"The next day, Peach, Toad, Toadsworth and Toadette were asleep in the bedroom. At that same time, a familiar mutant stinkfly with a familiar redhead came into the room, then the bug turns back to normal just as the time ran out. \u201CPeach! Peach, wake up! Wake up!\u201D Ben shouted happily. \u201CWe just heard the news!\u201D With that, Peach and the others woke up groggily. Just then, Ben shook the former mermaid\u2019s hand. \u201CCongratulations, kiddo, we did it!\u201D The boy congratulated happily. \u201CWhat is this doofus babbling about?\u201D Toadsworth asked with a groan. \u201CHuh?\u201D Toad and Toadette asked in confusion. \u201CAnd do you\u2026\u201D"@en . "The Little Mermaid: Cartoon Crossover Style Chapter 10: Peach Gets Heartbroken/Stopping the Wedding"@en . . "The next day, Peach, Toad, Toadsworth and Toadette were asleep in the bedroom. At that same time, a familiar mutant stinkfly with a familiar redhead came into the room, then the bug turns back to normal just as the time ran out. \u201CPeach! Peach, wake up! Wake up!\u201D Ben shouted happily. \u201CWe just heard the news!\u201D With that, Peach and the others woke up groggily. Just then, Ben shook the former mermaid\u2019s hand. \u201CCongratulations, kiddo, we did it!\u201D The boy congratulated happily. \u201CWhat is this doofus babbling about?\u201D Toadsworth asked with a groan. \u201COh, come on. Don\u2019t tell me you haven\u2019t heard! The whole town\u2019s talking about the prince getting himself hitched this afternoon!\u201D Gwen answered. \u201CHuh?\u201D Toad and Toadette asked in confusion. \u201CYou know, he\u2019s gettin\u2019 married!\u201D Gwen said with a smile. Then, Ben came over to Toadsworth, and giving him a noogie. \u201CYou silly sidewalker! Gwen and I just came by to wish you luck! Mario, the others, and I\u2019ll be there to cheer ya on, Peach! We\u2019ll catch you later! We wouldn\u2019t miss it!\u201D With that, he turned back into Stinkfly, and, with Gwen riding him, flew out the window. Peach looked confused, and then smiled in an extremely excited way. She went over to Toadsworth, hugged him, gave him a kiss, let go, and ran out of her bedroom happily. \u201CWait for me!\u201D The old mushroom called, beginning to follow. \u201CDon\u2019t you think it\u2019s a bit odd that that Mario guy would want to marry Peach right away?\u201D Toad asked Toadette rhetorically. He then reconsidered that question, and the two ran off with Toadsworth to follow Peach. Meanwhile, Peach reached the grand staircase, still excited. But when the blond-haired came to a balcony, she looked down in the foyer, and a shock met her eyes. Down there was Mario and Luigi, along with the woman he saw from the other night. At that same time, Peach\u2019s friends came up next to him, and looked to see the three down there. \u201CWho\u2019s that?\u201D Toadsworth asked, referring to the woman with Mario. \u201CWell, Mario, I guess-a I was-a mistaken.\u201D Luigi said to Mario (who was still in his trance). \u201CI guess this-a mystery woman of-a yours does, in-a fact, exist. And she is-a lovely. Congratulations, Lust.\u201D As he said that last, Luigi shook hands with the woman (now known as Lust). (A/N: For those of you who don\u2019t know, Lust is from Fullmetal Alchemist.) \u201CWell, as you can see, I\u2019m quite the fearless woman. And that night, when I was swimming, I found Mario floating on that raft, and I couldn\u2019t let him drown.\u201D Lust said with a smirk. Mario nodded. \u201CWe wish-a to be married as soon as-a possible.\u201D He said to Luigi. Peach\u2019s eyes widen in shock and horror as she gasped. Then she mouthed, \u201CNo!\u201D \u201CWhat? Now? But-a these things take-a time and \u2026\u201D Luigi began before Mario interrupted. \u201CNo; this-a afternoon, Luigi. The wedding-a ship should depart-a at sunset.\u201D The red-clad plumber answered. At that same time, Toadsworth, Toad and Toadette came up to them, unaware of what happened at first. \u201CWhat\u2019s wrong? I thought Peach was happy to be marrying Mario.\u201D Toad said, confused by everyone\u2019s shocked faces. \u201CI think Peach is horrified cause of that!\u201D Toadette said in shock as her eyes widen and she pointed down towards Mario, Luigi and Lust. \u201COh, no!