. . "Metroid Rebirth is a fanfic published by Dark Ridley, and the original version can also be seen on Fanfiction.Net, where he goes by the name \"Spaceballs\". It began in 01-16-08."@en . . . . "Author: Dark Ridley Genre: Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi Summary: The story takes place after the events of Metroid Fusion, and features a devastated Space Pirate organization, an unknown figure wanting Samus dead, the return of Dark Samus, and a much darker threat."@en . . "Metroid Rebirth"@en . "Metroid Rebirth is a published on Fanfiction.Net by author Spaceballs. It began in 01-16-08 and is currently a work in progress."@en . . "Metroid Rebirth is a fanfic published by Dark Ridley, and the original version can also be seen on Fanfiction.Net, where he goes by the name \"Spaceballs\". It began in 01-16-08."@en . "Author: Dark Ridley Genre: Adventure, Action, Sci-Fi Summary: The story takes place after the events of Metroid Fusion, and features a devastated Space Pirate organization, an unknown figure wanting Samus dead, the return of Dark Samus, and a much darker threat."@en . "Metroid Rebirth is a published on Fanfiction.Net by author Spaceballs. It began in 01-16-08 and is currently a work in progress."@en .