"Featuring FJ and Anastasia Zogstra \"Contestants\" The Valkyr hissed as she hovered over the arena. \"Step forward, and be recognised\" Below her was an arena, a sunken, reinforced pit carved into the frozen ground of Icecrown. Its floor was littered with the remnants of those that had already fallen, while a large field of combatants had assembled within it. Around the edge of the ring stood a crowd of Vrykul, eagerly anticipating the events about to unfold. The first to present himself was a massive Vrykul warrior; clad in a suit of ancient, blood red armour, his thick beard and long hair gave him a fearsome demeanour. \"I am Slatar Steelgraav, leader of the Wastor clan\" He bellowed out as he hefted his massive axe. \"I have slain countless numbers of the foes of my people, laying all to waste without mercy or pity. I fight so that I may take my place at the hand of the Death God!\" For a moment, there was silence, as if all present were intimidated by the massive warrior. Finally, the tension was broken as an Orc stepped forward; little more then half the Vrykul's size, his scarred body belied his ferocity. \"I am Byg Zham, champion of the Warsong clan!\" He bellowed out. \"I fear no foe, living or dead! I fight to honour the memory of our great leader, Grom Hellscream, slaying all who would stand against me!\" \"Muscle and steel are the weapons of fools\" A third figure announced as he stepped forward. A human, he was clad in ornate robes, the lithe form of a succubus following him. \"I am Markos Blackhand, master of the demonic arts. I shall destroy you all, and suck out your souls with the power that I control!\" \"Blackhand?\" The Orc snorted derisively. \"You are as big a fool as the Orc who bore that name, but far less the man.\" \"Do not trifle with me, green-skin.\" The Warlock shot back. \"Otherwise you shall suffer unimaginable, eternal torment!\" \"I should snap your-\" \"Enough!\" The Valkyr hissed. \"Save your prattle; the contest has not yet begun.\" The two of them backed down, an eye on the other while, at the same time, watching their spectral host. Allmost immediately, another contender stepped forward. \"Me Grog'bogdogg, champion of Dire Maul!\" The Ogre bellowed out, towering over even the Vrykul warrior. \"Me greatest warrior of all Groddoc Ogres! Me smash all who stand in me way!\" To prove his might, the Ogre swung a massive club, its haft bigger then a number of the other contenders. Another large contestant stepped forward, a Tauren clad in mail armour, twin axes at his side. \"I'm Bubba Grimtotem, of the Grimtotem Clan.\" He snarled. \"I've slain all who stood before me, be they Alliance or Horde. None shall stop me from claiming the power I deserve!\" \"You better be careful den, mon.\" A heavily muscled Troll, with dark blue skin and clad in colourful robes replied. \"I be Hexxer Jar'rili, da last of da Drakkari. Me empire may be gone, but me mojo still be mighty. I be takin' dis prize for me own.\" \"Not if I stop you, Troll filth.\" A Gnome stepped forward, wearing heavy armour. Behind him stood a pair of Dwarves, clad in what appeared to be a collection of mis-matched cast-off armour. \"I've been killin' ice trolls for ages. One more ain't gonna make a difference.\" He spat on the ground in front of Ja'rili. \"Name's Beheral, leader of the Legion of Shadows. These are my boys, Xabbuto and Atabourne.\" \"You buncha softies.\" Another voice cut in, this one clearly Dwarven. \"I've killed many like ye, and don't think this'll be any differnt.\" The speaker stepped forward; like Beheral's two minions, he was a heavily armoured Dwarf; however, his demeanour was completely different. His skin was black, one eye burning red while the other was hidden behind a patch. \"Name's Thoren Ironfoot, champion of Raganros. Remember it, it'll be the last thing ye ever hear.\" \"And the last thing you will her is your own screams of pain.\" A third short, armoured figure confidently stated. Stepping forward, they were clad from head to toe in bright red plate that completely hid their features. While Gnome sized however, their shape suggested a different creature was underneath. \"I am Grik Killmeister, the greatest Goblin rocket car racer ever to live. With this power, I will be unbeatable!\" \u201CThat power is mine!\u201D Another contestant spoke as he stepped forward. A Blood Elf, it was clear that he had once cut an imposing figure, with long blond hair and clad in intimidating red and black armour. Now his hair was a tangled mess, his eyes were sunken, his skin pallid and his armour battered and chipped. \u201CI am Drexallis Bloodrite, one-time champion of the Dawnblade Forces! None shall stop me from claiming this power!\u201D On the upper rim overlooking the arena, a pair of figures looked down on the assembled contestants. Both of them were clad in ornate, heavy armour, massive blades across their backs. One stood proud and tall, while the other was hunched, his body twisted and ravaged, clearly one of the undead. However, both of them carrier the unmistakable air of Death Knights, the chosen champions of the Lich King. \"A pathetic bunch.