\u201D Toadsworth said in shock. \u201CVery well-a, Mario. As-a you wish.\u201D Luigi said to Mario with a shrug, unaware of the gang up on the balcony. Peach was now so upset that tears flooded up in her eyes. She then ran off with the others following. Only Lust saw them leaving. The black-haired woman then looked at the necklace still hanging around her neck as she chuckled evilly, yet quietly. Later, Peach arrived at the dock to see the wedding ship depart. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Mickey, the merkids were there as well. The blond-haired woman then sat down, starting to cry. \u201CI thought Mario really loved her.\u201D Bubbles said sadly as she sheds a tear. \u201CThis stinks!\u201D Buttercup yelled angrily while shedding tears. Meanwhile, on the wedding ship, Naruto and the Sonic Heroes were walking down a hallway. Tails was dressed in a traditional black tux while Amy wore a red dress with white long sleeves and red shoes, Cream wore a pink dress, Shadow wore a uniform very similar to Dr. Eggman\u2019s, and the others were wearing fancy uniforms. As they were walking along, they soon bumped into Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max. \u201CHey. What are you guys doing here?\u201D Sonic questioned. \u201CWedding crashing.\u201D Grandpa Max answered. \u201CUh- isn\u2019t that illegal?\u201D Cream asked. \u201CI dunno.\u201D Ben and Gwen shrugged. \u201CAnyways, I can\u2019t wait to have some of that cake!\u201D Ben said gleefully and devilishly. \"And what about that...\" said Gwen questioning. \u201CSssh!\u201D Grandpa Max said as he suddenly heard a voice singing from the groom\u2019s dressing room. \u201CWell, that\u2019s strange. Since when can Peach sing?\u201D Sonic asked rhetorically. They all went to look through the door (which was cracked open) of the groom\u2019s dressing room. To their surprise, they saw not Peach, but instead Lust. As they watched, the boy in question was singing. Lust: What a lovely little bride I\u2019ll make, my dear I\u2019ll look divine With an evil smirk, took a hairpin out of her own hair and tossed it at the wooden angel carved into the mirror frame, knocking it over a bit, much to the viewers\u2019 shock. They, including Shadow, Silver, Jet and Grandpa Max, gulped a nervous gulp as Lust continued. As Lust laughed evilly, she looked into the mirror. The gang looked shocked to see Cackletta in Lust\u2019s reflection. \u201CCACKLETTA?\u201D Amy exclaimed in shock. \u201CAw, no! She\u2019s gonna\u2026 we gotta.!\u201D Ben stammered. He then ran at the wall, only to ram in it. Sonic then grabbed him, took out his own Keyblade, and made a portal appear. With that, the group, including Grandpa Max, jumped into the portal. As for Naruto, he ran off from the portal. Back on the dock, Peach was still in a heap with the others looking on sadly. At that same time, Mario and the others jumped out of a portal that appeared out of nowhere. \u201CPEACH! PEACH!\u201D Jet yelled at the top of his lungs. \u201CWe got big trouble!\u201D \u201CWhat kind of trouble?\u201D Toad asked. \u201CWell, we kinda snuck aboard the wedding ship.\u201D Cream said, beginning to explain. \u201CYeah. Then, we looked into the bride\u2019s dressing room. And the bride isn\u2019t Peach!\u201D Tails added in a panic. \u201CThere\u2019s more! The woman was looking in a mirror, singing even worse than Ben.\u201D Gwen added. \u201CHey!\u201D Ben exclaimed, unhappily glaring at Gwen. \u201CSorry, Ben, but it\u2019s true.\u201D Grandpa Max said. \u201CAnd worst of all, Lust was singing with a stolen set of pipes!\u201D Sonic exclaimed, then grabbed Toadsworth by the shirt, and looked him in the eyes. \u201CDO YOU HEAR WHAT I\u2019M TELLING YOU? THE PRINCESS IS MARRYING CACKLETTA IN DISGUISE!\u201D The blue hedgehog shouted, shaking Toadsworth like a British nanny before letting the old mushroom go. Upon hearing \u201CCackletta\u201D, Peach looked shocked. \u201CAre you sure about this?\u201D Toadsworth asked. \u201CHave I ever been wrong?\u201D Ben asked. \u201CI mean, when it\u2019s important!\u201D Toad thought upon hearing of Cackletta in disguise, and he looked shocked. \u201CHold on! If Cackletta\u2019s in disguise as a woman, then that means she\u2019s cheating on Peach\u2019s deal!