. "Ad Tuendam Fidem is an apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II issued motu proprio on July 15, 1998. The apostolic letter made modifications to the Oriental and Latin codes of canon law defining penalties for public dissent by public ministers of the Church. In an unusual move, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith simultaneously issued an instruction on Ad Tuendam Fidem identifying examples of the ordinary magisterium which must be accepted with obsequium religiosum, \"religious assent.\" Among those examples, to the surprise of many, was the papal bull, Apostolicae Curae which defined Anglican Holy Orders as invalid."@en . . . . . "Ad Tuendam Fidem is an apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II issued motu proprio on July 15, 1998. The apostolic letter made modifications to the Oriental and Latin codes of canon law defining penalties for public dissent by public ministers of the Church."@en . "Ad Tuendam Fidem"@en . .