\" The shorter of the two snarled with contempt. \"Save for the Vrykul and the Orc, I see none here worthy to serve, save for possibly as mindless Ghouls.\" \"Do not be so dismissive.\" The taller replied. \"They may yet surprise you with their abilities and skills. On the battlefield, one's true colours shine brightest, it is in combat that men are truly tested.\" \"Bah.\" He spat. \"Death is the only true test of a man.\" \"Contestants.\" The Valkyr announced. \"You have stepped forward to face this challenge. Know now that there will be no quarter given or asked. Only one of you may be deemed worthy of ascention to the hand of the Death God, and he shall do such over the bodies of his fallen foes. If you leave this arena, you will forfit your claim\" \"Let the battle begin!\" She bellowed as she soared away from the arena, leaving no obstacle between the contestants. The massive Vrykul was first to act. \"Human Germ!\" he bellowed out as he charged towards the Warlock, waving his massive axe. \"I will tear your heart out and eat it!\" \"Brute strength is no match for my demonic might.\" Markos Blackhand confidently stated. \"Hedda, show this throwback the full power that I command.\" The Scuccubus ran past him, lashing out with its whip at the massive Vrykul, the tail striking his leg - and not harming the creature at all. In response, the Vrykul roared, brining its massive axe down, crushing the demon in a sickening crunch of flesh and bone. Encouraged, the Vrykul shouted out in victory, a bloodthirsty roar in an ancient tongue. \"Ah.\" Was all Blackhand could manage, before tuning and running as fast as he could. The Vrykul didn't bother to pursue him, instead turning to face other foes. \"Markos Blackhand has abandoned the field of battle\" The Valkir sneered. The assembled crowd of Vrykul observers added a hail of jeers, firmly stating their low opinion of the deserter. Flush with vicotry, the Vrykul turned to face the Ogre, the sole contestant larger then it was. \"I know not what manner of man or beast you are.\" He sneered. \"All I know is that you stand between me and my ascension, and for that you must die!\" He roared, running at the massive Ogre. \"Grog'bogdogg crush puny giant man!\" The Ogre roared back, moving with surprising speed towards his opponent. The Vrykul swung its axe, only to be blocked by the Ogre's massive club. \"Me not like you! You die now!\" He swung out, forcing the Vrykul back. \"A worthy challenge at last! I will drink your blood!\" The Vrykul swung out again, the gore-stained axe honing in on the Ogre's chest. However, the massive creature again evaded the blow, showing surprising agility. \"Me smash!\" The ogre roared as it swung back, its massive club swinging at the Vrukyl's head. The armoured warrior deflected the worst of the blow away, crushing one of his armoured shoulderplates, but apparently not doing any further harm. \"Your strength is only matched by your stupidity! Die!\" The Vrykul enthusiastically shouted as he swung again. On the other side of the arena, a second pair of figures stood, their forms concealed within heavy cloaks that flapped in the chill winds. \"Well, what do you think?\" The first, clearly a woman, spoke up. \"Well, I think they're all a bunch of morons who deserve to smash each other's heads in.\" The second, also a woman offered. \"But, in doing such, there's always the chance that one will triumph and prove to be worthy to the Scourge.\" The first countered. \"We can't risk that.\" \"True that. Last thing we want is another powerful Death Knight or whatever to face.\" \"So we stop them.\" \"Sounds good to me. Leap on in and beat 'em all up?\" \"The smart plan would be to let them weaken each other first.\" \"Yeah.\" The second conceded. \"But it ain't nearly as fun.\" \"Good point. Let's go.\" The sound of battle was interrupted by a sudden clatter of armour as a pair of figures leaped into the arena. Both were women, both clad in heavy armour. The first, a human with copper-coloured hair tied into a tight bun, carried a massive mace with an ornate, ram-horn design to its head; the second, a Night Elf, had long blue hair and carried a greatsword who's blade seemed to be on fire. \"Who dares interrupt this sacred battle?\" The Valkyr hissed. \"I am Anastasia Zogstra, Paladin of Stormwind.\" The human boldly declared. \"And I am FJ, Sentinel.\" \"What sort of a stupid name is FJ?\" A Blood Elf commented. \"It's not-\" Before he could finish, she sprinted across the arena, lunging at him. The Blood Knight was impaled on her blade, slumping forward as she withdrew it. \"A perfectly fine one.\" the Night Elf commented. \"Anyone else got a problem with that?\" \u201CDraxis Bloodrite has been defeated.\u201D The Valkyr called out, a hint of anger in her voice at the intrusion. \"Now this is interesting.\" The undead observer commented. \"Let the battle continue. I want to see how our would-be champions deal with this.\" He looked up, nodding to the Val\u2019kyr. \u201CContestants!