"The King James Version (also called the Authorised Version) is the most commonly-used English translation of the Holy Bible. It was first published in 1611 and has been revised several times, the last revision being in 1769, which has become the standard version of it today. It is currently in the public domain except for in the United Kingdom, where it is under a crown copyright. The Left Behind books occasionally use this version when characters are quoting verses from the Bible, though other translations are also used. Off-site links to Bible websites will be for Scripture verses rendered in the King James Version."@en . "Public domain due to age, publication restrictions until 2039 in the United Kingdom."@en . . . . "The King James Version or KJV, which is known in Britain as the Authorised Version, is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1611 by scholars of the Church of England. Considered a masterwork of medieval scholarship, the KJV has become the best selling book in the history of the world and, perhaps more than any other book or Bible translation, helped form modern Western civilization. The translation remains under perpetual crown copyright in the United Kingdom, but is in the public domain elsewhere."@en . . . . "Authorized Version or King James"@en . . . "The King James Version (also called the Authorised Version) is the most commonly-used English translation of the Holy Bible. It was first published in 1611 and has been revised several times, the last revision being in 1769, which has become the standard version of it today. It is currently in the public domain except for in the United Kingdom, where it is under a crown copyright. The Left Behind books occasionally use this version when characters are quoting verses from the Bible, though other translations are also used."@en . . . "King James Version"@en . "NT: Textus Receptus, similar to the Byzantine text-type; some readings derived from the Vulgate. OT: Masoretic Text with Septuagint influence. Apocrypha: Septuagint with Vulgate influence."@en . . . "The King James Version or KJV, which is known in Britain as the Authorised Version, is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1611 by scholars of the Church of England. Considered a masterwork of medieval scholarship, the KJV has become the best selling book in the history of the world and, perhaps more than any other book or Bible translation, helped form modern Western civilization. The translation remains under perpetual crown copyright in the United Kingdom, but is in the public domain elsewhere."@en . . . "The King James Bible is a translation of the most Holie Scriptures (which shall be the sole basis of thy faith, if thou art not a damnedable Papist), and thou shalt respect it above all things. That is why I, King James of England and Scotland decide to write that Article, for, lo, I desire thee not to suffer the gnashing of teeth because of thy sundy heresies. As of most bibles, the King James Bible is available from thy local christian bookstore and thou shalt pay for it with cash or thy credit card, not steal it."@en . . . . . "1611"^^ . "KJV or AV"@en . . . . . . "The King James Bible is a translation of the most Holie Scriptures (which shall be the sole basis of thy faith, if thou art not a damnedable Papist), and thou shalt respect it above all things. That is why I, King James of England and Scotland decide to write that Article, for, lo, I desire thee not to suffer the gnashing of teeth because of thy sundy heresies. As of most bibles, the King James Bible is available from thy local christian bookstore and thou shalt pay for it with cash or thy credit card, not steal it."@en . "King James Version"@en . .