. . . "Dr. Noonian Soong"@en . . "B-4 (Proto en fran\u00E7ais) est un andro\u00EFde de type Soong construit dans les ann\u00E9es 2330s par Noonien Soong sur Omicron Theta. Bien que physiquement similaire \u00E0 Lore et Data, les 2 andro\u00EFdes suivants, B-4 ne fut pas \u00E9quip\u00E9 d'un cerveau positronique aussi sophistiqu\u00E9 que ceux de ses fr\u00E8res. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original."@fr . . "The existence of B-4 was not known to Starfleet until 2379, when the disassembled pieces of the android were found by the crew of the USS Enterprise-E on Kolarus III. The pieces had been planted there by Shinzon as part of an elaborate scheme to lure Jean-Luc Picard near Romulus in order to capture him. B-4 was also used as an unwitting spy; he was equipped with a second memory port that contained subversive programming that compelled him to download vital data about the positions of all Federation starships and their coded communications frequencies."@en . . . "dottor Ira Graves"@it . . . . "Male"@en . "B-4 era il prototipo di un androide di tipo Soong costruito dal dottor Noonien Soong su Omicron Theta negli anni attorno al 2330. Era uno dei tre prototipi falliti antecedenti alla riuscita costruzione di Lore (TNG: \"Una madre per Data\") Sebbene B-4 fosse fisicamente identico a Data ed a Lore, i due ultimi androidi costruiti, B-4 non era dotato di un cervello positronico sofisticato come quello dei fratelli, con il risultato di fargli fare domande semplici come \"Perch\u00E9 l'uomo alto ha cos\u00EC tanto pelo sul viso?\", e descrivere la sala macchine semplicemente come \"Una stanza... con delle luci.\" L'esistenza di B-4 rimase ignota alla Flotta Stellare fino al 2379, quando i pezzi disassemblati dell'androide furono trovati dall'equipaggio della USS Enterprise-E su Kolarus III. I pezzi vi erano stati messi da Shinzon in quanto facenti parte di uno schema elaborato per attirare Jean-Luc Picard vicino a Romulus per poterlo catturare. B-4 fu anche usato come spia ignara; venne dotato di una seconda memoria contenente una programmazione sovversiva che lo obbligava a scaricare dati vitali circa la posizione di tutte le navi della Federazione e relative frequenze codificate di comunicazione. Sebbene si rendesse conto dei limiti di B-4, Data volle dare al fratello l'opportunit\u00E0 di espandere le proprie capacit\u00E0, cos\u00EC come aveva potuto fare lui stesso anni prima. A tal fine, Data copi\u00F2 tutte le sue memorie in B-4, sperando che tali esperienze aggiuntive avrebbero aiutato B-4 ad evolversi oltre la sua programmazione originale. Tuttavia, poco dopo, B-4 dovette venir disattivato a causa del pericolo che rappresentava per l'equipaggio dell' Enterprise, e questo a causa della manomissione di Shinzon. Poco tempo dopo, Data venne distrutto insieme alla Scimitar, essendosi immolato per salvare i suoi compagni. B-4 venne riattivato, e sebbene alcuni ricordi di Data iniziarono ad affiorare, il suo futuro rimase incerto. (Star Trek La nemesi)"@it . . . . . . . . "2379"^^ . . "B-4"@it . . . "2330.0"^^ . "Es un androide similar a Data y Lore, pero sin incorporar el gran avanze de la Matriz Positr\u00F3nica. La existencia de B-4 fue conocida por la Federaci\u00F3n hasta 2379, cuando los pedazos desmontados del androide fueron encontrados por el equipo de la USS Enterprise-E en Kolarus III. Los pedazos hab\u00EDan sido dejados all\u00ED por Shinzon como parte de una elaborada trampa para enga\u00F1ar a Jean-Luc Picard y llevarlo cerca de Romulus para capturarlo. B-4 tambi\u00E9n fue utilizado como esp\u00EDa involuntario; lo equiparon de un segundo puerto de memoria que contenia programas troyanos, eso le oblig\u00F3 a transfir datos vitales sobre las posiciones de las naves de la federaci\u00F3n y de las frecuencias cifradas usadas en las comunicaciones."@es . . . . "B-4"@it . "Dr. Ira Graves"@en . . . "Es un androide similar a Data y Lore, pero sin incorporar el gran avanze de la Matriz Positr\u00F3nica. La existencia de B-4 fue conocida por la Federaci\u00F3n hasta 2379, cuando los pedazos desmontados del androide fueron encontrados por el equipo de la USS Enterprise-E en Kolarus III. Los pedazos hab\u00EDan sido dejados all\u00ED por Shinzon como parte de una elaborada trampa para enga\u00F1ar a Jean-Luc Picard y llevarlo cerca de Romulus para capturarlo. B-4 tambi\u00E9n fue utilizado como esp\u00EDa involuntario; lo equiparon de un segundo puerto de memoria que contenia programas troyanos, eso le oblig\u00F3 a transfir datos vitales sobre las posiciones de las naves de la federaci\u00F3n y de las frecuencias cifradas usadas en las comunicaciones."