\u201D She hissed in reply, calling out to the Arena. \u201CDestroy these interlopers who would dare trespass upon this sacred ground!\u201D \u201CSounds like they\u2019re glad to see us.\u201D FJ smirked. \u201CWhat did you expect?\u201D Zogstra replied. \u201CWe interrupted what\u2019s a sacred ritual to the Vrykul. And even though only one of those here is a Vrykul, they still hold these proceedings in high regard.\u201D \u201CFair enough. So I guess its time to fight.\u201D FJ turned towards the collected mass of contestants. \u201CBring it.\u201D Turning around, Zogstra could see one of the would-be champions lunging towards her, a Dark Iron Dwarf wielding a massive axe. Standing her ground, she let him come to her, mace at the ready. \u201CI\u2019ll crush you myself!\u201D He snarled as he swung at her. \u201CIn Ragaros\u2019 name!\u201D Raising her mace, Zogstra effortlessly batted aside his assault, before lashing out herself, swinging at him. Surprised, the Dark Iron was only barely able to deflect her blow with his axe. \u201CYou claim allegiance to Ragnaros, yet you would claim the unholy power of the Scourge?\u201D She began, a look of fierce determination in her brown eyes. \u201CThe Light will punish you for your treachery!\u201D She swung again, a brillaint golden blow striking the Dark Iron, driving him back. \u201CRepent and confess your sins or be destroyed!\u201D She struck out again, her weapon again slamming into his with a bone-shaking collision. The Dwarf, despite his situation, grinned as he blocked the blow, only to cry out in surprise as a second one not only drove him back, but slammed into the head of his axe, twisting it out of shape. \u201CHow can this be?\u201D He snarled. \u201CMy axe is made out of Dark Iron, forged in the molten heart of Blackrock Mountain itself. Nothing that a human could wield should be able to stand against it!\u201D \u201CNothing?\u201D She replied. \u201CThis mace is forged from Titansteel, the metal of your creators.\u201D A certain hint of pride was evident in her voice. \u201CIts power is far greater then the accursed ore that you use.\u201D The Dwarf\u2019s single eye went wide with surprise, his jaw slack. \u201CTitansteel? That\u2019s impossible! It\u2019s a myth! A legend-\u201C \u201CAnd yet I wield it.\u201D She finished. \u201CAccept your defeat, Dwarf.\u201D \u201CNever!\u201D He charged at her again, waving his damaged axe wildly. \u201CI will never be defeated by the likes of ye!\u201D He swung at her, Zogstra dodging the blow, before striking out, golden energy encasing her weapon. The blow struck the Dwarf, shattering his axe before slamming him in the chest, sending him flying back. Crashing to the ground, he landed in a pile of dirty snow, struggling to his knees. \u201CImpossible.\u201D He stammered. \u201CTitansteel\u2026 no!\u201D Taking one last look at Zogstra, he turned and ran. \u201CThoren Ironfoot has fled the field of battle.\u201D The Valkyr announced. \u201CHe has forfeited his place at the hand of the Death God.\u201D Behind Zogstra, FJ sized up the first opponent to step towards her. A hulking ogre, he towered over her; the club he carried was bigger then her body, held in fists thick enough to crush her limbs. And she grinned confidently at them. \u201COgre, huh?\u201D She began. \u201CYou know how many Ogres I\u2019ve killed?\u201D \u201CMe Grog\u2019bogdogg, champion of Dire Maul!\u201D He bellowed. \u201CMe crush puny Night Elf!\u201D \u201CChampion of Dire Maul?\u201D FJ glanced back at Zogstra. \u201CWasn\u2019t Aishen the champion of Dire Maul?\u201D \u201CNo, she used to be the queen of Dire Maul.\u201D Zogstra replied in a very manner-of-fact way. \u201CBut I don\u2019t think she\u2019s really enforced her rule.\u201D \u201CAh well. I\u2019ll have to apologise to her for killing one of her subjects.\u201D FJ finished as she burst into a run, sprinting towards the Ogre before lashing out at him. The blade slipped past his makeshift armour, cutting into his side. Piercing the thick skin, the blade left behind a trail of blood. Wounded, the ogre cried out in pain, however, it remained standing. \u201CMe not be defeated dat easy! You die!\u201D It bellowed as it swung out with its massive club. The weapon slammed into the ground where FJ had been moments before, shattering the stone underneath it. Pulling out the club, it swing again, FJ just barely ducking below the blow. Despite how close she\u2019d come to being hit, she couldn\u2019t help but grin. \u201CSlow and sloppy, it\u2019s the Ogre way. Let me show you some real class.\u201D She ducked to one side, then swung out again, her blade slicing across the back of the Ogre\u2019s leg, slicing through the muscles. The massive creature again cried out in pain, stumbling as he tried to follow her. \u201CYou can\u2019t follow me.\u201D She commented as she easily dodged another clumsy blow. \u201CBest you can do is clumsily lash out and hope that I stand still long enough to let you hit me!