"\"Wait till everyone finds out you have been here all this time! And your mother, what will she think?\" Dora asked. \"She doesn't need to know. No one needs to know.\" Good Vader said. \"Yes, they do. Everyone thinks you're dead!\" Dora said. \"They do?\" Good Vader asked. \"Yeah! Darth Dementible told us about the stampede.\" Dora said. \"He did? What else did he tell you?\" Good Vader asked. \"What else matters! You're alive! And that means you're the king!\""@en . . "Good Vader and Dora talk"@en . . "\"Wait till everyone finds out you have been here all this time! And your mother, what will she think?\" Dora asked. \"She doesn't need to know. No one needs to know.\" Good Vader said. \"Yes, they do. Everyone thinks you're dead!\" Dora said. \"They do?\" Good Vader asked. \"Yeah! Darth Dementible told us about the stampede.\" Dora said. \"He did? What else did he tell you?\" Good Vader asked. \"What else matters! You're alive! And that means you're the king!\""@en .