. "Zealot Wars"@en . "Zealot Wars was the prolonged religious conflict (c. 2390-2478) between the early Inrithi and the Ki\u00FCnnat, which eventually led to the ascendancy of the Thousand Temples in the Three Seas. Following the alleged ascension of Inri Sejenus, Inrithism slowly established itself throughout the Ceneian Empire as an organized hierarchy independent of the state\u2014what came to be called the Thousand Temples. Initially, the existing traditionalist Ki\u00FCnnat sects simply dismissed the new religion, but as it continued to grow, a number of attempts were made to circumscribe its powers and prevent its further spread, none of them particularly effective. Escalating tensions eventually culminated in the Zealot Wars, which, although technically a civil war, saw battles fought far outside the boundaries of what"@en . . "Zealot Wars was the prolonged religious conflict (c. 2390-2478) between the early Inrithi and the Ki\u00FCnnat, which eventually led to the ascendancy of the Thousand Temples in the Three Seas. Following the alleged ascension of Inri Sejenus, Inrithism slowly established itself throughout the Ceneian Empire as an organized hierarchy independent of the state\u2014what came to be called the Thousand Temples. Initially, the existing traditionalist Ki\u00FCnnat sects simply dismissed the new religion, but as it continued to grow, a number of attempts were made to circumscribe its powers and prevent its further spread, none of them particularly effective. Escalating tensions eventually culminated in the Zealot Wars, which, although technically a civil war, saw battles fought far outside the boundaries of what then constituted the Ceneian Empire. In 2469, Sumna capitulated to Shrial forces, but hostilities continued until Triamis the Great was anointed Emperor in 2478. Though himself Inrithi (converted by Ekyannus III), and despite enacting the constitution governing the division of powers between the Imperium and the Thousand Temples, he refrained from declaring Inrithism the official state religion until 2505. From that point the ascendancy of the Thousand Temples was assured, and over the ensuing centuries the remaining Ki\u00FCnnat \u201Cheresies\u201D of the Three Seas would either wither away or be forcibly stamped out."@en .