"20"^^ . . "Karei"@en . . "Karei was a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser used by the Rebel Alliance. It was attacked by Strike-class medium cruiser Ull, which had TIE Avengers from Avenger Squadron as well as Assault Gunboats as backup. The Dreadnaught had X-wings and A-wings to cover its attempted retreat as well as B-wings as backup."@en . "Karei was a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser used by the Rebel Alliance. It was attacked by Strike-class medium cruiser Ull, which had TIE Avengers from Avenger Squadron as well as Assault Gunboats as backup. The Dreadnaught had X-wings and A-wings to cover its attempted retreat as well as B-wings as backup."@en . "Karei"@fr . . . "Karei is a Canthan hero of legend. He was a chosen of Dwayna and his spirit still resides in Tahnnakai Temple. As his pedestal in Tahnnakai Temple says: Karei was a powerful healer who lived seven hundred years ago. For most of his life, he tended a small village in northern Cantha, curing ills and setting broken bones, refusing pay and accepting only food and basic supplies from the community. One day a wealthy Canthan noble and his small entourage passed by Karei's village and were attacked by bandits in the nearby woods. The noble suffered a grievous wound, and after killing the bandits, his guards brought him to Karei, who healed him easily. When the wealthy man attempted to pay him in gold, the Monk refused. Next the noble offered Karei employment on his lavish estate; again the Monk refused. Finally, the noble offered to give the Monk great powers that would make him a god among men, but Karei would not be moved. Smiling, the noble stood and let his cloak fall away, and as he did, he was transformed into a beautiful woman. The goddess Dwayna herself stood before Karei and placed a hand upon his head. \"Thrice I have tempted you and thrice you have resisted. I choose you.\" Called by his goddess, Karei could not refuse his new appointment as Master of the Kaziin Monastery, where he lived out his days training young Monks and healing any sick or broken who came his way. Upon his death, Dwayna herself inducted him into Tahnnakai."@en . . "Karei is a Canthan hero of legend. He was a chosen of Dwayna and his spirit still resides in Tahnnakai Temple. As his pedestal in Tahnnakai Temple says: Karei was a powerful healer who lived seven hundred years ago. For most of his life, he tended a small village in northern Cantha, curing ills and setting broken bones, refusing pay and accepting only food and basic supplies from the community. One day a wealthy Canthan noble and his small entourage passed by Karei's village and were attacked by bandits in the nearby woods. The noble suffered a grievous wound, and after killing the bandits, his guards brought him to Karei, who healed him easily. When the wealthy man attempted to pay him in gold, the Monk refused. Next the noble offered Karei employment on his lavish estate; again the Monk "@en . . . "Flatfish, in particular winter flounder."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Flatfish, in particular winter flounder."@en . .