\u201D He exclaimed angrily. \u201CWell, that\u2019s not good. She\u2019s even lower than we thought.\u201D Toadette said. \u201CWhat\u2019re we gonna do?\u201D Sora asked, worried. Peach stood up and looked at the wedding ship, seeing the sunset as well. \u201CBefore the sun sets on the third day\u2026\u201D Cackletta\u2019s voice said from inside Peach\u2019s mind in a haunting way. With a look of determination, Peach jumped up and into the water. She realized, however, that she couldn\u2019t swim since she\u2019s a human. \u201CPeach, grab onto Goofy!\u201D Toadsworth said, and Peach grabbed ahold of Goofy\u2019s shell. \u201CGoofy, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you!\u201D \u201CI\u2019ll try!\u201D Goofy nodded as he started swimming with Peach riding on Goofy\u2019s shell. Sora, Donald, Riku, Mickey, the Merkids Next Door, and the Powerpuff Mermaids swam with Goofy towards the boat as fast as they could. \u201CWe gotta get to the sea king.\u201D Toadsworth said. \u201CYeah. He must know about this.\u201D Toad said. \u201CWhat about me? What about ME?\u201D Ben asked eagerly. \u201CYou! Find a way to stall that wedding by any means necessary!\u201D Toadsworth ordered Ben and the others. With that, he, Toad and Toadette jumped into the water. Sonic then looked at the other Sonic Heroes. \u201CCome on, guys. Let\u2019s go!\u201D The others nodded, and they flew towards the boat on their Airboards. \u201CStall the wedding.\u201D Ben repeated. \u201CWhat are we gonna do?\u201D Gwen said, thinking in an almost panicked way. \u201CTHAT\u2019S IT!\u201D Grandpa Max exclaimed, getting an idea. Then, he, Gwen and Ben got onto their mobile home and drove off. \u201CCalling all heroes! Calling all heroes!\u201D Ben yelled into a speakerphone. \u201CWe got an emergency!\u201D Mac, Frankie, Wilt, Coco, and the other Foster\u2019s friends headed towards the door. There, they bumped into Mr. Herriman and Madame Foster. \u201CJust where do you think you\u2019re going?\u201D Madame Foster demanded. \u201CMadame Foster, we\u2019re going to stop this wedding on the wedding ship between Mario and Lust.\u201D Mac explained quickly. \u201CYou mean you\u2019ll be wedding crashing? Why, I never!\u201D Mr. Herriman exclaimed unhappily. Madame Foster then giggled. \u201CWell, why didn\u2019t ya say so, Mac? I love wedding crashing!\u201D She exclaimed happily. Soon enough, everyone got into the Foster\u2019s bus. Frankie then pressed a button underneath the dashboard, and the bus became like a rocket ship, and flew off to stop the wedding. Meanwhile, Jake Long, Danny Fenton, and Juniper Lee heard the call, and went inside June\u2019s house. In there, they found Ray Ray, Monroe, Trixie, Spud, Tucker, Sam, Fu Dog and Rose playing poker. \u201CC\u2019mon, yo! We gotta get goin\u2019!\u201D Jake exclaimed. \u201CBut I\u2019m winning here!\u201D Fu said unhappily, shaking his arms until cards fell out of his \u201Csleeves\u201D, earning a suspicious look from Monroe. \u201CMore like \u201Ccheating\u201D.\u201D The pug said suspiciously. June then spoke. \u201CYou can bother with beating up Fu Dog for cheating later. We gotta stop Mario from marrying the sea witch in disguise.\u201D The Te Xuan Ze said. \u201CWell, what\u2019re we waiting for, people? Let\u2019s go!\u201D Tucker exclaimed. With that, they all went off to stop the wedding. But first, Jake and Danny transformed into their second forms. Meanwhile, Banjo, Kazooie and their friends (now including Tiptup) watched the mobile home pass by and heard the call. They took their various racing vehicles and drove off. Meanwhile, on the wedding ship, Mario (who was still in a trance) and Lust/Cackletta walked down the aisle. The disguised villain then noticed Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Lilo glaring suspiciously at her, but she wasn\u2019t bothered by that. But what really irritated Lust/Cackletta was that Stitch was growling at her with his teeth gritted, but she kicked him in the face, much to the kids\u2019 shock. With a look of satisfaction on her face, Lust/Cackletta and Mario continued down the aisle. Lilo then looked at the others. \u201CDid you just see what happened?\u201D The Hawaiian girl asked the three teenage ninjas. \u201CYes, Lilo, and I\u2019m not too happy at what did happen.