"Well, it would appear that last week's update was very popular! But, there's always something to be improved any our work is never done. If you have a menagerie and think it could be better then you're in luck!"@en . "Well, it would appear that last week's update was very popular! But, there's always something to be improved any our work is never done. If you have a menagerie and think it could be better then you're in luck! First of all, we've fixed most of the identified bugs to do with last week's update so everything should be running smoothly. Of course, if you find any bugs, be sure to let us know so we can annihilate them as soon as possible! Now, many players have asked to be allowed to have more than one menagerie. This isn't possible but we have increased the amount of pets you can keep in your very own zoo by adding some new items. There are now 5 more hotspots in your menagerie and to accommodate this, there are now two types: the old, regular menagerie and the new, specialized menagerie. You may have one of each room. To allow this new room, we've increased the maximum size of your house at different levels of construction. Owners of clockwork cats, pet rocks and pet fish everywhere rejoice because they can now stay in your menagerie to. Bird and cat owners will also be happy as new pet baskets and perches will allow you to keep your animals and not have them increase your total pet limit. You can now store a total of 20 pets in your player owned houses now. Also, fences can now be built to prevent unwanted animals messing up your beautiful garden. For those high level builders and summoners, the obelisk can now be upgraded to allow you to make pouches and scrolls there - for a price of course. Finally, we've fixed some issues with the Great Orb Project activity bar so more activities will now register as being worthwhile in-game. That's all this time folks but keep giving us your feedback because now you know that it counts!"@en . . . "Feedback Update: Menagerie, Familiar Controls & Butlers"@en .