. "Archivo:20px-TS3-Young-Adult6_.pngJoven Adulto"@es . "Szare"@pl . . . "Light"@en . "si"@es . . "Thin"@en . "Comida:20pxEspagueti"@es . "Archivo:20px-Trait_grumpy_(1).pngGru\u00F1\u00F3n"@es . "Ten d\u017Centelmen wiedzie dobre \u017Cycie w miejscu, gdzie przede wszystkim mo\u017Ce by\u0107 sob\u0105!"@pl . "Cedrick Winchester"@en . . "Coward"@en . . "Grumpy"@en . "Red"@en . . "20"^^ . "Spaghetti"@en . . . "Cedrick Winchester"@pl . . "Cedrick Winchester"@en . "Playable"@en . "Ambitny"@pl . "Midnight Hollow"@en . "Archivo:20px-Trait_coward.pngCobarde"@es . "This gentleman is living the good life in a place where being himself is all there is!"@en . "Bia\u0142y"@pl . . "Jasna"@pl . "Male"@en . . "Przest\u0119pczo\u015B\u0107"@pl . . "Cedrick Winchester"@pl . "Jugable"@es . . "Cedrick is employed in the Criminal career as a Thug. Outside of his home, he knows Josie Crane, Sarah Holden, Joaquin Dorsey and his boss. He has 9 points in the Athletic skill at the start of the game. According to his family biography of royalty, craziness, and relation to his sister, Cedrick may possibly be a reference to Viserys Targaryen from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones."@en . "Mean Spirited"@en . "The Sims 3 Store"@en . "Insane"@en . . "Gderliwy"@pl . "Zosta\u0107 mistrzem z\u0142odziei"@pl . . "Tch\u00F3rz"@pl . "Cedrick is employed in the Criminal career as a Thug. Outside of his home, he knows Josie Crane, Sarah Holden, Joaquin Dorsey and his boss. He has 9 points in the Athletic skill at the start of the game. According to his family biography of royalty, craziness, and relation to his sister, Cedrick may possibly be a reference to Viserys Targaryen from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones."@en . . "Archivo:20px-Trait_insane.pngDemente"@es . "Sim"@pl . "M\u0142ody doros\u0142y"@pl . "30"^^ . "Grey"@en . "Zbir"@pl . . "Cedrick Winchester"@es . "Kawaler"@pl . "Become a Master Thief"@en . . "Chudy"@pl . . . "Archivo:20px-Eye-grey.pngGrices"@es . . . "Thug"@en . "22"^^ . "Unknown"@en . . . "Archivo:85px-Pele_Clara.pngClara"@es . "Aktywny"@pl . . "Szalony"@pl . "Cedrick pracuje jako Zbir w karierze przest\u0119pczej. Poza swoj\u0105 siostr\u0105, zna tak\u017Ce Josie Crane, Sarah Holden, Joaquin Dorsey i swojego szefa. Posiada 9 punkt\u00F3w umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci sportu."@pl . "Czerwone"@pl . "Kids"@en . "Z\u0142o\u015Bliwy"@pl . "Dla dzieci"@pl . . "P\u00F3\u0142nocna Grota"@pl . "Byk"@pl . "Spaghetti"@pl . "Criminal"@en . "250"^^ . . "Taurus"@en . "Cedrick pracuje jako Zbir w karierze przest\u0119pczej. Poza swoj\u0105 siostr\u0105, zna tak\u017Ce Josie Crane, Sarah Holden, Joaquin Dorsey i swojego szefa. Posiada 9 punkt\u00F3w umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci sportu."@pl . "Color:20pxBlanco"@es . . . "Archivo:16px-Male.pngMasculino"@es . "Archivo:20px-Haircolor4-TS3.jpgRojo"@es . . . "235"^^ . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Odessa WinchesterArchivo:16px-Female.png"@es . . "Cedrick Winchester"@pl . "Single"@en . "M\u00FAsica:20pxInfantil"@es . . . "White"@en . "Ambitious"@en . "Young Adult"@en . "The Sims 3 Store"@pl . . . .