. "The Order of the Seijin, in stark contrast to the Five Great Nations, which leaves the operation of the individual Hidden Villages up to the village's Kage, operates totally as one unit. Their primary job is to be the protectors of the smaller nations whom get caught in the Great Nations' wars (such as Amegakure) and all five of the Great Nations. They are also to keep the peace between all of the nations to the best of their abilities, which usually means resolving threats before they get out of hand. Koga Tensei, a member of the Order, commented that if the Order had existed during the early days of Akatsuki crisis, they would've been defeated long before they could've created such a mess. Occasionally, graduates from the Order will return to their normal lives, though most prefer to sta"@en . . . "Order of the Seijin"@en . . "The Order of the Seijin, in stark contrast to the Five Great Nations, which leaves the operation of the individual Hidden Villages up to the village's Kage, operates totally as one unit. Their primary job is to be the protectors of the smaller nations whom get caught in the Great Nations' wars (such as Amegakure) and all five of the Great Nations. They are also to keep the peace between all of the nations to the best of their abilities, which usually means resolving threats before they get out of hand. Koga Tensei, a member of the Order, commented that if the Order had existed during the early days of Akatsuki crisis, they would've been defeated long before they could've created such a mess. Occasionally, graduates from the Order will return to their normal lives, though most prefer to stay within the Order and it's many jobs. They often are called upon to solve disputes between the Hidden Villages. The villages are usually not allowed, without permission, to carry out activities outside of their normal jurisdiction or their country. The Kage of one village cannot punish the citizens of another village. So disputes between the villages come up regularly. It is the job of the Order members to solve the disputes peacefully if possible and with force if necessary."@en . . .