"SRWFFINALITEMS"@en . . "Items can be equipped on a mech. It's not difficult to obtain items. They're dropped most commonly by bosses, but that doesn't mean normal enemies don't drop items; therefore one should, ideally, try to kill as many enemies as you can. Each mech can equip 1 to 4 items depending on the mech. Generally, more powerful mechs get less equipment slots, but this is not ALWAYS so. You can only get a maximum of 9 of each item. It is generally recommended to equip items, it can make things much easier. Since there are no visual aids, there are listed the Japanese names of the item too, so it is easier to understand."@en . "Items can be equipped on a mech. It's not difficult to obtain items. They're dropped most commonly by bosses, but that doesn't mean normal enemies don't drop items; therefore one should, ideally, try to kill as many enemies as you can. Each mech can equip 1 to 4 items depending on the mech. Generally, more powerful mechs get less equipment slots, but this is not ALWAYS so. You can only get a maximum of 9 of each item. It is generally recommended to equip items, it can make things much easier. Since there are no visual aids, there are listed the Japanese names of the item too, so it is easier to understand. Movement +1, says it all, useful for time limit maps (stacking is possbile). Movement +2, upgraded version of booster. Good for time limit maps (stacking is possbile). All weapon attack ranges increase by +1. This does not count for attacks with a range of 1, and MAPS. Good to keep enemiess away; Fin Funnel works well with this (stacking is possbile). Recover 2000 HP. This can only be used once, and is a disposable item. Great item for tanking (stacking is possible). Recover 50 EN. This can only be used once, and is a disposable item. Not very useful (stacking is possible). Recover 200 EN. This can only be used once, and is a disposable item. Not very useful, unless you don't have an EN replenisher (stacking is possible). Increase agility by 5, limit by 20. Great item for the beginning of the game (stacking is possible). Increase agility by 10, limit by 15. Great item for the begining of the game (stacking is possible). Increase agility by 15, limit by 30. Great item for the begining of the game (stacking is possible). Increase mobility by 2, agility by 20, limit by 30. One of the best items. Only 1 of these is in F and 1 is in F Final (stacking is possible if you manage to get 2). Increase HP by 500, armor by 150. Good item for early in the game (stacking is possible). Increase HP by 800, armor by 200. Good item for early in the game (stacking is possible). Makes a grounded mech able to fly; raises Air ranking to A. It is suggested that you get at least 1 of this item. It can make things much easier (cannot be stacked, as it has no effect on already flying mech). Movement +1, Agility +5. There is not much special about this item (stacking is possible). Increase HP +1000, armor +300. This is a great item to equip to a tank (stacking is possible). Increase HP +1500, armor +400. This is one of the best items to equip to a tank (stacking is possible). Fully Recovers HP. This an only be used once. A disposable item (stacking is possible). Equips the mech with Beam Coating. This can be useful (cannot be stacked; it has no effect on a mech that already has beam coating)."@en . .