@es . . . "maschio"@it . . . . . . . . . "B-4"@de . . . "male"@en . . "B-4 was a prototype Soong-type android constructed by Doctor Noonien Soong in the 2330s, and, like the majority of Dr. Soong's works, was modeled after Soong's own likeness. (TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis)"@en . . . . "B-4 Nemesis.jpg"@it . "B-4 era il prototipo di un androide di tipo Soong costruito dal dottor Noonien Soong su Omicron Theta negli anni attorno al 2330. Era uno dei tre prototipi falliti antecedenti alla riuscita costruzione di Lore (TNG: \"Una madre per Data\") Sebbene B-4 fosse fisicamente identico a Data ed a Lore, i due ultimi androidi costruiti, B-4 non era dotato di un cervello positronico sofisticato come quello dei fratelli, con il risultato di fargli fare domande semplici come \"Perch\u00E9 l'uomo alto ha cos\u00EC tanto pelo sul viso?\", e descrivere la sala macchine semplicemente come \"Una stanza... con delle luci.\""@it . . "Lal"@it . . . . . . "attivo"@it . . "B-4"@en . "B-4 (sprich: bi-'for; vergleichbar englisch \u201Ebefore\u201C, zu deutsch: \u201Ebevor\u201C) ist ein von Dr. Noonien Soong gebauter Android. B-4 ist ein Vorl\u00E4ufermodell der bekannten Androiden Lore, Data und Juliana Tainer."@de . "Active"@en . . . . . "no"@en . "B-4 (Proto en fran\u00E7ais) est un andro\u00EFde de type Soong construit dans les ann\u00E9es 2330s par Noonien Soong sur Omicron Theta. Bien que physiquement similaire \u00E0 Lore et Data, les 2 andro\u00EFdes suivants, B-4 ne fut pas \u00E9quip\u00E9 d'un cerveau positronique aussi sophistiqu\u00E9 que ceux de ses fr\u00E8res."@fr . "androide di tipo Soong"@it . "B-4 (sprich: bi-'for; vergleichbar englisch \u201Ebefore\u201C, zu deutsch: \u201Ebevor\u201C) ist ein von Dr. Noonien Soong gebauter Android. B-4 ist ein Vorl\u00E4ufermodell der bekannten Androiden Lore, Data und Juliana Tainer. Die Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) findet den zerlegten Androiden auf Kolarus III, einem Planeten nahe der Neutralen Zone. \u00C4u\u00DFerlich scheint B-4 identisch mit Data, nur sein positronisches Gehirn ist weitaus weniger ausgereift. Datas offensichtliches Vorl\u00E4ufermodell ist jedoch von Shinzon modifiziert worden um die Kommunikationsprotokolle von der Enterprise zu stehlen. Dadurch w\u00FCrde Shinzon die Positionen s\u00E4mtlicher Schiffe der Sternenflotte erfahren. B-4s illegale T\u00E4tigkeiten werden allerdings von der Crew entdeckt und so kann Lieutenant Commander Data mit falschen Informationen auf die Scimitar eingeschleust werden. B-4 wird w\u00E4hrenddessen stillgelegt. Nachdem die Bedrohung beseitigt worden ist und Data sein Leben verloren hat wird B-4 wieder aktiviert. Data \u00FCberspielt noch vor seinem Tod, mit Einverst\u00E4ndnis des Captains, seinen gesamten Speicher in B-4. Zun\u00E4chst ist keine Ver\u00E4nderung in seinem simplen Verhalten bemerkbar, sp\u00E4ter kann Captain Picard jedoch Anzeichen von Datas Wissen, Erinnerung und Verhalten in B-4 erkennen. (Star Trek: Nemesis)"@de . . "B-4"@en . "Lal"@en . "B-4"@es . . . . . "dottor Arik Soong"@it . . . "The existence of B-4 was not known to Starfleet until 2379, when the disassembled pieces of the android were found by the crew of the USS Enterprise-E on Kolarus III. The pieces had been planted there by Shinzon as part of an elaborate scheme to lure Jean-Luc Picard near Romulus in order to capture him. B-4 was also used as an unwitting spy; he was equipped with a second memory port that contained subversive programming that compelled him to download vital data about the positions of all Federation starships and their coded communications frequencies. Although he recognized B-4's limitations, Data wished to give his brother the opportunity to expand his capabilities, much in the same way that he himself had in years past. Towards that end, Data willingly copied all of his memories to B-4, hoping that the added experiences would help B-4 to expand beyond his original programming. However, soon afterward, B-4 had to be deactivated because of the danger he posed to the Enterprise crew, as a result of Shinzon's tampering. A short time later, Data was killed while destroying the Scimitar, having voluntarily sacrificed himself to save his crewmates. B-4 was reactivated so that Picard could tell him of his brother's death, but Picard sadly departed the meeting when his attempts to explain what Data meant to them only confused B-4. Although some of Data's memories began to surface as Picard left the android in his ready room, B-4 beginning to sing the song that Data had sung at Riker and Troi's wedding shortly before B-4's discovery, his future was uncertain. (Star Trek Nemesis)"@en . . "B-4 was a prototype Soong-type android constructed by Doctor Noonien Soong in the 2330s, and, like the majority of Dr. Soong's works, was modeled after Soong's own likeness. (TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis)"@en . "Dr. Arik Soong"@en . . "B-4"@fr . . . "dottor Noonien Soong"@it . . . "B-4"@en .