\u201D Sasuke answered with a nod. \u201CThis is outrageous!\u201D Sakura exclaimed unhappily. \u201CHow could Mario let Lust kick Stitch and get away with it?\u201D \u201CHow can Mario marry a sea witch in disguise is more like it!\u201D Naruto said. The others looked at him confused. \u201CWhaddya mean \u201Csea witch\u201D?\u201D Lilo asked. Naruto sweatdropped. \u201CWell, I was kinda walking by her dressing room, and I-.\u201D He began sheepishly. Sakura glared at him with her teeth gritted, and she punched Naruto across the head really hard. \u201CYOU PERVERT! YOU LOOKED INTO HER DRESSING ROOM?\u201D The pink-haired girl shouted angrily. Naruto rubbed his sore head as he spoke. \u201CGeez, Sakura. Do ya gotta jump to conclusions? I only looked in because I heard her singing, and when she looked in the mirror, I saw her reflection as a green-skinned woman in a purple dress.\u201D The orange-clad boy answered angrily. Sasuke then thought about this, and Lilo spoke up. \u201CSo basically, Cackletta disguised herself as a human to marry Mario? but it doesn\u2019t add up! How did Mario fall for her at first?\u201D The Hawaiian girl asked. \u201CMaybe because she\u2019s using someone\u2019s voice that she stole.\u201D Sasuke answered. Lilo then gasped. \u201CThat means that Mario\u2019s under her spell! And she\u2019s using Peach\u2019s voice!\u201D She exclaimed in shock. \u201CWhaddya mean?\u201D Naruto asked. \u201CI\u2019ll explain it later.\u201D Lilo said, \u201CBut now, we gotta come up with a plan to stop this wedding.\u201D \u201CDearly beloved\u2026\u201D Yoda began. (A/N: Yoda is the priest from the Star Wars series.) A mile from the ship, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Mickey and the Merkids were still swimming towards the ship with Peach holding onto Goofy. \u201CDon\u2019t worry, Peach. We\u2019re gonna make it!\u201D Sora said. \u201CYeah! We\u2019re almost there!\u201D Abby said. Back on the ship, Lust/Cackletta smiled evilly, watching the sun setting as Yoda continued. \u201CNow do you, Mario, take Lust, to be your lawfully-wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?\u201D Yoda asked. \u201CI do.\u201D Mario said, still in his trance. \u201CAnd do you\u2026\u201D \u201CCHAAAAAAAARRRGE!\u201D Four voices, Sonic, Jet, Ben and Banjo, shouted at the same time. Lust/Cackletta and everyone turned as Ben, Gwen, the Sonic Heroes and the others arrived on the ship, causing mayhem. First off, the Foster\u2019s gang started throwing raw veggies at the disguised villain. At that same time, some of the kids flew on jetpacks, and dropped water balloons on him. Then, Bloo came right up to Lust/Cackletta, and kicked her really hard in the shin, making the villain scream. \u201COh, shut up!\u201D Danny said in annoyance before blasting some ectoplasmic goo hit Cackletta/Lust on the mouth, silencing her. \u201CThen by the power invested in me\u2026\u201D Yoda began before he looked up and looked confused. \u201CIs this part of the wedding?\u201D Lust/Cackletta got the goo off of his mouth and looked really angry. \u201CGet away from me you brats!\u201D She yelled angrily. The Sonic Heroes then got into a crowd around Lust/Cackletta. \u201CNow what?\u201D The villain complained. Tails then grabbed Sonic\u2019s feet as his feet was grabbed by Knuckles who spun them around. Tails kicked Sonic who fell down. \u201CBombs away!\u201D Sonic shouted as a phantom version of him appears while Silver launched a giant light blue beam. Nack threw his gun in the air. \u201CChaos Control!\u201D Shadow shouted as he did something to his gun. Nack caught it and Rouge lifted him up zapping a big laser. Big opened his umbrella. Amy, Cream and Cosmo got on it and started to roll around giggling. \u201CRound and round we go!\u201D Cream smiled as they did a pose sending flowers. Espio started to hum while plucking his banjo. \u201CBee bee bee!\u201D Charmy sang playing a drum. Vector then started to sing badly into a mike. That created musical notes. All four attacks then headed towards Lust/Cackletta. \u201COh, shit.