"Published in StoryStar 2010 Bonkers Beth, that\u2019s what they called me. Oh she\u2019s just bonkers they\u2019ll say. Fine I\u2019ll tell you, you\u2019ll listen. I\u2019m not bonkers but my name is Beth (that\u2019s what I\u2019m told), Beth Blonk double O 7. I\u2019ve always wanted to say that. Unfortunately I\u2019m not a spy, nothing special about me; apart from..... Time will reveal all. It all started when, well I don\u2019t know when. The psychiatrist asked me if any significant changes have happened in my life. So we\u2019ll start from there, the event that changed my life, my death, February the seventh. \u201CB, B,\u201D Dad shouted, he never called me my full name. Great. Saturday, the ONE WEEK ANIVERSARY. I rolled out of bed and put my slippers on. \u201CWere leaving in 30,\u201D dad added. We were going to south end on sea. I got ready and went downstairs. \u201CHow you feeling today?\u201D Dad asked Great, last week 3 girls, one which was my best friend, tried to kill me, I feel great. \u201COk, where's Lewis?\u201D I asked. Lewis was my older sister. Only by a year. She thinks because she\u2019s 14 she\u2019s tough. \u201CPacking her swimming kit. Got your bags?\u201D \u201CYep,\u201D I said as I took a piece of toast. I\u2019ll be in the car,\u201D I took my bags and put them in the car boot. I looked up at the house. If I knew that was the last time I\u2019d see my real home, I\u2019d have taken a photo. If only. \u201CCome on B,\u201D Lewis said getting into the car. \u201CYou ready? We could stay at home if you want,\u201D dad said. I looked at him in his plain black shirt and jeans. \u201CLet\u2019s go,\u201D I whispered . I got into the front seat of the car. I closed my eyes. I miss you mum. I thought all her images would go, all the fun times. I was mistaken. \u201CKids we're here,\u201D Dad said. Great, the caravan we saw every fortnight. We put our bags into the caravan. \u201CB, when did Jay say he\u2019d be here?\u201D Dad asked me. \u201CAbout now,\u201D I said. Jay, my only true friend left, always came with us to the caravan. She used to as well, before she tried to kill me. The door opened to reveal Jay and once again my heart leapt. He combed his short black hair into a quiff and wore black combats and a black t-shirt. \u201CHey,\u201D He said and gave me a hug. He smelt of oil \u201CJust came from dad\u2019s garage,\u201D he said as if he read my mind. \u201CYou ok?\u201D \u201CYeah, yeah,\u201D I mumbled. He smiled. \u201CI\u2019ll always be here,\u201D he said. I smiled. Dad coughed rather loud, \u201CLet\u2019s go for a swim,\u201D Dad said. I changed into my long grey t-shirt with a swimming kit under just in case. I wasn\u2019t even planning to go swimming. \u201CNot going for a dip?\u201D dad asked. \u201CNah, just want to relax with a book,\u201D I said pulling out a chair in the sand, well, what was supposed to be sand had turned all grey and dusty. \u201CYou read too much. This was meant to be a treat, B. Ever since the incident you\u2019ve been a walking skeleton, some people would give anything to be here, alive,\u201D dad said and sighed. \u201CLook, I\u2019m sorry, I\u2019ll go for a swim, promise,\u201D I said. Jay changed into his blue swimming trunks. \u201CCome on,\u201D he said as he dragged me up. I took off my t-shirt to reveal my navy blue swimming kit. We ran into the sea. The pebbles started rubbing into my feet but the further away we went the deeper it was. \u201CB, let\u2019s go back, it\u2019s far enough,\u201D Jay said, but I could rarely hear him. I ran further until the water covered my whole body. I couldn\u2019t see Jay anymore; I couldn\u2019t see anything, just a white light......... \u201CHello Beth, wakey, wakey,\u201D A woman said. She had long red hair with black pupils and a long black dress. She had smooth clear skin and a beauty mark on her slim cheek bones. He dress fit tightly around her whole body. \u201CBeth, but my names-\u201D I said until she interrupted me. \u201CCome on, time for school, it\u2019s your first day,\u201D she said as she was about to leave. \u201CWait, you are?\u201D I said. She chuckled and rested her hand on my forehead. Her hand was ice cold making my whole body shiver. \u201CI\u2019m your mother silly, are you ill?\u201D she asked. \u201CNo um mum,\u201D I said struggling to say the last word. I hadn\u2019t used it in a long time. I got up and observed my room. It had medals everywhere. \u201CWinner of Lillington Junior piano recital,\u201D I read out loud. Where was I? I checked my alarm clock. Mum, (who claims to be my mum) said it was my first day of school. I had washed and opened my cupboard to see my school uniform. It was the same as my old uniform. White shirt with a grey pinafore and a grey cardigan. I put it on and for the first time I looked at my reflection. I was a medium height red head with the same stature as my mum. \u201CWhoa, who am I?