. . . . "Maka-Maka is a Japanese adult manga series written and illustrated by manga author Torajir\u014D Kishi. The manga was serialized in Bunkasha's adult magazine Pent-Japan Special, and released in two bound volumes by Jive. The manga has been licensed for distribution in North America by Media Blasters."@en . . . . . . . . "Media Blasters"@en . . "6328"^^ . . . "Planet Manga"@en . "Maka-Maka is a Japanese adult manga series written and illustrated by manga author Torajir\u014D Kishi. The manga was serialized in Bunkasha's adult magazine Pent-Japan Special, and released in two bound volumes by Jive. The manga has been licensed for distribution in North America by Media Blasters. A scanlation of the series was reviewed by The Comics Journal in 2006. Erica Friedman of Yuricon says that \"Love Sex Communication\" is a \"major theme\" throughout the manga. She also criticised the male characters presented in the manga as all being \"raging asshole[s]\". She has praised the English translations and production of the English volumes."@en . "Delcourt"@en . . "Maka-Maka (manga)"@en . "Maka-Maka"@en . "2"^^ . . "Jive"@en . . "manga"@en . "Maka-Maka"@en .