. "Ronald Tracey was een 23e eeuwse Starfleet kapitein en de commando officier van het Constitution-klasse sterrenschip USS Exeter Ondanks dat Tracey \u00E9\u00E9n van de meest ervaren sterrenschip commandanten was, schond hij de eerste richtlijn tijdens zijn laatste missie. Kapitein Tracey en een verkenningsteam van de Exeter bezocht de planeet Omega IV in 2268. Hier zouden ze het Omega IV virus oplopen en het virus onder de rest van de bemanning verspreiden. Tracey bleef op de oppervlakte van de planeet en zijn bemanning stierf een pijnlijke dood aan boord van de Exeter. Tracey ontdekte dat de atmosfeer ervoor zorgde dat hij immuun voor het virus was geworden. In tegenstrijd met de eerste richtlijn maakte hij een deal met de Kohm groep om deel te nemen in hun oorlog tegen de Yang. Door de geavanceerde fasers wisten Tracey en de Kohm troepen duizenden Yangs af te slachten. De USS Enterprise ontdekte de Exeter en de uitgedroogde restanten van de bemanning. Het verkenningsteam werd geleid door kapitein James T. Kirk en ze raakten onmiddellijk besmet met het virus. Ze transporteerden naar de planeet en troffen daar Tracey aan. Nadat zijn misdaden aan het licht kwamen, vermoordde Tracey Kirk's beveiliger, Lt. Galloway, overmande hij het verkenningsteam en eiste een nieuwe voorraad fasers van de Enterprise. Tracey was ervan overtuigd dat het Omega IV virus de sleutel was voor onsterfelijkheid. Hij beschouwde het als een kans die belangrijker was dan de eerste richtlijn en indien deze gemist werd, \"...een misdaad tegen de mensheid\". Nadat Tracey erachter kwam dat Kirk zijn standpunt niet deelde, liet hij de Yangs de Enterprise officieren gevangen nemen. In een laatste wanhoopspoging om het noodlot te vermijden probeerde Tracey de Yangs ervan te overtuigen dat Kirk en zijn officieren kwaadaardig waren en dat zij moesten sterven. De Yangs lieten Tracey en Kirk een gevecht tot de dood aangaan om de beweringen van Tracey op de proef te stellen. De tussenkomst van een Enterprise reddingsteam zorgde ervoor dat Tracey's leven gespaard werd en ze plaatsten de ooit zeer gerespecteerde kapitein onder arrest. (TOS: \"The Omega Glory\")"@nl . . . "Ronald Tracey \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "Commander,"@en . . "Man"@nl . "Ronald Tracey"@fr . . . "fed"@en . . . . "Ronald Tracey"@en . "Ronald Tracey"@nl . . . . "Ronald Tracey in 2268."@en . . . "Captain Ronald Tracey"@en . "25"^^ . . . . . . "Under arrest"@en . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century Starfleet captain, who served as the commanding officer of the Constitution-class starship, USS Exeter during the late 2260s. Ron Tracey was described by fellow captain, James T. Kirk as being \"one of the most experienced captains in the Starfleet.\""@en . . "Male"@en . "CO,"@en . . . . . . "male"@en . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century Starfleet captain, who served as the commanding officer of the Constitution-class starship, USS Exeter during the late 2260s. Ron Tracey was described by fellow captain, James T. Kirk as being \"one of the most experienced captains in the Starfleet.\" Despite his apparent experience, Captain Tracey violated the Prime Directive. Captain Tracey led an Exeter landing party to the surface of the planet Omega IV in 2268, where they inadvertently contracted the Omega IV virus and passed it along to the rest of their crew. Tracey remained on the surface while his crew died painfully in orbit, and found that the atmosphere provided him immunity to the virus. Driven to insanity by the loss of his crew and ship, and in violation of the Prime Directive, Tracey struck a bargain with members of the planet's Kohm faction and participated in their ongoing war against the Yangs. Newly armed with a few phasers, Tracey and his Kohm allies slaughtered thousands of Yangs. The USS Enterprise eventually discovered Exeter and the dehydrated remains of its crew. The boarding party, led by Captain Kirk, was immediately exposed to the virus and beamed down to the relative safety of the planet's surface, where they discovered Tracey. After his crimes were exposed, Tracey shot and killed Kirk's security guard, Lieutenant Galloway, subdued the landing party, and demanded a supply of phasers from Enterprise. Tracey erroneously believed the Omega IV virus held the key to immortality. He considered it an opportunity more important than the Prime Directive, and if missed, \"...a crime against all Humanity.