. "Bipedal"@en . "Varies\n*Red\n*Yellowish Orange"@en . "Natural scavengers"@en . . . "Unspecified"@en . . "Les Nanophytes sont des petites cr\u00E9atures originaire de la plan\u00E8te Fastoon qui ont r\u00E9ussit \u00E0 se d\u00E9velopper dans les ruines Lombax. Ils ont des yeux bleus suivi d'une petite antenne en haut-de leur t\u00EAte. Ils vivent en bandes et ne se s\u00E9pare jamais de leurs armes. Apr\u00E8s la Grande Guerre, les nanophytes ont pill\u00E9s la ville Lombax de toute sa technologie et ses ressources comme dans la mine de Raritanium. Ils ont donc commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 y vivre."@fr . "None"@en . . . . "The Nanophytes are primitive starfaring species of reptilian/avinoids. Much like the Vullards, whom reside in the same galaxy as they themselves, they are scavengers, collecting valuable junk left behind by others. Unlike the Vullards, Nanophytes are aggressive and violent little creatures."@en . "The Nanophytes are primitive starfaring species of reptilian/avinoids. Much like the Vullards, whom reside in the same galaxy as they themselves, they are scavengers, collecting valuable junk left behind by others. Unlike the Vullards, Nanophytes are aggressive and violent little creatures."@en . "The Nanophytes were a scavenger species that traveled to the Lombax Ruins of Fastoon. They were very similar to that of the Vukovar Tribesmans of planet Barlow in the Bogon Galaxy in Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando. Both were raiding abandoned planets; the tribesmans were raiding the old Gadgetron store on Barlow, while the Nanophytes were raiding the Lombax city on planet Fastoon. After the Lombaxes left the planet, Nanophytes inhabited the many ruins, finding as many resources as they could that were left by the Lombaxes- such as in the Raritanium Mine."@en . . . "The Nanophytes were a scavenger species that traveled to the Lombax Ruins of Fastoon. They were very similar to that of the Vukovar Tribesmans of planet Barlow in the Bogon Galaxy in Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando. Both were raiding abandoned planets; the tribesmans were raiding the old Gadgetron store on Barlow, while the Nanophytes were raiding the Lombax city on planet Fastoon. After the Lombaxes left the planet, Nanophytes inhabited the many ruins, finding as many resources as they could that were left by the Lombaxes- such as in the Raritanium Mine."@en . . . . "Nanophyte"@fr . . "Les Nanophytes sont des petites cr\u00E9atures originaire de la plan\u00E8te Fastoon qui ont r\u00E9ussit \u00E0 se d\u00E9velopper dans les ruines Lombax. Ils ont des yeux bleus suivi d'une petite antenne en haut-de leur t\u00EAte. Ils vivent en bandes et ne se s\u00E9pare jamais de leurs armes. Apr\u00E8s la Grande Guerre, les nanophytes ont pill\u00E9s la ville Lombax de toute sa technologie et ses ressources comme dans la mine de Raritanium. Ils ont donc commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 y vivre. Les nanophytes sont divis\u00E9s en deux classes: Les matraqueurs nanophyte et les bombardiers nanophyte. Le premier utilise une matraque, d'o\u00F9 son nom, pour attaquer ses ennemis au corps-\u00E0-corps. Le second utilise une bombe, contenant un liquide vert provenant s\u00FBrement de Fastoon, qui explose au contact du sol ou de Ratchet. Tous deux gardent avec attention leur nid pour \u00E9viter sa destruction."@fr . "Small"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Least Concern"@en . "Nanophyte"@en . . "Nanophyte"@en . "None"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . "Sapient"@en .