\u201D She said before she got hit by all four attacks, sent flying to June, who kicked her to Jake, who, in his dragon form, whacked her like she was a baseball with her tail, making her fall into a cake. During the craziness, Peach got onto the deck in the nick of time. Lust/Cackletta, now a total mess, stood up, looking really furious. At that same time, the Babylon Rogues and Silver came up to her. \u201CWhat do you four want?\u201D She snapped in annoyance. The only thing the Babylon Rogues and Silver did in response was throw buckets of water all over the villain. Then, Ben came up in front of Lust/Cackletta and kissed her. (A/N: Think of it as similar to the Bugs Bunny \u2018screamed\u2019 gag.) Then, Gwen zipped in front of the disguised witch and screamed loudly in her face. \u201COh, why you little\u2026\u201D Lust/Cackletta growled angrily as she grabbed the two with one hand. \u201CI\u2019ve had enough of this!\u201D With that, the disguised villain snapped her fingers. Then, a whole group of Shadow, Soldier, and Neoshadow Heartless appeared. \u201CHeartless? Here-a? How?\u201D Luigi exclaimed in disbelief. \u201CDon\u2019t know how they got here, but they\u2019re not gonna be around for long.\u201D Daisy exclaimed, taking out a sword, and running towards a few Heartless as she killed them. Soon enough, Bloo and Eduardo got out their staff and shield, same with Luigi getting out his Poltergust 3000. Now, Luigi, Daisy, Bloo, Eduardo, and the wedding crashers began fighting Heartless until the blue blob looked at Mario, who was still in his trance. \u201CHey, Mario! Wake up!\u201D Bloo shouted, shaking the blue-eyed plumber. \u201CWhy isn\u2019t he doing anything?\u201D Eduardo asked. Jake then came up to them. \u201CIt\u2019s because he\u2019s under \u201CLust\u2019s\u201D spell, but she\u2019s not really a human; she\u2019s really the sea witch, Cackletta.\u201D The dragon explained to the two. \u201CSay what?\u201D Bloo exclaimed. Just then, Pluto and Butch ran up to Lust/Cackletta, who still had a hold on Ben and Gwen. The two dogs then opened their mouths to about six inches, and chomped the disguised witch on her legs (each dog biting each leg) really hard, making her scream. As this happened, Ben accidentally took the necklace off of her, and tossed it up in the air. Then, the necklace shattered on the floor in front of Peach. The voice that was in it got freed and floated up to Peach, singing. Mario came out of his trance just as everyone looked at Peach, especially Lust/Cackletta, eyes back to normal, who was looking furious at her. Then, the sphere went into Peach\u2019s throat as she finished singing. \u201CPeach?\u201D Mario wondered quietly. \u201CMario!\u201D Peach exclaimed happily as Stitch ran up to Peach and licked her happily. Peach petted him in response. \u201CYou can-a talk? Then-a you are the one-a!\u201D Mario said happily as she ran up to Peach and hugged her. \u201CMario! Get away from her!\u201D Lust/Cackletta yelled angrily. She suddenly realized that she spoke with her normal voice and covered his mouth with her eyes widened. \u201COh, Mario. I wanted to tell you.\u201D Peach said happily. Just as they were about to kiss\u2026 \u201CMario, NO!\u201D Lust/Cackletta shouted. At that same time, the sun set and Peach felt a pain in her legs and slipped out of Mario\u2019s arms. He looked down at Peach\u2019s legs to see a pink mertail instead. \u201CAy, carumba! Se\u00F1orita Peach es un mermaid!\u201D Eduardo exclaimed in surprise. \u201CYou\u2019re too late!\u201D Lust/Cackletta exclaimed evilly. Luigi then came up to Mario. \u201CBro, tell-a me you knew about-a this!\u201D The green-clad plumber said. The red-clad mustachio looked down at the ground in guilt. \u201CI-a didn\u2019t.\u201D He said sheepishly. \u201CYOU\u2019RE TOO LATE!\u201D Lust/Cackletta laughed, and on \u201CLATE,\u201D she shoots lightning upward to the sky from her fingers. Then, Lust transformed back into Cackletta, making everyone on the ship gasp in horror. The evil witch then grabbed Peach then looked at Mario, who was still shocked. \u201CSo long, lover boy!\u201D The vampire-like witch said evilly before jumping into the ocean. \u201CPeach!\u201D Mario shouted in shock, but it was too late. Cackletta and Peach went in the ocean, and Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Mickey, the Merkids Next Door and the Powerpuff Mermaids dove underwater after them."@en . .