. . . . . . . . "Lemma"@en . "Lemma ist ein Wort, mit dem sich einige Autoren der weniger bekannten Uncyclopedia-Parodie Wikipedia vom Rest der Internetnutzer abgrenzen will. Typische Wikipediaartikel sind ganz sch\u00F6n belemmat. Ein Beispiel f\u00FCr ein Lemma sehen sie oben. F\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich wird es genutzt um die L\u00F6schvorschl\u00E4ge faktisch zu untermauern. Wie viele Fachw\u00F6rter hat dieses nat\u00FCrlich einen nachhaltigen Effekt auf die Leser, die dem Schreiber eine \"h\u00F6here\" Wertigkeit beimessen. Auch: Die Mehrzahl von kleinen Babyschafen."@de . "Lemma is a relationship between Lachy and Emma. They started dating when they replaced Greg and Jeff as the yellow and purple wiggles in 2013, but didn't officially announce it until March 7, 2015., On May 2, 2015 Lachy read Emma a poem and asked Emma to marry him. The response Emma gave was, \"Yes! Of Course!\" They then revealed the engagement on May 5, 2015. The wedding was planned in between tours. Lachy revealed he got the engagement ring in New Zealand. They have done lots of things together to make Wiggles fans think that Lachy Gillespie and Emma Watkins are boyfriend and girlfriend, (dancing, playing nursery rhyme couples, going places together, etc.) before they admitted that they were actually in love. They kept their romantic relationship secret possibly because their career is ch"@en . . . . . "Lemma"@en . "Characters"@en . . "Lemma ist ein Wort, mit dem sich einige Autoren der weniger bekannten Uncyclopedia-Parodie Wikipedia vom Rest der Internetnutzer abgrenzen will. Typische Wikipediaartikel sind ganz sch\u00F6n belemmat. Ein Beispiel f\u00FCr ein Lemma sehen sie oben. F\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich wird es genutzt um die L\u00F6schvorschl\u00E4ge faktisch zu untermauern. Wie viele Fachw\u00F6rter hat dieses nat\u00FCrlich einen nachhaltigen Effekt auf die Leser, die dem Schreiber eine \"h\u00F6here\" Wertigkeit beimessen. Auch: Die Mehrzahl von kleinen Babyschafen."@de . . . "Lemma"@ia . . . . . "Lemma is a relationship between Lachy and Emma. They started dating when they replaced Greg and Jeff as the yellow and purple wiggles in 2013, but didn't officially announce it until March 7, 2015., On May 2, 2015 Lachy read Emma a poem and asked Emma to marry him. The response Emma gave was, \"Yes! Of Course!\" They then revealed the engagement on May 5, 2015. The wedding was planned in between tours. Lachy revealed he got the engagement ring in New Zealand. They have done lots of things together to make Wiggles fans think that Lachy Gillespie and Emma Watkins are boyfriend and girlfriend, (dancing, playing nursery rhyme couples, going places together, etc.) before they admitted that they were actually in love. They kept their romantic relationship secret possibly because their career is child-related and their relationship is more adult related, and because they were mainly focused on the job and were mindful of the people around them. Lachy proposed to Emma during the Rock & Roll Preschool tour."@en . . . "Lemma"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Status"@en . "Rivals"@en . "Emma Wiggle and Lachy Wiggle"@en . . . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lemma]] \u03BB\u1FC6\u03BC\u03BC\u03B1 (l\u0113mma), \u201C\u2018premise, assumption\u2019\u201D), from \u03BB\u03B1\u03BC\u03B2\u03AC\u03BD\u03C9 (lamban\u014D), \u201C\u2018I take\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . "Married"@en . . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lemma]] \u03BB\u1FC6\u03BC\u03BC\u03B1 (l\u0113mma), \u201C\u2018premise, assumption\u2019\u201D), from \u03BB\u03B1\u03BC\u03B2\u03AC\u03BD\u03C9 (lamban\u014D), \u201C\u2018I take\u2019\u201D)."@ia . .