. "Magda est un personnage de Breath of the Wild. Magda est une femme Hylien qui aime les fleurs et en cultivent des champs. Elle proposera un qu\u00EAte \u00E0 Link"@fr . "The Bareback Rider"@en . . . . . "yes"@en . "Episodes:"@en . . . "2"^^ . . . . "Magda"@de . . . . . "*Prince Randolph conDoin \n*Crown Prince Davros,"@en . . "Book:"@en . "Femme Fatale"@en . "Hallo mein Name ist Magdalena, aber meine Freunde nennen mich Magda!! Ich bin 16 Jahre alt Ich habe braune Haare. Meine Augenfarbe ist eine Mischung aus gr\u00FCn und braun. Ich bin ca.1,60 meter gro\u00DF. Meine Hobbys sind: fort gehn, freunde treffen, und vieles mehr. ich spiele keine instrumente!! Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist schwarz, rot oder blau!"@de . . "Magda, Queen of the Isles"@en . . . "Roller Ball is a very simple sport. You simply slip on a colorful and if possible sexy outfit, put on your roller blades and whiz round in circles while being hit at. Oh yes, there\u2019s also a ball and a goal but no one quite remembers why. This family attraction, in the long tradition of the Freaks, has quickly become an over-night success with Magda as its undisputed star."@en . . "Magda"@it . "Midkemia"@en . "\"Room to Move\""@en . . . . . "N/A."@en . "Magda was a wiry, tattooed woman of the Istrani Wolves; she was the driver for their wagon and the mother of Katya. Magda smoked a tobacco pipe, and was the wife of a farm labourer. She also had another daughter, and 2 sons. Magda's lit pipe served as the ignition source for smoke bombs that the Istrani Wolves used."@en . "Satellite Plan\u00E9taire"@fr . . . "Magda invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . . "2010-09-10"^^ . . . "Magda es la madre de Hoo, empezo su viaje por las isla Ripin con su Miltank cuando tenia 13 a\u00F1os."@es . . . . . . . "30.0"^^ . "200"^^ . . . . . . "To get back at Khan for his betrayal ."@en . "Maga is a friend of Alena Tabor who lives in Oakville."@en . . "Magda is a supporting antagonist turned anti-heroine in the 1983 007 film Octopussy. She is portrayed by Kristina Wayborn."@en . . . . . "Magda is a magpie, and one of the first characters to be seen in both Beechwood Bunny Tales and The Bellflower Bunnies. In the first book, Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball, the character is described as a \"thief, busybody and trickster.\""@en . "Deceased"@en . "Blonde, long"@en . "Magda is the Queen of the Isles immediately after the Riftwar. She is the wife of King Lyam and the mother of Prince Randolph."@en . "Magda is an \"adorable\" mole featured on the game show \"Swift Wits\" as seen in the UK Spot in episode 110 of Muppets Tonight. Magda's fate is held in the hands of Snookie Blyer, who must guess a secret word from a series of clues to have been provided by Lester Tomwater. Due to a miscommunication, Lester does not participate in the game during the allotted time, and Magda is eaten by Big Mean Carl. Magda later appears as Roley Moley in the Mopatop's Shop episode \"This Way to the Garden\" and as Miss Leaf in episode \"The Seed.\""@en . "-the Witch of Connaught\n\n-the Thief"@en . "Magda was a gaijin storyteller maiden."@en . . . . "Magda is Kamal Khan's henchwoman and Octopussy's right hand woman and her most trusted partner in the Octopus Cult. The character was created specifically for the 1983 film Octopussy and was portrayed by Kristina Wayborn."@en . . . . . . . "*Circus leader\n*Smuggler"@en . . . "Non"@fr . "Magda ist ein weibliches Schwein. Sie hat am 3. September Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin."@de . . "No"@en . . . "Magda is a supporting antagonist turned anti-heroine in the 1983 007 film Octopussy. She is portrayed by Kristina Wayborn."@en . . . "Magda is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She is a flower planter whom happens to reside at the Floret Sandbar, nearby the Hila Rao Shrine and is the only resident of the islet. Magda is also part of a Shrine quest known as Watch Out for the Flowers, where Link must be careful not to trample her flowers in order to reach the shrine. Even after this quest has been completed, Link must still be careful not to trample over the flowers too many times, or attack them by mistake."@en . . "Blue ringed octopus tattoo on buttock"@en . . . . "The role of Magda is played by Maria del Mar in the Season One episode \"For I Have Sinned\"."