"Mass Effect"@fr . . . "Dannah Feinglass"@fr . . . . "Avina"@de . . . . . "Virtual Intelligence"@en . . "Avina est une Intelligence virtuelle rencontr\u00E9e pour la premi\u00E8re fois par le Commandant Shepard pr\u00E8s des ambassades du Presidium de la Citadelle. Son hologramme prend la forme d'une Asari."@fr . . "Avina ist eine Virtuelle Reisef\u00FChrern des Typs VI auf der Citadel. Sie zeigt sich als Asari. Avina steht dabei f\u00FCr Audio-Visual-Interface-Network-Assistant. __TOC__"@de . . "Avina is the information VI for both the Citadel and the Nexus, first encountered by Commander Shepard near the Embassies on the Presidium. Like all VIs it appears as a hologram: Avina takes the form of an asari. It has several terminals around the Presidium, often near points of interest such as the Relay Monument or the Krogan Monument, and can answer any questions Shepard might have, giving guidance and a brief insight into galactic events. Being a VI, Avina's capacity for discourse is limited; if Shepard asks for Avina's opinion on a subject, or if the Commander's questions get too politically charged, Avina says it hasn't been programmed with the parameters to answer. If Shepard tells Avina about being invited to the Council Chambers, it says that is a rare privilege; it states that it would be jealous, but that is beyond the scope of its programming. __TOC__"@en . . "Mass Effect 2"@fr . "Mass Effect:Homeworlds"@fr . . . "Avina"@fr . "Intelligence Virtuelle"@fr . . . . . . . "Feminine Programming"@en . "Avina"@fr . . "Citadel VI"@en . . . . "Avina est une Intelligence virtuelle rencontr\u00E9e pour la premi\u00E8re fois par le Commandant Shepard pr\u00E8s des ambassades du Presidium de la Citadelle. Son hologramme prend la forme d'une Asari."@fr . . . . "Avina"@en . . . "Avina ist eine Virtuelle Reisef\u00FChrern des Typs VI auf der Citadel. Sie zeigt sich als Asari. Avina steht dabei f\u00FCr Audio-Visual-Interface-Network-Assistant. __TOC__"@de . . . . . . "Mass Effect 3"@fr . . . "Mass Effect: Andromeda"@fr . . . . . "Avina is the information VI for both the Citadel and the Nexus, first encountered by Commander Shepard near the Embassies on the Presidium. Like all VIs it appears as a hologram: Avina takes the form of an asari. It has several terminals around the Presidium, often near points of interest such as the Relay Monument or the Krogan Monument, and can answer any questions Shepard might have, giving guidance and a brief insight into galactic events. __TOC__"@en . . . . . . "Avina"@en . . .