\u201D She lashed out, her blade slicing into the Ogre\u2019s gut, tearing through armour and skin. \u201CMe smash!\u201D The Ogre roared, bellowing with a mixture of pain and rage. \u201CYou die!\u201D He swing again, this one coming closer to hitting her, then another one that crashed down right by her. \u201CMuch better!\u201D FJ grinned. \u201CNow you\u2019re getting serious!\u201D She skipped past another hit, lashing out at the Ogre, her blade skipping off his armour. \u201CLets see what else you can do!\u201D \u201CRraaaargh!\u201D was the best it could manage as it raised its massive club over its head, then bought it down with a titanic blow. As it came down, FJ waited until the last moment to act, barely avoiding the blow as the club hit the ground with earth shattering force \u2013 so much so that not only did it dig into the ground, but it stuck fast. \u201CNot very smart, huh?\u201D She commented as the Ogre tried to pull the club free. Backing up, she leaped at the creature, landing on the shaft of the club, then sprinting up it. The Ogre roared, swinging at her with a boulder-sized fist; in response, FJ simply leaped into the air, vaulting over his clumsy swing before striking out on her own. Her blade sliced through is neck, sending the Ogre toppling backwards, its roar trailing off to a weak gurgle as it hit the ground with a thud. FJ landed next to her downed foe with a graceful crouch. \u201CGrog\u2019boggdogg has been slain.\u201D The Val\u2019kyr hissed, watching the situation unfold. No sooner had the Val\u2019kyr announced the Thoren\u2019s retreat then a high-pitched battle cry caught Zogstra\u2019s ears. Swinging around, she was caught by surprise by the figure leaping at her. Half her height, the Goblin was dressed in bright red armour, each hand covered with an oversized, sharply pointed gauntlet. As she swung her mace to intercept it, the Goblin slammed into her, one of his claws slamming into her shoulder plate, pushing her back. \u201CI didn\u2019t expect a Goblin.\u201D She began. \u201CYou didn\u2019t?\u201D The creature replied. \u201CSurely you have herd of me; I am Grick Killmeister, the greatest rocket car driver ever! A champion of the dirty, a friend to the cheater, one who will win at any cost!\u201D She shook her head. \u201CNo, I\u2019ve never heard of you.\u201D The Goblin shrugged. \u201CWhatever. None shall stop me from claiming this power for my own!\u201D He ran at her, launching into a furious spinning barrage of his out-swept claws, appearing to be nothing so much as a red, bipedal buzzsaw. He span at her, only to be deflected away by her mace. Undaunted, the Goblin shot back at her, only to this time be sent sprawling by a slam to the chest. Crashing to the ground, the goblin bounced back to his feet with remarkable ease. \u201CThe Killmiester Crash suit (patent pending) protects me from even the most powerful of impacts!\u201D He shouted out in triumph. \u201CYou don\u2019t have a chance against me!\u201D \u201CI hate technology.\u201D Zogstra muttered \u201CYou die now! Robot punch!\u201D The Goblin shouted as he stuck out one of his arms, the oversized gauntlet igniting then launching itself at Zogstra. She barely managed to dodge the projectile; a moment later, he launched the other one at her. This time, she batted it aside with her mace. \u201CThere, I\u2019ve disarmed you.\u201D \u201CGrick Killmeister is always ready!\u201D He called back, pulling out a pair of knives. \u201CYou should just give up!\u201D \u201CWhy does a Goblin want to become a Death Knight?\u201D She shot back as she stood her ground. \u201CIt seems so unusual for one such as you to want to sacrifice his freedom and wealth for personal power.\u201D \u201CI don\u2019t want to be a Death Knight.\u201D He shot back with a laugh. \u201CI want the power of the Lich King so I can put it in my Rocket Racer and make it unbeatable!\u201D \u201CUh\u2026 you are aware that the power of the Lich King is the power he bestows into his followers, not a tangible object.\u201D \u201CIt is?\u201D Grick\u2019s eyes, visible through his helmet, seemed genuinely surprised. \u201CYes.\u201D \u201CSo I couldn\u2019t put it into my car then.\u201D \u201CNo.\u201D \u201CDifficult.\u201D The Goblin shrugged. \u201CAh well, adopt, adapt and improve.\u201D He clicked his heels together. \u201CKillmeister Jet-powered rocket pants, activate!\u201D gouts of flame emerged from his boots, the Goblin suddenly shooting off into the air in a cloud of smoke. Zogstra looked up at the retreating figure as it vanished into the distance, noticing that the Val\u2019kyr arbiter was doing the same. \u201CGrik Killmeister has abandoned the field of battle.\u201D It finally stated. Moments later, a powerful blow hit her in the back, sending her stumbling. Regaining her composure, Zog turned around to see the source of the attack. A massive, black-furred Tauren stood behind her, clad in mail armour and carrying an axe in each hand. \u201CI\u2019m Bubba Grimtotem.\u201D He began, a certain drawl to his voice. \u201CI\u2019ve fought Horde and alliance alike, and I ain\u2019t gonna stop till I\u2019m the champeen of the Lich King.