"Earth-177777 (also known as The Marvel Cinematic Alliance) is a project created by DuttPanda, a fanonite alteration of the original Earth-199999 counterpart, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with the amalgam of other properties outside Marvel content like, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. Although this has extreme significance and a lot of similarities towards the original, this universe has endured some differences and modifications."@en . "Earth-177777 (also known as The Marvel Cinematic Alliance) is a project created by DuttPanda, a fanonite alteration of the original Earth-199999 counterpart, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with the amalgam of other properties outside Marvel content like, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. Although this has extreme significance and a lot of similarities towards the original, this universe has endured some differences and modifications."@en . . . . . "Earth-177777"@en .