"The Annunciation refers to the most important part of the Hosian scriptures, and refers to the entirety of the message transmitted by Eliyahu to humanity and the revelation received by the first Hosian community. More narrowly, \"Annunciation\" refers to the four canonical accounts in the New Word of the Hosian Bible of the life of Eliyahu Hosios of Yishelem, the central figure in Hosianism. The four books constituting the Annunciation are attributed to four authors known as the Annunciants: Theodore, Julius, Thomas and Joseph. According to the traditional attribution, these four men were all present in and around the city of Yishelem during Eliyahu's lifetime, touched by the Light of God to spread Eliyahu's Annunciation and write an account of his life. The term is also used to refer to va"@en . "The Annunciation (or Evangelismos in Greek) to the Theotokos is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic church, celebrated on March 25. Greeks also celebrate Greek Independence Day this day. This is one of only two days during Lent, the other being Palm Sunday, when fish is permitted. According to the Gospel of Luke 1:26-38, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce to her that she would conceive and bear a son, even though she \"knew no man.\" According to holy tradition Mary had come home to her parents when she was only fifteen when she was visited by Gabriel. This date was selected by the Church Fathers to be exactly nine months ahead of Christmas, indicating that Christ was conceived in perfection at that time \"of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary,\" as stated in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. Many people make a pilgrimage as a special tribute to the Theotokos on the island of Tinos. Thousands of pilgrims jam the docks and city streets to visit the Church of Evangelistria (Tinos, Greece) that safeguards a miraculous healing icon of the Theotokos. Revealed in a vision, it was found buried in a field in 1823, and the church was built to house it. Pilgrims bring items of precious metals and other gifts to leave at the church. On August 15 (Dormition of the Theotokos) and March 25 the icon is carried through town in a grand procession."@en . . "The Annunciation (or Evangelismos in Greek) to the Theotokos is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic church, celebrated on March 25. Greeks also celebrate Greek Independence Day this day. This is one of only two days during Lent, the other being Palm Sunday, when fish is permitted. This date was selected by the Church Fathers to be exactly nine months ahead of Christmas, indicating that Christ was conceived in perfection at that time \"of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary,\" as stated in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed."@en . . . . . "Annunciation"@ia . . . . . . "Annunciation"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "According to the Bible, the Annunciation occurred in \u201Cthe sixth month\u201D of Elizabeth's pregnancy (Luke 1:26) with the child who would become known as John the Baptist. This celebration of Jesus\u2032 incarnation falls nine months before that of his Nativity. The annunciation has been a key topic in Christian art in general, as well as in Roman Catholic Marian art, particularly during the Middle Ages and Renaissance."@en . . . . . "The painting was also found among the relics in Kathryn Janeway's da Vinci holodeck program. (VOY: \"Scorpion\", \"Scientific Method\", \"Concerning Flight\", \"The Raven\")"@en . . . . "The painting was also found among the relics in Kathryn Janeway's da Vinci holodeck program. (VOY: \"Scorpion\", \"Scientific Method\", \"Concerning Flight\", \"The Raven\")"@en . . "The Annunciation refers to the most important part of the Hosian scriptures, and refers to the entirety of the message transmitted by Eliyahu to humanity and the revelation received by the first Hosian community. More narrowly, \"Annunciation\" refers to the four canonical accounts in the New Word of the Hosian Bible of the life of Eliyahu Hosios of Yishelem, the central figure in Hosianism. The four books constituting the Annunciation are attributed to four authors known as the Annunciants: Theodore, Julius, Thomas and Joseph. According to the traditional attribution, these four men were all present in and around the city of Yishelem during Eliyahu's lifetime, touched by the Light of God to spread Eliyahu's Annunciation and write an account of his life. The term is also used to refer to various non-canonical or apocryphal biographies of Eliyahu, which are not accepted by the mainstream Hosian churches. In Ahmadism, the Annunciation (Majatran: \u0628\u0634\u0627\u0631 Bashar, li. good tidings) refers to the revelation received from Akim by Elyas, one of the most important Messengers of God."@en . . . . . . . . . . "According to the Bible, the Annunciation occurred in \u201Cthe sixth month\u201D of Elizabeth's pregnancy (Luke 1:26) with the child who would become known as John the Baptist. This celebration of Jesus\u2032 incarnation falls nine months before that of his Nativity. The date of the Annunciation also marked the New Year in many places, including England, where it is called Lady Day. Both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches hold that the Annunciation took place at Nazareth, but differ as to the precise location. The Church of the Annunciation marks the site preferred by the former, while the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation marks that of the latter. The annunciation has been a key topic in Christian art in general, as well as in Roman Catholic Marian art, particularly during the Middle Ages and Renaissance."@en . . .