"MechWarrior: Dark Age is the title of an ongoing series of novels set in the BattleTech Universe. The series was created by WizKids and has a companion game MechWarrior: Dark Age (and its successor, MechWarrior: Age of Destruction). The Dark Age series of books is intended as a re-launch of the BattleTech book franchise, to create an easy starting point for new readers."@en . . . . "MechWarrior: Dark Age (novels)"@en . . . "MechWarrior: Dark Age is the title of an ongoing series of novels set in the BattleTech Universe. The series was created by WizKids and has a companion game MechWarrior: Dark Age (and its successor, MechWarrior: Age of Destruction). The Dark Age series of books is intended as a re-launch of the BattleTech book franchise, to create an easy starting point for new readers."@en .