\" After his failure to enlist Kirk in his cause, Tracey and the Enterprise officers were captured by the Yangs. Despite Tracey's efforts, Dr. McCoy's research found that the unusually long life spans of the natives were the result of generations of evolution in reaction to deadly bioweapons used in the past. As such, there was no isolatable serum to extract to replicate that hardiness in other beings. The immunity is simply a matter of being exposed (for even a rather short time) to biological agents in the planet's environment, where any surviving lifeforms have developed immunity to the bio-war agents by evolution. In a last-ditch effort to regain control of his fate in the face of this crushing reversal, Tracey played on the Yang's superstitions and tried to convince them that Kirk and his officers were evil, and must die. The Yangs matched Tracey and Kirk in combat to the death, to decide the truth of Tracey's wild claims. The intervention of an Enterprise rescue party permitted Kirk to spare Tracey's life and place the once-respected starship captain under arrest."@en . . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century male Human Starfleet captain, the commanding officer of the Constitution-class Federation starship, the USS Exeter."@en . . . . . . . "Ronald Tracey \u00E9tait un officier de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . "Ronald Tracey.jpg"@nl . "23"^^ . . . . "thumb|Captain Ronald Tracey (2268) Captain Ronald Tracey ist 2268 der kommandierende Offizier der USS Exeter, einem Schiff der Constitution-Klasse. Als die Exeter den Planeten Omega IV besucht, kommt die Mannschaft mit t\u00F6dlichen Bakterien in Ber\u00FChrung, die das Landeteam vom Planeten mitgebracht hat. Vor Jahrhunderten ist auf dem Planeten Omega IV ein bakteriologischer Krieg gef\u00FChrt worden. Die Atmosph\u00E4re des Planeten ist immer noch verseucht und die Bakterien aktiv. Das Bakterium entzieht der gesamten Exeter-Crew das Wasser aus ihren K\u00F6rpern. Der einzige \u00DCberlebende ist Captain Tracey. Als die Enterprise unter Captain Kirk eintrifft, hat sich Captain Tracey entgegen der Obersten Direktive der F\u00F6deration mit den Kohms, einer der V\u00F6lkergruppen auf dem Planeten verb\u00FCndet. Er hat den Kohms Phaser f\u00FCr den Kampf gegen ihre Feinde, die Yangs geliefert. Tracey beabsichtigt, ein Heilmittel zu entwickeln, um so die Lebenserwartung der Menschen steigern zu k\u00F6nnen. Captain Tracey wird von Captain Kirk gestoppt und gefangen genommen. (TOS: ) Captain Tracey wurde von Morgan Woodward gespielt und von Friedrich Schoenfelder synchronisiert."@de . . . "Ronald Tracey"@de . . . . . . . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century Starfleet captain who served as the commanding officer of the Constitution-class starship USS Exeter during the late 2260s. Ron Tracey was described by fellow captain James T. Kirk as being \"one of the most experienced captains in the Starfleet.\""@en . . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century Starfleet captain who served as the commanding officer of the Constitution-class starship USS Exeter during the late 2260s. Ron Tracey was described by fellow captain James T. Kirk as being \"one of the most experienced captains in the Starfleet.