\u201D I said. I went downstairs to see a boy and a girl who looked just like me sitting at the table. \u201CAre we like related?\u201D I asked. They chuckled. \u201CAs related as 3 people can get, triplets,\u201D the boy said. I looked at his hair; he had brown hair and black pupils. \u201CBeth, don\u2019t you remember John and Marie?\u201D mum said. \u201CI do,\u201D I said quickly. \u201CI have to go,\u201D I said. I walked out the front door and typed my real dads\u2019 number into the phone and pressed dial. \u201CHello,\u201D he said. \u201COh dad,\u201D I said and let out a sigh. \u201CUm, who is this,\u201D he asked. \u201CB, it\u2019s me Bella,\u201D I said. I put the phone down for a minute. \u201CUm, Bella\u2019s right next to me, if this is a prank hang up now cause I\u2019m a police officer, I will trace the call back,\u201D He said. I hung up immediately and started running. My eyes started tearing up. I wanted to be back in dads\u2019 arms, I wouldn\u2019t even mind Lewis teasing me. I tripped and landed in someone\u2019s arms. \u201CWhoa, watch where you're going,\u201D a boy said. My heart leapt, it was Jay. He was in his grey trousers, white shirt and grey cardigan. \u201CI haven\u2019t seen you around before, I\u2019m Jay,\u201D \u201CUm Bel- I mean Beth,\u201D I said. \u201CBeth, nice name for a nice girl, come on, you can walk with me, but we're going to pick up Bella first,\u201D he said. I started limping. \u201CWhoa, here,\u201D he wrapped my arm around his shoulders and support my sprained ankle. \u201CSo, you\u2019re going to love it here, I\u2019ll even give you the personal tour of the city, after school.\u201D \u201CSure but, what\u2019s the date today?\u201D I asked \u201CJanuary 31st,\u201D Jay said. 7 days before my death. \u201CTell Bell not to go to south end on Saturday\u201D I said suddenly. \u201CHow do you know Bells going south end?\u201D he replied suspiciously. \u201Cjust a guess\u201D I said. We carried on our journey to Bells house in silence. I didn't know what was going on, but what I knew for sure is, it was going to be hard explaining. Jay knocked on the door and Bell came out. \"Hey Jay and-\" she said looking a me confused. \"This is my friend Beth,\" Jay said. I looked at my old body, i needed to know what was going on. All i knew was in 7 days i was going to die if i didn't stop myself going to southend. And the big obstacle standing in my way is somehow I'm in a girl named Beth's body. We walked to school. Bel and Jay having a conversation about football and me staying silent. \"You OK Beth?\" Jay asked me. \"Yeah, I'm just scared, first day of school,\" I answered \"Yeah, first day of school and you've already got a boyfriend,\" Bel said annoyingly. \"I thought he was your boyfriend?\" I said \"Nah, we're best mates aren't we Bell?\" Jay said. She nodded and carried on walking. I took her by the hand and lead her to the girls bathroom. \"Look, this may sound crazy but, um, I'm Bella MCarthy,\" I said. \"No I am. You're Beth,\" She said. \"I know my birthday, 25-6-97, i know my mum died 2 years ago on my birthday, and i know 2 weeks ago 3 girls tried to drown me,\" I said. Bel stepped backwards. \"Stay away from me,\" She shouted. \"Listen, if you go to southend next week you're going to die.\" \"Stop saying these things Bonkers Beth, and I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to set me up so you can have Jay all to yourself,\" She said and went out of the girls bathroom. She ignored me from there. Every time she'd see me she'd call me Bonkers Beth, and the name started to catch on. The man who claims to be my dad doesn't even believe me. Only Jay does. He said the real Bel would never call anyone bonkers and when he saw me he knew there was something different. If only more people were like him. My psychiatrist is making me write this, but the last Bel MCarthy drowned in southend on sea, and I was questioned in prison but found not guilty. I've realised I can't live my life in someone else's body. I want to be with my mum and Jay wants to be with me so we made a deal. I'm bonkers Beth, not my real name but people always call me that. I'm not barking nor bonkers, but i am dying, i took an overdose of pills with Jay. goodbye."@en . "Bonkers Beth"@en . . "Published in StoryStar 2010 Bonkers Beth, that\u2019s what they called me. Oh she\u2019s just bonkers they\u2019ll say. Fine I\u2019ll tell you, you\u2019ll listen. I\u2019m not bonkers but my name is Beth (that\u2019s what I\u2019m told), Beth Blonk double O 7. I\u2019ve always wanted to say that. Unfortunately I\u2019m not a spy, nothing special about me; apart from..... Time will reveal all. It all started when, well I don\u2019t know when. The psychiatrist asked me if any significant changes have happened in my life. So we\u2019ll start from there, the event that changed my life, my death, February the seventh. \u201CHow you feeling today?\u201D Dad asked"@en . . . . . .