"Darth Mekhis"@hu . . "Arc kibernetika"@hu . "Sith"@es . . . . "Darth Mekhis"@es . . "Jefe de la Esfera de Tecnolog\u00EDa"@es . "S\u00F6t\u00E9t sz\u00FCrke"@hu . . "S\u00E1rga"@hu . "Implantes Faciales"@es . "Darth Mekhis fue una cient\u00EDfica y Dama Oscura de los Sith del resurgente Imperio Sith. Una de los siete miembros supervivientes del Consejo Oscuro del Emperador Sith, Mekhis dise\u00F1\u00F3 una nueva clase experimental de nave de guerra llamada Acorazado Jabalina, capaz de usar sus armas para irradiar la superficie del planeta desde el espacio, acabando con toda la vida en un radio de tres kil\u00F3metros. Se bautiz\u00F3 el prototipo Ror'jhan, lo que significaba \"ella cuyas hojas sudan veneno\" en lenguaje Sith. Ella tambi\u00E9n ten\u00EDa a su disposici\u00F3n una legi\u00F3n de sus Caballeros Sith y esclavos semi-mec\u00E1nicos creados a partir de Jedis capturados y corrompidos por su poder."@es . . "Darth Mekhis was a female scientist Dark Lord of the Sith of the resurgent Sith Empire, and one of seven surviving members of the Sith Emperor's Dark Council."@en . . "Antes de 3.667 ABY—3.643 ABY"@es . . . . "Darth Mekhis"@es . . . . . "Darth Mekhis"@es . . . "3643"^^ . . . . "Darth Hadra"@es . . . . . . "YE 3643, Vesla rendszer"@hu . . . . . "Facial implants"@en . . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u041C\u0435\u043A\u0445\u0438\u0441"@es . . . . "Darth Mekhis"@en . . . . . "N\u0151"@hu . "*Sith Empire\n**Dark Council\n**Sphere of Technology"@en . . "Darth Mekhis"@es . . . . . "Darth Mekhis"@en . . "Darth Mekhis was a female Sith Lord and scientist who fought for the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. Despised by the Jedi for her heretical crimes against sentient life in her science which she used to progress Imperial weaponry and expand the territory of the Empire. These services contributed to Mekhis being awarded the prestigious title of Darth."@en . "Sith"@en . . "Femenino"@es . . . "3643"^^ . . . "Darth Mekhis also had in her employ a legion of her Sith Knights, semi-mechanical thralls created from captured Jedi and corrupted by her power. She was later seen aboard her Sun Razer in the Vesla system completing the last modification when the captain Eisek informed her of the capture of Theron Shan and Master Ngani Zho and she immediately ordered the execution of the Jedi Master. Things took an unexpected turn when the two of them escaped. Ngani eventually died, protecting the female Twi'lek Teff'ith from blaster shots. In the same time, Theron made his way to Mekhis and revealing his relation to Satele Shan to throw her off guard, defeated her using a toxicity-ten poison, leaving her on the Sun Razer as it exploded. Her rival, Darth Hadra, took her place on the Dark Council."@en . "Darth Mekhis"@en . "Before 3653—3643 BBY"@en . "Darth Mekhis was a female scientist Dark Lord of the Sith of the resurgent Sith Empire, and one of seven surviving members of the Sith Emperor's Dark Council."@en . "250"^^ . "Head of the Sphere of Technology"@en . . "Darth Mekhis"@hu . . . "3643"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u041C\u0435\u043A\u0445\u0438\u0441"@en . . . "Dark gray"@en . . . "Gris Oscuro"@es . . . . "Imperio Sith\n* Concilio Oscuro\n* Esfera de Tecnolog\u00EDa"@es . . "250"^^ . . . . . "Darth Mekhis was a female Sith Lord and scientist who fought for the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. Despised by the Jedi for her heretical crimes against sentient life in her science which she used to progress Imperial weaponry and expand the territory of the Empire. These services contributed to Mekhis being awarded the prestigious title of Darth."@en . . "Darth Mekhis fue una cient\u00EDfica y Dama Oscura de los Sith del resurgente Imperio Sith. Una de los siete miembros supervivientes del Consejo Oscuro del Emperador Sith, Mekhis dise\u00F1\u00F3 una nueva clase experimental de nave de guerra llamada Acorazado Jabalina, capaz de usar sus armas para irradiar la superficie del planeta desde el espacio, acabando con toda la vida en un radio de tres kil\u00F3metros. Se bautiz\u00F3 el prototipo Ror'jhan, lo que significaba \"ella cuyas hojas sudan veneno\" en lenguaje Sith. Ella tambi\u00E9n ten\u00EDa a su disposici\u00F3n una legi\u00F3n de sus Caballeros Sith y esclavos semi-mec\u00E1nicos creados a partir de Jedis capturados y corrompidos por su poder. Mekhis fue vista a bordo del Arrasador de Soles en el sistema Vesla para completar la \u00FAltima modificaci\u00F3n, cuando el capit\u00E1n Eisek le inform\u00F3 de la captura de un esp\u00EDa de la Rep\u00FAblica y del Maestro Jedi Ngani Zho e inmediatamente orden\u00F3 la tortura y ejecuci\u00F3n del este \u00FAltimo. Las cosas tomaron un giro inesperado cuando los dos se escaparon. Ngani finalmente muri\u00F3 protegiendo a la ladrona twi'lek Teff'ith de disparos bl\u00E1ster. Al mismo tiempo, el esp\u00EDa se dirigi\u00F3 a Mekhis y revel\u00F3 su identidad como Theron Shan, hijo de Satele Shan quien fue enemiga mortal de Mekhis. Aprovechando el desconcierto de la Sith, Theron acab\u00F3 con ella con un veneno, dej\u00E1ndola en el Arrasador de Soles poco antes de su destrucci\u00F3n. Su rival, Darth Hadra, tom\u00F3 su lugar en el Concilio Oscuro."@es . . . . "Darth Mekhis also had in her employ a legion of her Sith Knights, semi-mechanical thralls created from captured Jedi and corrupted by her power. She was later seen aboard her Sun Razer in the Vesla system completing the last modification when the captain Eisek informed her of the capture of Theron Shan and Master Ngani Zho and she immediately ordered the execution of the Jedi Master. Things took an unexpected turn when the two of them escaped. Ngani eventually died, protecting the female Twi'lek Teff'ith from blaster shots. In the same time, Theron made his way to Mekhis and revealing his relation to Satele Shan to throw her off guard, defeated her using a toxicity-ten poison, leaving her on the Sun Razer as it exploded. Her rival, Darth Hadra, took her place on the Dark Council."@en . . "Darth Mekhis#legends"@en . "Ismeretlen"@hu . "Darth Mekhis"@es . . "3643"^^ . "Female"@en . "Deceased"@en . . . "Darth Mekhis"@en . . .