. . "All Mototsu are similar to Humans and Shinigami, however, the one trait that stands out is their magenta within blue eyes. They are all similar to porcelain dolls; extremely beautiful, slender, flawless, and androgynous. Mototsu are genderless; though are referred to whatever gender they sound and act like. In Gai's first appearance in Bleach: Rising Phoenix, an onlooker described the seemingly young boy as having \"White porcelain skin like a bisque doll, beautiful hair, big bright eyes like diamonds, and a youthful and perfect body.\" The Mototsu have unique spiritual power: it constantly fluctuates depending on their emotions, while giving off reishi patterns similar to that of the H\u014Dgyoku. An angered \uFEFFMototsu would emit an overbearing power unlike anything else in Soul Society, a power completely unrelated to Reiatsu. When Gunha had sufficently angered Gai in Tenth Release- Shinseina Kakusei, he goes on to say that his very presence felt as though Gai was trying to stifle his very existence with his power. However, when not angered, other beings will be unable to sense a Mototsu's reiatsu. The Mototsu are ageless immortals; for example, Gai Nagareboshi is over 5000 years old, and yet, he looks 17 constantly. Mototsu generally act their appearance; Gai is constantly fretting over his relationship with K\u014Dzuki Yoshi, and is generally unconcerned with the fact that he is in possession of power unlike any other."@en . . . . . . . . . . "All Mototsu are similar to Humans and Shinigami, however, the one trait that stands out is their magenta within blue eyes. They are all similar to porcelain dolls; extremely beautiful, slender, flawless, and androgynous. Mototsu are genderless; though are referred to whatever gender they sound and act like. In Gai's first appearance in Bleach: Rising Phoenix, an onlooker described the seemingly young boy as having \"White porcelain skin like a bisque doll, beautiful hair, big bright eyes like diamonds, and a youthful and perfect body.\""@en . . "Mototsu"@en .