"*Battle of Metalorn\n*First / Second Mission to Metalorn"@en . . . . . . "Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion"@en . . "*Perlemian Trade Route\n*Talcene Transit"@en . . . . . . "Talcene sector"@en . . "*Caramm system\n*Deylerax system\n*Metalorn system\n*Orleon system\n*Talcene system\n*Torrad system"@en . . . . "Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion"@en . "*Darth Revan's Sith Empire\n*Brotherhood of Darkness\n*Galactic Republic\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n*Galactic Empire\n*Greater Maldrood\n*Yuuzhan Vong empire\n*Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire"@en . . "*Carammian\n*Enu"@en . . . . "[Source] Talcene sector was a sector in the Mid Rim."@en . . . "news/star-wars-the-essential-atlas-online-companion"@en . . . . . "Talcene sector"@en . . "[Source] Talcene sector was a sector in the Mid Rim."@en .