\" Despite his apparent experience, Captain Tracey violated the Prime Directive. Tracey led an Exeter landing party to the surface of the planet Omega IV in 2268, where they inadvertently contracted the Omega IV virus and passed it along to the rest of their crew. Tracey remained on the surface while his crew died painfully in orbit, and found that the atmosphere provided him immunity to the virus. Driven to insanity by the loss of his crew and ship, and in violation of the Prime Directive, Tracey struck a bargain with members of the planet's Kohm faction and participated in their ongoing war against the Yangs. Newly armed with a few phasers, Tracey and his Kohm allies slaughtered thousands of Yangs. The USS Enterprise eventually discovered Exeter and the dehydrated remains of its crew. The boarding party, led by Captain Kirk, was immediately exposed to the virus and beamed down to the relative safety of the planet's surface, where they discovered Tracey. After his crimes were exposed, Tracey shot and killed Kirk's security guard, Lieutenant Galloway, subdued the landing party, and demanded a supply of phaser power packs from the Enterprise. Tracey erroneously believed the Omega IV virus held the key to immortality. He considered it an opportunity more important than the Prime Directive, and if missed, \"...a crime against all Humanity.\" After his failure to enlist Kirk in his cause, Tracey and the Enterprise officers were captured by the Yangs. Despite Tracey's efforts, Dr. McCoy's research found that the unusually long life spans of the natives were the result of generations of evolution in reaction to deadly bioweapons used in the past. As such, there was no isolatable serum to extract to replicate that hardiness in other beings. The immunity is simply a matter of being exposed (for even a rather short time) to biological agents in the planet's environment, where any surviving lifeforms have developed immunity to the bio-war agents by evolution. In a last-ditch effort to regain control of his fate in the face of this crushing reversal, Tracey played on the Yang's superstitions and tried to convince them that Kirk and his officers were evil, and must die. The Yangs matched Tracey and Kirk in combat to the death, to decide the truth of Tracey's wild claims. The intervention of an Enterprise rescue party permitted Kirk to spare Tracey's life and place the once-respected starship captain under arrest. (TOS: \"The Omega Glory\" )"@en . . "2268"^^ . . "thumb|Captain Ronald Tracey (2268) Captain Ronald Tracey ist 2268 der kommandierende Offizier der USS Exeter, einem Schiff der Constitution-Klasse. Als die Exeter den Planeten Omega IV besucht, kommt die Mannschaft mit t\u00F6dlichen Bakterien in Ber\u00FChrung, die das Landeteam vom Planeten mitgebracht hat. Vor Jahrhunderten ist auf dem Planeten Omega IV ein bakteriologischer Krieg gef\u00FChrt worden. Die Atmosph\u00E4re des Planeten ist immer noch verseucht und die Bakterien aktiv. Das Bakterium entzieht der gesamten Exeter-Crew das Wasser aus ihren K\u00F6rpern. Der einzige \u00DCberlebende ist Captain Tracey."@de . . . "no"@en . . . . . . "Ronald Tracey was een 23e eeuwse Starfleet kapitein en de commando officier van het Constitution-klasse sterrenschip USS Exeter Ondanks dat Tracey \u00E9\u00E9n van de meest ervaren sterrenschip commandanten was, schond hij de eerste richtlijn tijdens zijn laatste missie. Kapitein Tracey en een verkenningsteam van de Exeter bezocht de planeet Omega IV in 2268. Hier zouden ze het Omega IV virus oplopen en het virus onder de rest van de bemanning verspreiden. Tracey bleef op de oppervlakte van de planeet en zijn bemanning stierf een pijnlijke dood aan boord van de Exeter. Tracey ontdekte dat de atmosfeer ervoor zorgde dat hij immuun voor het virus was geworden. In tegenstrijd met de eerste richtlijn maakte hij een deal met de Kohm groep om deel te nemen in hun oorlog tegen de Yang. Door de geavanceerd"@nl . . "Ronald Tracey was a 23rd century male Human Starfleet captain, the commanding officer of the Constitution-class Federation starship, the USS Exeter."@en . . . "Ronald Tracey"@en . "Ronald Tracey"@nl .