"The Hispaniola"@en . . . "The Hispaniola is the ship which serves as the primary location for much of Muppet Treasure Island. The ship is owned by Squire Trelawney & Son: Master Ship Builders, who financed the voyage to Treasure Island. The ship's figurehead is in the shape of Statler and Waldorf, who occasionally come alive to make snide comments about the crew. The Hispaniola is captained by Abraham Smollett, with first-mate Samuel Arrow. Rizzo makes some money on the side by charging tourist rats for a Caribbean cruise. The crew is hired by Squire Trelawney with the help of Mr. Bimbo and the ship's cook, Long John Silver. The crew turn out to be a group of pirates who are after Captain Flint's treasure. The pirates mutiny when the ship reaches Treasure Island, planning to take the treasure and leave the captain and his friends marooned on the island. Jim Hawkins, Gonzo, Rizzo, Dr. Livesey, Beaker, the Squire, Mr. Bimbo and Samuel Arrow reclaim the ship by scaring the pirates off with the \"ghost of Samuel Arrow\". They crash the ship into Treasure Island, rescuing Smollett and Benjamina Gunn. In the end, Smollett and crew take the ship back to England, where the pirates will stand trial for their actions -- except for one pirate, who sneaks off in a leaky rowboat."@en . . "The Hispaniola is the ship which serves as the primary location for much of Muppet Treasure Island. The ship is owned by Squire Trelawney & Son: Master Ship Builders, who financed the voyage to Treasure Island. The ship's figurehead is in the shape of Statler and Waldorf, who occasionally come alive to make snide comments about the crew. The Hispaniola is captained by Abraham Smollett, with first-mate Samuel Arrow. Rizzo makes some money on the side by charging tourist rats for a Caribbean cruise."@en .