@en . . . "Death Draws Five"@en . . "Magda is the heavy weapons saleswoman in the Black Pits I. She is Brendak's wife and is angry that Brendak is not speaking to her."@en . "Smuggling"@en . . "thumb|Magda (2266) Magda lebt in den 2260ern auf einer Versuchsstation des Planeten Halium. Da es ihr dort jedoch nicht gelingt einen guten Ehepartner zu finden, schlie\u00DFt sie sich 2266 zusammen mit Eve McHuron und Ruth dem zwielichtigen H\u00E4ndler Harcourt Fenton Mudd an, der die drei mit der Venusdroge versorgt und sie auf Ophiucus III mit reichen Ehem\u00E4nnern verkuppeln will. Sie reisen in einem nichtregistrierten Schiff ohne Flugplan und werden aufgrund dessen von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) verfolgt und anschlie\u00DFend an Bord gebeamt. Magda und die anderen Frauen stehen zu diesem Zeitpunkt unter dem Einfluss der Venusdroge, die ihnen Temperament und au\u00DFergew\u00F6hnliche, hypnotische Sch\u00F6nheit verleiht. Da er die Frauen nun nicht mehr nach Ophiucus III bringen kann, sucht Mudd nach einer neuen Gelegenheit sie zu verkuppeln. Diese bietet sich, als die Enterprise Kurs auf Rigel XII nimmt. Wie Mudd mit Hilfe von Magda und Ruth herausfinden kann, leben dort in den Lithium-Minen drei einsame Bergarbeiter. Nachdem Magda in den Besitz eines Kommunikators gelangt, nimmt Mudd Kontakt zu den Bergleuten auf und erzielt eine Vereinbarung. Diese fordern daraufhin von Captain James T. Kirk als Gegenleistung f\u00FCr eine dringend ben\u00F6tigte Lieferung von Lithiumkristallen die Herausgabe der Frauen und die Freilassung von Harry Mudd. Kirk sieht sich zun\u00E4chst gezwungen auf diesen Deal einzugehen. Auf dem Planeten flirtet Magda zun\u00E4chst mit dem Bergarbeiter Benton. Aber auch Herm Gossett ist an ihr interessiert. Es kommt deswegen sogar zu einem Handgemenge. Magda heiratet sp\u00E4ter einen der beiden Bergarbeiter. (TOS: )"@de . "No"@en . . . . "Trasversale"@it . "5"^^ . "\u30DE\u30FC\u30AC\u30EC\u30C3\u30C8"@de . . "La lune a \u00E9t\u00E9 nomm\u00E9e d'apr\u00E8s le CEO d'Hurston Dynamics Magda Stanton, qui a prit la d\u00E9cision d'acheter Hurston \u00E0 l'UEE. Magda est la m\u00E8re de l'actuel CEO \"Colonel\" Gavin E. Stanton."@fr . . "Mobile"@en . . "Marjorie"@de . "Alive"@en . "Magda is the Queen of the Isles immediately after the Riftwar. She is the wife of King Lyam and the mother of Prince Randolph."@en . . "Magda is a Mordavian gypsy and the mother of Blackjack Davy. After saving her son, Magda offers the Hero advice. Much of this wisdom comes from her dreams. Magda is also a skilled Tarot Card reader and for a Kopek will use them to aid the hero in his journey. If the Hero has access to magic she will teach him the Aura Spell, and if not she will give him an amulet that offers similar protection."@en . . . . "2"^^ . . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . . "Weiblich"@de . "Magda"@en . . "Magda was a citizen of the Russian Consortium and a cousin of Susan Ivanova. When Sofie Ivanov took her own life, she told Susan to go next door to Magda's house and wait for her."@en . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . "She is due south from the lodestone after the tutorial."@en . "John J. Miller"@en . . . "conDoin"@en . "Magda ist ein weibliches Schwein. Sie hat am 3. September Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin."@de . . . "Magda invariable Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation manquante 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . "Maga is a friend of Alena Tabor who lives in Oakville."@en . "Magpie"@en . . "Book:"@en . . . . . "500"^^ . . . "Voyage of Slaves"@en . "Magda ist der Name verschiedener Elefantenk\u00FChe, u.a.: \n* Magda (II), der zweiten Asiatischen Elefantenkuh dieses Namens im polnischen Zoo \u0141odz."@de . . . . . "hide"@en . "Circus ring leader"@en . "Italy"@en . . . . . "Nat"@en . "Magda is a Mordavian gypsy and the mother of Blackjack Davy. After saving her son, Magda offers the Hero advice. Much of this wisdom comes from her dreams. Magda is also a skilled Tarot Card reader and for a Kopek will use them to aid the hero in his journey. If the Hero has access to magic she will teach him the Aura Spell, and if not she will give him an amulet that offers similar protection."@en . "XVIII secolo"@it . . . . "Magda was a gaijin storyteller maiden."