sworn Brothers of the Night's Watch. While there are nineteen castles built into the southern side of the Wall, in the current generation only three are manned by the Night's Watch due to the order's dwindling numbers. The Night's Watch also rules over the Gift, the thinly settled lands immediately south of the Wall, given to their order to support its basic needs. Strictly speaking, the Wall, the Watch's castles along it, and the Gift are not part of the unified realm known as \"the Seven Kingdoms\", ruled from the Iron Throne in King's Landing. They were also never subject to the rule of Winterfell immediately to the south."@en . . . "The Wall is defended and held by the Sworn Brothers of the Night's Watch. While there are nineteen castles built into the southern side of the Wall, in the current generation only three are manned by the Night's Watch due to the order's dwindling numbers. The Night's Watch also rules over the Gift, the thinly settled lands immediately south of the Wall, given to their order to support its basic needs. Strictly speaking, the Wall, the Watch's castles along it, and the Gift are not part of the unified realm known as \"the Seven Kingdoms\", ruled from the Iron Throne in King's Landing. They were also never subject to the rule of Winterfell immediately to the south. The Lands Beyond the Wall are the vast uncharted regions of Westeros that are north of the Wall. It is the only part of the continent that is not part of the realm ruled by the Iron Throne, and thus the only place where particular attention is given to the difference between \"Westeros\" (the continent), and \"the Seven Kingdoms\" (the realm to the south of the Wall ruled from King's Landing). Together with the nearby Wall of the Night's Watch, the lands beyond the Wall have a very cold climate, with it not unusual to see snow even in summer. People living in the Seven Kingdoms to the south considered it a frozen wasteland at the edge of the world, filled with vast taiga forests and mountain ranges, but people are still able to eke out an existence in this harsh enviornment. The lands beyond the Wall are inhabited by human tribes that refer to themselves as the \"Free Folk\", known by the people of the Seven Kingdoms as wildlings. The wildlings themselves are not politically unified but consist of numerous and diverse groups. Many are semi-nomadic hunters, due to the impracticality of agriculture in the far north. Some wildlings are little more than savage and primitive raiders, but other groups live in small settled communities and villages. In the furthest north of these mysterious and unexplored area, far away from the Wall, can be found three non-human races, which are only known to survive in the lands beyond the Wall: the Giants (who have joined the wildling army), the Children of the Forest, and the White Walkers. Of these, the wildlings have had some dealings with the giants, though the Night's Watch thought they were simply legends. Even the wildlings, however, have not had contact with the enigmatic Children of the Forest or the deadly White Walkers for thousands of years."@en . . .