. "Ahri Raas era un keshiri sensible a la Fuerza del planeta Kesh. \u00C9l era un Tyro de la Tribu Perdida de Sith, y entren\u00F3 con la Tribu en la \u00E9poca de la Segunda Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica. Despu\u00E9s de tomar parte en una competici\u00F3n para ganar un uvak, trab\u00F3 amistad con su compa\u00F1era Tyro Vestara Khai. Raas y Khai estuvieron presentes cuando la Tribu encontr\u00F3 por primera vez a Nave, una Esfera de Meditaci\u00F3n Sith, en el 41 DBY. En el 43.5 DBY, poco despu\u00E9s de que la Tribu sintiera la presencia del Gran Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker, Nave dej\u00F3 Kesh abruptamente. Para este entonces, Raas hab\u00EDa sido nombrado aprendiz del Maestro Sith Yuvar Xal. Raas y Xal fueron elegidos como miembros del equipo de ataque enviado a recuperar a Nave y matar a Skywalker. A bordo del Eternal Crusader, el equipo rastre\u00F3 a Nave a un planeta en las Fauces, donde conocieron a Abeloth, una extra\u00F1a mujer que se hizo amiga de los Sith y los ayud\u00F3 a protegerse de la mortal vida vegetal del planeta. A\u00FAn as\u00ED, el equipo sufri\u00F3 muchas bajas, y Xal comenz\u00F3 a planear arrebatarle el control del equipo a su l\u00EDder actual, Lady Olaris Rhea, usando la amistad de Raas con Khai para obtener informaci\u00F3n que pudiera ser \u00FAtil para la traici\u00F3n. Sin embargo, antes de que se llevara a cabo este plan, Nave volvi\u00F3 con los Sith y los sac\u00F3 del planeta hacia la Estaci\u00F3n Sinkhole, una estaci\u00F3n espacial en las Fauces, para emboscar a Skywalker y a su hijo, el Caballero Jedi Ben Skywalker. No obstante, Xal le dio \u00F3rdenes estrictas a Raas de traicionar y matar a Khai como parte de su plan para arrebatarle el mando a Lady Rhea. Cuando Khai le lanz\u00F3 sus granadas a los Skywalker, Raas se las arroj\u00F3 de nuevo a su amiga. Sin embargo, Rhea hab\u00EDa anticipado esta traici\u00F3n y le hab\u00EDa dado a su aprendiz granadas falsas para que las lanzara primero. Cuando Raas trat\u00F3 de capturar a uno de los Skywalker, Khai mat\u00F3 a Xal con su shikkar. Raas, distra\u00EDdo por el grito de sorpresa y dolor de su Maestro, r\u00E1pidamente muri\u00F3 por el sable de luz del Skywalker que estaba tratando de someter."@es . "Ahri Raas"@en . . . . . . "43.5"^^ . "Era del Legado"@es . . . "Red"@en . "Ahri Raas"@es . . . "Ahri Raas"@en . . . . "Keshiri"@es . "Blanco"@es . . "Pale purple"@en . "Kesh"@es . . . . "Tribu Perdida de Sith\n*Equipo de ataque de la Tribu Perdida de Sith"@es . . . . . . "Ahri Raas"@es . . "Ahri Raas was a Force-sensitive Keshiri male from the planet of Kesh. A Tyro in the Lost Tribe of Sith, he trained with the Tribe around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. After taking part in a competition to win an uvak, he befriended fellow Tyro Vestara Khai. Raas and Khai were present when the Tribe first encountered Ship, a Sith Meditation Sphere, in 41 ABY. In 43.5 ABY, shortly after Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker's presence was felt by the Tribe, Ship abruptly left Kesh. By this time, Raas had been apprenticed to Sith Master Yuvar Xal. Raas and Xal were chosen as members of the strike team sent to recover Ship and kill Skywalker. Aboard the Eternal Crusader, they tracked Ship to a planet in the Maw, where they met Abeloth, a mysterious woman who pretended to befriend and assist the Sith. Still, the strike team suffered heavy losses, and Xal planned to initiate a coup against the team's leader, Lady Rhea. Before the betrayal could be executed, however, Ship returned to the Sith and transported them to Sinkhole Station, a space station in the Maw. There, they ambushed Skywalker and his son, Ben. Xal, however, had ordered Raas to kill Khai as part of his coup against Rhea. When Khai threw her grenades at the Skywalkers, Raas pushed them back at her. Rhea, however, had anticipated his betrayal and had given Khai false grenades to throw first. As Raas attempted to apprehend a seemingly stunned Ben Skywalker, Khai killed Xal. Raas, distracted by his Master's cry of surprise and pain, was quickly killed by a lightsaber strike from Ben, unaffected by the stun grenade."@en . "435"^^ . . . . "Ahri Raas was a Force-sensitive Keshiri male from the planet of Kesh. A Tyro in the Lost Tribe of Sith, he trained with the Tribe around the time of the Second Galactic Civil War. After taking part in a competition to win an uvak, he befriended fellow Tyro Vestara Khai. Raas and Khai were present when the Tribe first encountered Ship, a Sith Meditation Sphere, in 41 ABY. In 43.5 ABY, shortly after Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker's presence was felt by the Tribe, Ship abruptly left Kesh. By this time, Raas had been apprenticed to Sith Master Yuvar Xal."@en . "Masculino"@es . . "Yuvar Xal"@es . "Sith"@en . . . . . "c. 27 DBY"@es . . "*Lost Tribe of Sith\n*Lost Tribe of Sith strike team"@en . . "Sith"@es . . "1"^^ . . "c. 27 ABY"@en . . . . . . "Ahri Raas"@en . "Ahri Raas era un keshiri sensible a la Fuerza del planeta Kesh. \u00C9l era un Tyro de la Tribu Perdida de Sith, y entren\u00F3 con la Tribu en la \u00E9poca de la Segunda Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica. Despu\u00E9s de tomar parte en una competici\u00F3n para ganar un uvak, trab\u00F3 amistad con su compa\u00F1era Tyro Vestara Khai. Raas y Khai estuvieron presentes cuando la Tribu encontr\u00F3 por primera vez a Nave, una Esfera de Meditaci\u00F3n Sith, en el 41 DBY. En el 43.5 DBY, poco despu\u00E9s de que la Tribu sintiera la presencia del Gran Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker, Nave dej\u00F3 Kesh abruptamente. Para este entonces, Raas hab\u00EDa sido nombrado aprendiz del Maestro Sith Yuvar Xal."@es . . "Ahri Raas"@es . "Ahri Raas"@en . "Rojos"@es . . "Ahri Raas"@es . . . . .