\u201D \u201CA Grimtotem. I should have known.\u201D She sized up her massive opponent. \u201CTraitors to the Horde, enemies to the Alliance. I should have known that there were no depths that you would not sink to.\u201D \u201CI dunno what y\u2019all are sayin\u2019. All I know is you ain\u2019t gonna stop me from berin\u2019 a Death Knight!\u201D The Tauren\u2019s two axes crackled with power as he ran at Zogstra, waving the pairt of them wildly. \u201CI\u2019ma gonna flatten y\u2019all!\u201D She ducked under one axe, then deftly parried the second before striking back, lashing out at the Tauren. While he managed to block her blow with one of his own axes, the discharge of holy energy from her weapon was enough to force him back. \u201CHey, you\u2019re one of them there paladins, ain\u2019t ya?\u201D \u201CThat I am.\u201D She nodded at him. \u201CAh spit. I hates Paladins, I does.\u201D He began. \u201CY\u2019all come into our Horde, take our jobs an\u2019 steal our stuff.\u201D \u201CThose are Blood Knights who serve the Horde, not Paladins.\u201D She corrected. \u201CBesides, I thought you Grimtotems were opposed to the Horde!\u201D She ducked under his axes, striking at one leg, causing the massive Tauren to stumble. \u201CYeah, \u2018cause its full of them dang Paladin Knight things!\u201D He shouted as he lashed out again, flailing with his axes. While powerful, his blows were also slow and clumsy, speaking more of sheer brute force then any skill or training on his part. Stepping past another one, she swung at the Grimtotem; the blow slammed into him, staggering him and sending him reeling back. \u201CNever mistake me for a Blood Knight, Tauren.\u201D She angrily stated. \u201CWhile our abilities are similar, are methods are completely different. I fight for justice in the name of the light, the fight for only their own greed and corrupt ends.\u201D \u201CI dunno all that! I jus\u2019 know I don\u2019t like them none!\u201D He yelled, his axes burning with elemental fire as he again lashed out. One of them clipped Zogstra, sending her reeling. However, as he charged in to finish her off, she instead struck out, a brilliant golden flash hitting the Tauren in the face, sending him reeling. Zogstra stood, advancing on the Tauren. She swing again, her mace slamming into his chest, doubling him over. A second hit him in the back, shattering his armour., A third came down on his skull with a wet crunch of skin and bone. \u201CGrimtotems.\u201D Zogstra muttered. \u201CBubba Grimtotem has been defeated.\u201D The Val\u2019kyr audiably seethed. \u201CHey, I know you!\u201D A voice called out. Zogstra turned around to see a gnomish warrior, glaring at her. Short, he was bald with thick sideburns, and clad in heavy armour. Between his wrinkled face and gap-toothed grin, he somewhat resembled someone\u2019s unpleasant uncle, the sort who you\u2019d do anything but visit. Behind him were a pair of Dwarves, both also heavily armoured. \u201CBeheral.\u201D Zogstra spat. She\u2019d fought alongside the Gnome once in past and found the experience to be intensely unlikeable. He\u2019d been an obnoxious, greedy coward who\u2019d questioned every decision she\u2019d made, not because of any greater experience or knowledge, but simply because he wanted to be in charge, regardless of his unsuitability for the role. The other two, she figured, were Xabbuto and Atrabourne, a pair who pretty much amounted to Behral\u2019s cronies. Both of dubious skills at the best of time, their main skill was to simply steal anything that wasn\u2019t nailed down, regardless of if it was any use to them. When she\u2019d fought alongside them, it was a long and ardours struggle against implacable foes and long odds. And that was just dealing with them. The monsters they\u2019d faced were only a minor challenge by comparison. \u201CSo we meet again, Zogstra.\u201D He replied, trying to look her in the eye \u2013 not easy for a Gnome. \u201CHowever, this time, the advantage is mine.\u201D He gestured to the two Dwarves. \u201CMy boys here will show you the errors of your impertinence.\u201D Zogstra sighed. \u201CIf by impertinence, you mean \u2018telling you what to do so you don\u2019t run off and get killed\u2019 then I agree, it was a mistake. However, the light protects all its children, and I had a duty to protect you, regardless of your actions.\u201D She narrowed her blue eyes, staring at the three of them. \u201CHowever, now that you have come here to this place, you have show your true colours \u2013 and I will have no option but to stop you.\u201D \u201CThat\u2019s just what I wanted to hear.\u201D The Gnome grinned a gap-toothed grin. \u201CGet \u2018em, boys!