. . "On the establishment of the Republic in 1910, the provisional government pledge a new organization of overseas territories and a halt of colonial plundering. However republicans themselves where divided between colonial paternalism or full independence. Finally the civilization mission of the Portuguese republic and the use of the colonies as an economic outlet weighted in keeping the colonies as part of Portugal. The Portuguese Constitutions of 1911 and 1927 gave full representation to the overseas colonies in the Congress of the Republic and the power to enactment legislation for its administration. Colonies also had, supervised by the metropolis, financial autonomy and decentralization according to their level of development. The central administration (metropolis) of the colonies was in charge of the Ministry of Colonies (Minist\u00E9rio das Col\u00F3nias), a Superior Council of Colonies (Conselho Superior das Col\u00F3nias) and General Agency of the Colonies (Ag\u00EAncia Geral das Col\u00F3nias). The sale of Portuguese Timor 1923 started a long and procrastinated process a discussion on the value of the colonies. its administration and reform. In 1924 the Congress of the Republic reformed the constitution declaring that the overseas provinces, former colonies, .. are an integral part of the Portuguese state, they are supportive with each other and with the metropolis'. The Constitution of 1927 restated the relationship by defining Portugal as a ... democratic, social, multiracial and multi-continental republic, based on popular sovereignty In 1930 by the Overseas Charter, the old Ministry of Colonies was reorganized in a super-ministry in charge the administration of the overseas provinces and a consultive Overseas Council. The provincial administration was reformed in 1920, 1924 and 1935."@en . . . . "Overseas Provinces of Portugal (Twilight of a New Era)"@en . "On the establishment of the Republic in 1910, the provisional government pledge a new organization of overseas territories and a halt of colonial plundering. However republicans themselves where divided between colonial paternalism or full independence. Finally the civilization mission of the Portuguese republic and the use of the colonies as an economic outlet weighted in keeping the colonies as part of Portugal. The provincial administration was reformed in 1920, 1924 and 1935."@en . .