@en . "Magda, also known as \"the Witch of Connaught\" or \"the Thief\", is a fearsome Lhiannan of Ireland. She not only hunted Garou and Kinfolk, but also destroyed entire Caerns. Magda appears as a feral child, her outward appearance mimicking her wild heart. Her clothing \u2014 when she wears any \u2014 is little more than rags and is covered in dirt. Tattoos and mystic sigils mark her pale skin and her dark hair is matted with blood and filth. She is one of the greatest enemy the Fianna in Ireland."@en . . "La lune a \u00E9t\u00E9 nomm\u00E9e d'apr\u00E8s le CEO d'Hurston Dynamics Magda Stanton, qui a prit la d\u00E9cision d'acheter Hurston \u00E0 l'UEE. Magda est la m\u00E8re de l'actuel CEO \"Colonel\" Gavin E. Stanton."@fr . "1996"^^ . . . . . . "Bronzo"@it . "Magda ."@en . "thumb|Magda (2266) Magda lebt in den 2260ern auf einer Versuchsstation des Planeten Halium. Da es ihr dort jedoch nicht gelingt einen guten Ehepartner zu finden, schlie\u00DFt sie sich 2266 zusammen mit Eve McHuron und Ruth dem zwielichtigen H\u00E4ndler Harcourt Fenton Mudd an, der die drei mit der Venusdroge versorgt und sie auf Ophiucus III mit reichen Ehem\u00E4nnern verkuppeln will. Auf dem Planeten flirtet Magda zun\u00E4chst mit dem Bergarbeiter Benton. Aber auch Herm Gossett ist an ihr interessiert. Es kommt deswegen sogar zu einem Handgemenge. Magda heiratet sp\u00E4ter einen der beiden Bergarbeiter. (TOS: )"@de . "Female"@en . "S[ANTA] M[ARIA] MAD[DALENA] Immagine di santa Maria Maddalena aureolata, coi lunghi capelli, a mezzo busto di profilo destro, in atteggiamento orante davanti ad un teschio. Nella mano destra stringe un vaso di profumo."@it . "hide"@en . . . "Magda is a magpie, and one of the first characters to be seen in both Beechwood Bunny Tales and The Bellflower Bunnies. In the first book, Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball, the character is described as a \"thief, busybody and trickster.\""@en . . . "background:#ff8080"@en . "Roldem, Isleman"@en . . "Magda"@en . "Magda is a fictional character in the Wild Cards series of books."@en . "Octopussy"@en . . . "Magda es la madre de Hoo, empezo su viaje por las isla Ripin con su Miltank cuando tenia 13 a\u00F1os."@es . . . . . "Magda is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. She is a flower planter whom happens to reside at the Floret Sandbar, nearby the Hila Rao Shrine and is the only resident of the islet. Magda is also part of a Shrine quest known as Watch Out for the Flowers, where Link must be careful not to trample her flowers in order to reach the shrine. Even after this quest has been completed, Link must still be careful not to trample over the flowers too many times, or attack them by mistake. Normally, Magda is a calm and composed person so long as one does not dare to tread on or attack her plants. If one makes this offense too many times, three times in Link's case, she will immediately go berserk with rage, hypocritically trample her own flowers, and will attack the repeat offender in return. After Link suffers Magda's wrath, he will lose three hearts worth of damage, regardless of whether or not Link is wearing any armor and irrelevant of its' current level."@en . "Magda, also known as \"the Witch of Connaught\" or \"the Thief\", is a fearsome Lhiannan of Ireland. She not only hunted Garou and Kinfolk, but also destroyed entire Caerns. Magda appears as a feral child, her outward appearance mimicking her wild heart. Her clothing \u2014 when she wears any \u2014 is little more than rags and is covered in dirt. Tattoos and mystic sigils mark her pale skin and her dark hair is matted with blood and filth. She is one of the greatest enemy the Fianna in Ireland."@en . . "James Bond Girl"@fr . "Episodes:"@en . . "Magda est un personnage de Breath of the Wild. Magda est une femme Hylien qui aime les fleurs et en cultivent des champs. Elle proposera un qu\u00EAte \u00E0 Link"@fr . . "Magda"@en . "Octopussy"@en . "Magda"@en . "Magda is an \"adorable\" mole featured on the game show \"Swift Wits\" as seen in the UK Spot in episode 110 of Muppets Tonight. Magda's fate is held in the hands of Snookie Blyer, who must guess a secret word from a series of clues to have been provided by Lester Tomwater. Due to a miscommunication, Lester does not participate in the game during the allotted time, and Magda is eaten by Big Mean Carl. Magda later appears as Roley Moley in the Mopatop's Shop episode \"This Way to the Garden\" and as Miss Leaf in episode \"The Seed.