\u201D The Gnome and his two Dwarven henchmen ran at her, both shouting battle cries in their native tongues. Zogstra simply stood her ground, mace at the ready. The three of them fel on her, only to be slammed by a barrage of brilliant golden light that surrounded her body, a veritable storm of holy energy that slammed into the trio, sending them flying back. Xabbuto and Atrabourne hit the ground, both rolling, then immediately turning tail and running. Berhal stared at the pair of them, shouting out; \u201CCome back here! As your leader, I command you stay and\u2026 uh\u2026\u201D He glanced at the human Paladin, then grinned. \u201CBye!\u201D He added, then broke into a run. \u201CBerhal and his fellows have abandoned the field\u201D The Val\u2019kyr commented, contempt clear in her ghostly voice. \u201CThey too have forfeited their claim.\u201D The air sizzled as a bolt of lighting shot past FJ, just missing her. Turning around, she saw a heavyset troll \u2013 probably a Drakkari, she figured \u2013 clad in bright robes, his hands crackling with power. \u201CNice try, Troll.\u201D FJ sneered. \u201CBut now I\u2019m going to mess you up real good!\u201D She turned to face the Troll, sword in hand, and broke into a run. However, instead, she stumbled, her feet feeling like they were glued to the ground. \u201CWhat?\u201D She snarled as she tried to move, only to find herself seemingly held in place. \u201CWhat\u2019s this?\u201D The troll\u2019s only reply was to laugh. \u201CYou be in a lotta trouble now, little Elf.\u201D He sneered. \u201CYou be caught in a Bad Juju Vortex, an\u2019 there be no way out.\u201D The Troll unleased a wave of violently purple energy that slammed into her, slapping her back while, at the same time, leaving her anchored in place. \u201CAnd dat be but a little bit of what I can do.\u201D He leered at her, grinning a toothy grin. He bought his hands together, muttering an incantation before releasing a wave of purple energy that slammed into FJ, battering her on her feet. Unable to dodge or get out of the way, all she could do was endure the hit. \u201CWhat do ya think?\u201D He grinned. \u201CDere be plenty more where dat be comin\u2019 from\u201D FJ grinned back at the troll. \u201CNot if I can help it.\u201D \u201COh yeah, what ya gonna do bout it?\u201D \u201CThis.\u201D She reared back as much as her immobile feet would allow, and, in an almost superhuman feat of strength, lunged forward, throwing her massive blade at the troll. Unprepared for such a move, he had scant time to react before the weapon slammed into him, impaling him through the chest and nailing him to the arena wall. No sooner had he been hit then the spell holding FJ\u2019s feet in place broke. She immediately broke into a run, grabbing her weapon and wrenching it from the Troll\u2019s corpse. It was fortuitous, for no sooner had she done such came a bellowing battle cry that drowned out the sound of the Val\u2019kyr announcing Ja\u2019rili\u2019s demise. Turning around, she sighted a massive, scarred Orcish warrior, clad in black and red armour and carrying an axe in his hands. What caught her attention, however, was the tabard he wore, depicting a set of fangs on a black background. \u201CI am Byg Zham, champion of the Warsong clan!\u201D The Orc bellowed at her. \u201CAnd you will not stop me from claiming my prize!\u201D He lunged at her, striking out with his axe. FJ barely stepped back from the assault, the blade passing inches from her body. \u201CWarsong, I should have known.\u201D She spat before she struck back, stabbing at the Orx. His axe deflected most of her blow, but it still skimmed across his arm, drawing blood. \u201CI fought against your filth in the war; you were just as stupid then as you are now.\u201D \u201CStupid?\u201D The Orc roared, swinging at her again. \u201CHow dare you insult the name of the Warsong clan!\u201D His axe again passed close to her face, only just missing it, the breeze from its passing ruffling her hair. \u201CIt\u2019s the truth.\u201D She spat as she again struck at him, her blade barely deflected by his. \u201CYou Warsongs have always had a penchant for dumb moves.\u201D She struck out again, slipping by his defences, again tearing into the already injured arm. \u201CYou drink Mannaroth\u2019s blood on Draenor, do it again in Ashenvale, and now one of you wants to betray his people become a Death Knight? Stupid.\u201D \u201CI am not betraying my people!\u201D Zham shouted, lunging at FJ. She again managed to dodge his blow, but only barely. \u201CI will take this power and use it for the Horde! With it, I shall destroy all who stand against us!\u201D \u201CAnd if you really believe that, you are stupid.\u201D She replied with a grin, ducking low then striking out at him. \u201CThe Lich King will make you his slave, and use you to destroy your precious Horde.\u201D \u201CI am more powerful then the Lich King\u2019s will! I am Warsong, the strength of Hellscream flows through me!\u201D \u201CSee? Stupid! If you believe that, you are just deluding yourself!\u201D She spat, a deliberately mocking tone in her voice. \u201CIf you act like that, then the Lich King has already won. And don\u2019t feed me that \u2018strength of Warsong\u2019 crap either.\u201D \u201CYou mock our clan?\u201D \u201CI can and will.