. "*Canis-Minorides"@es . "Canis minor"@en . . . "1"^^ . "71.0"^^ . . "5010292"^^ . "Constellation"@en . "no"@en . . "yes"@en . . "The Canis Minor Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Canis Minor was visible in the upper left corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . . "Canis minor is a crew on the Viridian Ocean. It is now dormant. Created by Tradis, it stumbled along getting slightly bigger. Then Willster entered, shortly becoming first mate, and the crew grew to around 75 people. However, he left to create his own crew (and later flag), and Tradis had other real-life issues, and so the crew fell to about 4, but now it is on its way up again. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . . . . . . "438"^^ . "12"^^ . "438"^^ . "Dormant"@en . "Even"@en . . . "2"^^ . "85"^^ . "no"@en . "Canis Minor is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . "2009"^^ . "El perro peque\u00F1o"@es . "*Gemini\n*Monoceros\n*Hydra\n*C\u00E1ncer"@es . . . . "27"^^ . "Centaurus"@en . "183"^^ . "The Canis Minor Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Canis Minor was visible in the upper left corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . "38"^^ . "Canis Minor is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . "27"^^ . . . "+5"@es . . "75"^^ . "Canis minor is a crew on the Viridian Ocean. It is now dormant. Created by Tradis, it stumbled along getting slightly bigger. Then Willster entered, shortly becoming first mate, and the crew grew to around 75 people. However, he left to create his own crew (and later flag), and Tradis had other real-life issues, and so the crew fell to about 4, but now it is on its way up again. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "Canis Minor (el perro peque\u00F1o) es una de las 88 constelaciones modernas. Su figura es simple: una l\u00EDnea que une dos estrellas. Procyon su estrella m\u00E1s brillante forma junto con Betelgeuse (Ori\u00F3n) y Sirio (Can Mayor) el tri\u00E1ngulo de invierno."@es . "Canis Minor"@es . "Ometeotl Gear"@en . "Marzo"@es . "8"^^ . . . "Canis minor"@es . "Canis minor"@es . . "Viridian"@en . . "Canis Minoris"@es . . "no"@en . "Canis Minor"@en . "Canis Major"@en . . . . . "Canis minor"@en . . "Canis Minor (el perro peque\u00F1o) es una de las 88 constelaciones modernas. Su figura es simple: una l\u00EDnea que une dos estrellas. Procyon su estrella m\u00E1s brillante forma junto con Betelgeuse (Ori\u00F3n) y Sirio (Can Mayor) el tri\u00E1ngulo de invierno."@es . "CMi"@es . "2007"^^ .