\""@en . . "Breath of the Wild"@en . . . . "Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball"@en . . "A she-wolf in Streak's pack. She isn't noticed much by Darren at first, but by the end of his stay with the wolf pack Streak urges Magda to lead him,Darren,and two other Wolves to Vampire mountain. She died at the end of the journey, Darren believed that she knew she would die and wanted to be useful instead of dying without purpose in the pack. She was nicknamed after Darren's grandmother."@en . . . . "Magda"@de . . . . . "*Octopus Cult\n*Kamal Khan"@en . "Common"@en . . . . . "1703"^^ . . "A she-wolf in Streak's pack. She isn't noticed much by Darren at first, but by the end of his stay with the wolf pack Streak urges Magda to lead him,Darren,and two other Wolves to Vampire mountain. She died at the end of the journey, Darren believed that she knew she would die and wanted to be useful instead of dying without purpose in the pack. She was nicknamed after Darren's grandmother."@en . . . . . . "S[ANTA] M[ARIA] MAD[DALENA] Immagine di santa Maria Maddalena aureolata, coi lunghi capelli, a mezzo busto di profilo destro, in atteggiamento orante davanti ad un teschio. Nella mano destra stringe un vaso di profumo."@it . . "-3"^^ . . . . . . "\"Room to Move\""@en . "Magda est une femme travaillant pour le richissime Kamal Khan. C'est un personnage fictif du film Octopussy."@fr . "Magda was a wiry, tattooed woman of the Istrani Wolves; she was the driver for their wagon and the mother of Katya. Magda smoked a tobacco pipe, and was the wife of a farm labourer. She also had another daughter, and 2 sons. Magda's lit pipe served as the ignition source for smoke bombs that the Istrani Wolves used."@en . "Character"@en . . . . "Green"@en . "Coinshare, World Map and Tutorial"@en . "A mysterious old hermit."@en . "Magda"@es . "Unnamed members of Streak's pack"@en . . "Mercenary"@en . . "Ovale"@it . . . . "Ausgeglichen"@de . "300"^^ . . . . . "cook"@en . "To aid Kamal Khan in his goals ."@en . . . . "Magda est une femme travaillant pour le richissime Kamal Khan. C'est un personnage fictif du film Octopussy."@fr . . "Roller Ball is a very simple sport. You simply slip on a colorful and if possible sexy outfit, put on your roller blades and whiz round in circles while being hit at. Oh yes, there\u2019s also a ball and a goal but no one quite remembers why. This family attraction, in the long tradition of the Freaks, has quickly become an over-night success with Magda as its undisputed star."@en . . . . "Jewel smuggler"@en . "4"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . "2013-11-26"^^ . . . "Magda"@fr . . "Magda"@en . . "She is due south from the lodestone after the tutorial."@en . "Maggie"@de . "Marcella"@de . . "Kristina Wayborn"@fr . "La Pie"@en . "Caucasian"@en . . "Magda ist der Name verschiedener Elefantenk\u00FChe, u.a.: \n* Magda (II), der zweiten Asiatischen Elefantenkuh dieses Namens im polnischen Zoo \u0141odz."@de . . . . . . "Margar\u00ED"@de . . "Freaks"@en . "Hallo mein Name ist Magdalena, aber meine Freunde nennen mich Magda!! Ich bin 16 Jahre alt Ich habe braune Haare. Meine Augenfarbe ist eine Mischung aus gr\u00FCn und braun. Ich bin ca.1,60 meter gro\u00DF. Meine Hobbys sind: fort gehn, freunde treffen, und vieles mehr. ich spiele keine instrumente!! Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist schwarz, rot oder blau!"@de . . . . "Sylvie Feit"@fr . "Europe"@en . "Magda was a citizen of the Russian Consortium and a cousin of Susan Ivanova. When Sofie Ivanov took her own life, she told Susan to go next door to Magda's house and wait for her."@en . . "\"A word from a magpie is a word from a friend.\""@en . . "The role of Magda is played by Maria del Mar in the Season One episode \"For I Have Sinned\"."@en . . . . "Magda is a fictional character in the Wild Cards series of books."@en . . . "Magda is the heavy weapons saleswoman in the Black Pits I. She is Brendak's wife and is angry that Brendak is not speaking to her."@en . . . . . . . "?"@en . "Magda is Kamal Khan's henchwoman and Octopussy's right hand woman and her most trusted partner in the Octopus Cult. The character was created specifically for the 1983 film Octopussy and was portrayed by Kristina Wayborn."@en . . "\"Le premier bal d'Agaric\""@en . "Magda"@fr . . . "None"@en . . "Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball"@en . . . "Human"@en . "No"@en . .