\u201D She grinned. \u201CAs I said, I fought you fools back in the war. It was fun watching you run in fear from our attacks, trying to defend yourselves from a foe you could neither see nor understand.\u201D She twisted to one side, again striking the Orc; he blocked her blade with his axe, but she continued to push him. \u201CAnd the best part? Watching your beloved Grom Hellscream cry like a small child as he ran from us like a coward!\u201D \u201CNone shall mock the memory of Hellscream! None!\u201D The Orc bellowed, letting out a terrifying roar. \u201CFor that insult, you will die, Elf!\u201D He lashed out, swinging at her, forcing FJ back. Which was a part of her plan; albeit the most risky one. She\u2019d pushed the Orc as far as she could, allowing his anger to get the better of him and take over. Again she stepped back, making a few small feints at him and noting that he was all but ignoring her attacks in favour of blindly lashing out. Which left him open to her. She struck home, her blade ramming straight into his chest, digging through flesh and bone. She wrenched it free, a massive gush of blood coming with it as she did. The Orc gave a savage cry that quickly trailed off as its brain finally registered what its body was telling it. With a grunt, the Orc tipped over, crashing to the ground. \u201CWarsongs.\u201D FJ spat. \u201CIdiots, the lot of them.\u201D \u201CByg Zham has been defeated.\u201D The Val\u2019kyr hissed, looking down on the battlefield. FJ looked back up at it, glaring at the spectral figure, raising an angry finger at it. \u201CCharming\u201D Zogstra commented as she stood next to FJ. \u201CHow are you doing?\u201D the Night Elf asked. \u201CI defeated a Grimtotem, and drove off a Dark Iron, a Goblin, a Gnome and two Dwarves.\u201D \u201CLooks like you\u2019re ahead.\u201D FJ shot back. \u201CI got a Blood Elf, an Ogre, a Drakkari and an Orc. \u2018course, they\u2019re all dead.\u201D \u201COne of the qualities of the light is mercy, FJ.\u201D \u201CTrue.\u201D She nodded. \u201C\u2019course, that leaves but one\u2026\u201D They both looked up at the massive Vrykul warrior who had been content thus far to watch the battle. Taller then the pair of them together, his gore-splattered axe, thick beard and battered armour gave him an intimidating, bloodthirsty demeanour. \u201CNasty.\u201D FJ finished. The pair of them were tired from the fighting, and battered by the battles that they had waged. At the same time, they both knew that they had a job to do, and that job would not be finished until every last contestant had been defeated. The Vruykul appeared fresh, and seemed to have the strength to destroy the pair of them without trying. \u201CVery well.\u201D Zogstra stepped forward. \u201CIn the name of the light, I order you to stand down. Do so, and you will not be harmed. Take arms against us, Vrykul, and you will be punished for your transgressions.\u201D \u201CYou have dared to intrude upon this sacred ground and disrupt this most profane of ceremonies?\u201D the Vrykul shot back. \u201CYou shall die for your impudence, and your deaths will seal my ascension to the hand of the Death God!\u201D \u201CWell, we can\u2019t say we didn\u2019t warn him.\u201D FJ shot at Zogstra. The massive warrior barrelled at the pair of them swinging out with his axe. FJ blocked his first blow, the sheer force and momentum driving him back. Seeing an opening, Zogstra charged forwards, swinging with her mace; before she could connect, the Vrykkul lashed out, catching her with his boot and sending her back. \u201CHe\u2019s fast.\u201D She observed. \u201CNot some big dumb brute like an Ogre.\u201D FJ nodded, managing to just duck a second blow from the Vrykul. \u201CAnd skilled.\u201D \u201CI live to fight!\u201D He bellowed. \u201CTo do battle is the reason for existence!\u201D Zogstra slammed him in the thigh, causing him to momentarily stumble. Her follow-up was blocked, his axe passing dangerously close to her face. A second hit from FJ sliced his other thigh, but was rewarded for her efforts by a slam from the broadside of his axe that left her reeling. \u201CI will not be stopped by the likes of you!\u201D He charged at Zogstra, slamming into her and knocking her back again, before swinging down with his axe. Off-balance, she was only able to deflect part of the blow; the axe crashed into her left arm with a sickening splintering of bone. Roaring in triumph, he raised his weapon to finish her off, only to be slammed from behind by FJ. Momentarily forgetting the paladin, he turned to face the Kaldoeri warrior. \u201CI owe you.\u201D Zogstra grunted as she quietly breathed a healing spell, mending her wounded arm. \u201CThink nothing of it.\u201D FJ called back as she narrowly avoided being decapitated by his axe. Ducking under him, she struck out, clipping his waist. If the attack injured the Vrykul, he refused to show it. \u201CThough I\u2019m beginning to get a hang of their philosophy\u201D \u201CHow so?\u201D Zogstra asked as she ran at him, taking advantage of his momentary distraction to strike him in the back. \u201CThe Vrykul live to fight.