. . "Story:The Gift/Chapter 3"@en . . . "\u201CIt\u2019s beautiful.\u201D A tall, grey-haired human in an odd uniform seemed to be standing behind her. \u201CAllow me to introduce myself. I\u2019m Vic Fontaine.\u201D Selar started to get up, but Vic held up his hand. For some reason he seemed to have a reassuring effect. Choosing his words carefully, he continued. \u201CYou know, you got a lot of people looking for you. Why is that kid so special?\u201D \u201CHe was a\u2014friend,\u201D Selar said cautiously. \u201CYour Wesley Crusher?\u201D Fontaine asked. Selar looked up. Vic continued. \u201CYes, I know about your universe,\u201D he said. \u201CI may just be a hologram, but they keep me active 26 hours a day. You pick up quite a lot here. What happened?\u201D \u201CHe was killed while we were fighting the Alliance.\u201D Fontaine considered her words and answered. \u201CI imagine people must often form close friendships in a situation like that. The Federation recently fought a costly war of its own.\u201D \u201CWhat we had goes beyond that,\u201D Selar answered. \u201CWe served on the I.S.S. Enterprise in the Empire\u2019s final days. Many humans were blaming Vulcans for their Empire\u2019s losses, because we wanted to follow Spock\u2019s teachings of logic and peace.\u201D \u201CYes, I think I heard something about that,\u201D Fontaine said. \u201CThey said Spock\u2019s reforms were supposed to have backfired and left the Empire vulnerable to conquest.\u201D \u201CSpock was overthrown before he could complete his reforms,\u201D Selar answered. \u201CBut many Vulcans wanted to continue following his teachings. Because of this, in one of Earth\u2019s earlier wars it simply let the Alliance overrun Vulcan. We became slaves to both powers.\u201D Fontaine had to admit he found her story compelling. \u201CAnd you were a slave on the Enterprise?\u201D he asked. Selar nodded. \u201CThat story seems a little different from what I heard,\u201D Fontaine continued. \u201CIf it wasn\u2019t Spock\u2019s reforms that brought the Empire down then what did?\u201D \u201CDuring its final war with the Alliance, Earth learned of a planet called Iconia that was supposed to provide gateways to other regions of space. It was thought that this would provide a huge advantage over the Alliance, so it sent a fleet of ships to secure the planet. What it didn\u2019t count on was the planet sending up automated probes that attacked their ships\u2019 computers and disabled the invasion force. What the Empire had left wasn\u2019t enough to defend it.\u201D \u201CWhere does Wesley fit in?\u201D"@en . "\u201CIt\u2019s beautiful.\u201D A tall, grey-haired human in an odd uniform seemed to be standing behind her. \u201CAllow me to introduce myself. I\u2019m Vic Fontaine.\u201D Selar started to get up, but Vic held up his hand. For some reason he seemed to have a reassuring effect. Choosing his words carefully, he continued. \u201CYou know, you got a lot of people looking for you. Why is that kid so special?\u201D \u201CHe was a\u2014friend,\u201D Selar said cautiously. \u201CHe was killed while we were fighting the Alliance.\u201D Fontaine had to admit he found her story compelling. \u201CAnd you were a slave on the Enterprise?\u201D he asked. Selar nodded."@en . .