\u201D She offered as she stepped by him, striking him in the side and then again sidestepping before he could strike back. \u201CThey fight to become stronger, and become stronger so they can fight better.\u201D He spun around, again lashing out. She sidestepped again, but it wasn\u2019t enough; the axe crushed one of her shoulderplates, again staggering her. \u201CI\u2019m good.\u201D Zogstra nodded, again striking out at the massive warrior, her mace meeting his axe. \u201CIt\u2019s a self-perpetuating cycle.\u201D She broke the block, then quickly swung again, her axe striking his chestplate with a brilliant crash of metal and a flash of golden light. The blow caused the massive warrior to shout out in pain, staggering back. \u201CSimple, yet complete\u201D \u201CI know.\u201D FJ added as she capitalised on the assault, her blade slicing into the Vrykul\u2019s back, sending a spray of blood flying as it cleaved through armour and flesh. \u201CAlmost admirable, if not for the fact that they\u2019re murdering bastards.\u201D He swung around, battering her away. \u201CI will slay you both! Death to all who stand before me!\u201D FJ crashed to the ground, struggling to her feet. \u201CSee? Besides, this is the best fight I\u2019ve had in ages!\u201D She charged at him, leaping as she struck, her blade digging into his shoulder, carving flash and bone. \u201CGo, now!\u201D \u201CLight guide me!\u201D Zogstra called out, swinging at the injured Vrykul. Her mace, glowing brilliantly struck at him, the discharge of the holy energies surrounding Zogstra bleeding of in the form of a pair of luminous wings as her blow drove home, crushing his chestplate and the bones underneath. The Vrykul staggered back, dropping his axe, then collapsed to his knees, coughing up blood. Her slumped forward, still propped on his hands, gasping, barely breathing. \u201CI will\u2026 not\u2026 fail.\u201D He grunted out. \u201CI will claim my place\u2026 at\u2026 the side\u2026 of the Death God\u2026\u201D The Val\u2019kyr looked down at the fallen warrior, then at the pair of observers by the ring, and then at Zogstra and FJ, as if unsure of what to do. \u201CEnough!\u201D The voice of one of the observers called out. The armoured, undead Death Knight stepped forward, stretching out one arm. Purple energy shot from it, seizing the fallen Vrykul, lifting him slowly into the air. \u201CThis one has shown that he possesses that which we desire.\u201D He continued as he raised the giant\u2019s body to be level with his. \u201CHe stood against you, giving better against the pair of you then all others had against but one. He shall be ascended to the ranks of the Scourge, a champion of the Lich King.\u201D \u201CYou fought well.\u201D The second Death Knight added. \u201CIt is a pity that when we next meet, we will be enemies. I would have hoped to fight alongside ones such as you.\u201D An archway, seemingly made of shadows and radiating unholy energy appeared behind them. The two Death Knights, as well as the floating body of the Vrykul warrior, stepped through the portal, vanishing. \u201CAh, crap.\u201D FJ muttered. \u201CThey got away with one of them. I was hoping for none.\u201D \u201CThe same. After all we went through, the fact remains that, sooner or later, we will have to face a powerful, vengeful, Vrykul Death Knight.\u201D \u201CYeah.\u201D FJ nodded. \u201CStill, it was a good fight.\u201D It was some hours later that another pair of figures approached the arena. Both humans, a man and a woman, they were heavily armoured and carrying runed swords; they also bore the unmistakable aura of Death Knights. However, this time, the atmosphere of the arena was different; there were no spectators, and no signs of life. The arena, on the other hand, still carried the scars of violence; the discarded bodies of fallen competitors still lay there, as well as fragments of sundered armour and shattered weapons. \u201CWell.\u201D The woman began. \u201CLooks like the commander was right, there was something going on here. But we missed it.\u201D \u201CVery true.\u201D The man replied. \u201CSo what do you think we should do?\u201D She shrugged. \u201CTell him mission accomplished anyway and rake up another one for the squad?\u201D \u201CWorks for me.\u201D \u201CThat being said\u2026\u201D She looked around. \u201CI\u2019d hate to mess with whoever it was who won here.\u201D"@en . "Boot to the Head"@en . . "Featuring FJ and Anastasia Zogstra \"Contestants\" The Valkyr hissed as she hovered over the arena. \"Step forward, and be recognised\" Below her was an arena, a sunken, reinforced pit carved into the frozen ground of Icecrown. Its floor was littered with the remnants of those that had already fallen, while a large field of combatants had assembled within it. Around the edge of the ring stood a crowd of Vrykul, eagerly anticipating the events about to unfold. \"Blackhand?\" The Orc snorted derisively. \"You are as big a fool as the Orc who bore that name, but far less the man.\" \"I should snap your-\""@en . . . .